Chapter 14

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Prapai's POV

         I have been searching everywhere for Rain as I had stopped as I had seen a figure that looked like was hip deep in the water as I had panicked thinking that it was Rain trying to drown himself as I had ran over, running in the water towards him as I grabbed him before he had went under as I had pulled him up as I grabbed his wrist, pulling him out of the water as I had turned to look at him before throwing my arms around him tightly.
       "Don't do it Rain." I said as he had slightly pushed me away looking at me confused as I had grabbed a hold of his shoulders.
      "What do you mean?" He asked confusedly as I thought my heart was about to jump out of my chest.
      "You can't do it. I won't let you." I said as he just sighed, smacking his lips before pushing my hands off of him.
       "I wasn't going to do anything stupid if that's what you're thinking. I just wanted to clear my head." He said as he had sat down on the beach as I was relieved and confused as I had sat down next to him.
      "I thought…" I said as he turned towards me.
       "You thought wrong. I might be childish at times but I'm not repulsive." He said as he had turned away looking at the darken beach with what little lights we did have as he had then leaned back propped up on his hands looking up at the sky.
       "The stars are really pretty.' He said as I had looked up as I had agreed but looked back towards Rain as I had realized at how pretty he actually was. He had turned back towards me as he noticed that I was staring at him as I had turned away as I could feel my cheeks flush red as he then soon slightly pushed me back a bit to where I was propped up by arms as he straddled me as I looked at him confused as he leaned in kissing me.
       I was taken aback from his actions as I had lifted one hand to slightly pushing him away as I had looked him in the eyes as I could tell that he was still hurt as he tried leaning in to kiss me again but I had stopped him.
       "Rain, let's not. I know that you're hurt and confused about everything but don't mean that you have to be like this or force yourself." I said looking away.
      "Even if I really wanted to." I said as he had just sighed as I turned to look back at him as I sat up a bit as I had wrapped my arms around him hugging him.
      "Let's try to talk this out? Hmm? Let me try to help you understand your own feelings before trying to do something like this." I said as he had just leaned away as he had gotten off my lap before sitting back down next to me as he lowered his head.
       "What is there to understand? This whole open relationship gotten so out of hand and problematic." He turned towards me.
       "Are what we're doing really okay? I feel like all our relationships are crashing instead of progressing. Are what we're doing the right thing?" He looked so troubled and confused as I had lifted my hand to his shoulder trying to comfort him as I felt like I wasn't really doing much comforting at all as I had grabbed his face to face me directly looking into his eyes.
      "You have to understand that things happened so fast that neither of us had actually settled into the whole situation, but one thing is for sure that Phayu's and Sky's love for you is real. I understand how they could be feeling as they didn't expect for me to start liking you. They're just as hurt and confused as you are as there's so much of us to learn." I said as I rubbed my thumb across his cheek as I could feel him slightly giving into my touch.
       "What's important right now is understanding your own feelings before we can all talk about this situation. Just one question, how do you feel about me? Do you think you're capable of liking me in that way, or are we just friends? Whatever it is, I'll accept it and I won't pressure you or the other two with my feelings and just focus on Phayu and Sky." I said as I could tell that he was still a bit confused and unsure as he had pulled away taking a bit to think before turning towards me again.
     "To be honest, I'm not sure or honest if we're capable or not. To be honest, I actually thought that it was absurd to even think that you'd even like me. I couldn't really wrap my mind around it. But, my heart was doing weird things earlier when we had that talk." He said as I lifted my hand to grab his lifting it to place it on my chest as I looked him in the eyes.
     "I wasn't sure either, but instead of thinking about it, I just listened to my heart and realized that I in fact, have feelings for you. And I want to be with you along with Phayu and Sky. Can't I not be with all 3 of you?" I said as I could tell that Rain was unsure as he had leaned in kissing me taking me by surprise before pulling away looking at me with what it seemed like a small smile on his face finally.
      "I'm not sure if I actually like you or not, but I want to learn more about these feelings that I've been having." He said as I had smiled in happiness as I grabbed him his face as I had leaned in kissing him as soon our lips were in sync as he had pushed me back again once again straddling me as if he wanted more as I had stopped him he looked at me confused.
      "As much as I want to, we shouldn't. We should go back to the villa and try talking to Phayu and Sky. We shouldn't do this without their consent. I have a feeling, they have a bit of explaining to do themselves." I said as I knew that he was a bit disappointed but complied as he had gotten up off of me, standing up as he had handed me his hand.
    "Then, we should head back before it gets any later. I'm starting to get cold from being all wet." He said as I had nodded and smiled as I had grabbed his hand as he had helped me get up as I had brushed myself off as he gave me a certain look that I can't really read.
        "Piggy back me." He said as I tiled my head in confusion as I had just chuckled at his cute pouty face as I had turned squatting a bit as he had jumped up on my back, standing back up as I grabbed a hold of his legs and he wrapped his arms around my neck.
      "Did I ever tell you that you're heavy?" I teased him as he had playful slapped me as I had laughed a bit as I had acted like I was going to drop him as he held onto me tightly with a slight whine.
     "P'Pai!" He said as I had just laughed a bit before turning my head to give him a peck on his cheek as I saw his face go red.
      "I'm just kidding, let's go." I said as he had wrapped his arms around me tightly again as I had started to make our way back to the villa as we had talked and I continued to tease him the whole way there.


Triple update today!!

OMG Prapai and Rain had worked out their feelings and ready to confront Phayu and Sky!

Will Sky and Phayu agree?

Will Phayu and Sky work out their feelings for each other??

I'll try my best in updating again soon, I'll be busy with work the next few days.

Until then!!

My Best Friend, Husband And Our Boyfriends Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon