Chapter 8 : My first interview

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Bruno's P.O.V.

Hope looked so happy as we continued to watch the news. Tears of happiness began to run down her face and she seemed so shocked that a couple of low-key performances were creating her fame.

"Hope, I have an interview tomorrow."


"So if you don't mind, I will be talking about you and your future career. You know, just to boost your popularity."

"Honestly Bruno, you don't have to do that!"

"I know. But I want to. I need to show you how quickly you will be known. I know i've run into some problems along the way, but I never had anyone experienced enough to show me the ropes. I don't want you to go down that route, because i paid the price for it and I regret it."

Hope's P.O.V.

I knew Bruno was talking about the cocaine charges but I wasn't the sort of person to do that. I continued to cry as I felt like the luckiest person to have gained these people in my life. I thanked each and every one of them and then they had to leave. My parents would be back soon so I began to wash up the glasses and put the rubbish out. Then my phone went off at a million beats a minute. I checked it and I had hundreds of friend requests on Facebook, hundreds of people following me on Twitter and I gained about 2000 subscribers on my youtube channel. I just sat on the floor and sang to myself. It always helps me to think, I sang a few songs, some by Bruno, some by Adele and some by Coldplay. I just closed my eyes for a few minutes and thought back a week ago. I didn't even realise myself falling asleep and soon enough I was fast asleep on the floor of the kitchen, when my mum and dad got in, they woke me up and I went straight to bed. It's 11pm and i'm completely shattered.

*** The next morning ***

Oh no I never done this before-


"Hey Hope, it's Koren!"

"Hi sweetie how are you?"

"I'm good thanks, listen, you need to be in Basingstoke in 50 minutes. Meet you there?"

"Koren! I'm not even up!"

"Don't worry, just have a quick shower and shuv your hair in a bun, where those high waisted shorts with that new top that shows your waist! It's quite hot out."

"Ummm... Okay then..."

"Okay, bye!"


I hang up the phone and jump in the shower, like Koren said, I wrap my hair in a towel, get dressed and put on some mascara. I tell my mum where i'm going and she rolled over in bed.

"Hope, it's Sunday."

CRAP! I forgot! I always talk to my boyfriend on Sundays. It's a long distance relationship as he is currently working abroad but i've seen him a few times. Well okay, once in person this year, but we've known each other since August 2012. I quickly messaged him saying I was out and could we talk when I was back. I put my hair in a messy bun, slip on my Vans and grab my house keys. I run out the door to find it's raining. Brilliant idea Koren... Although it is hot so I quickly jump on the bus at the end of the road and realise it's a 30 minute bus journey. That meant I had 5 miuntes to get into the middle of town once I was off the bus. As soon as the bus stopped I ran off it and into town. I stop almost straight away. I look to my my left and there's a picture of me singing with Bruno. It read 'Interview with Holly Louise HERE today at 12:45 see her live at Festival Place.' I look at my phone and it's only 12. I walk into town with a dozen or so people asking me for photos and autographs. I haven't really come up with a signature so I simply scibble Hope Louise in a fancy way. I make sure that it's the same for each autograph and I continue into town. I meet Koren next to Greggs. No surprises there then...


I turn round to see Bruno and Phil walk towards me and Koren, we end up talking for a bit and Bruno explains that he has set up and interview for me with O2, basically saying how I will be Bruno's supporting act for a couple of the London concerts. He then explained that wanted me to perform in town again. This time by myself. I agree and the interview begins.

"We are here today with Miss Hope Louise. A young singer who has been recently signed by the amazing Bruno Mars. Hello Hope and how are you today?"

"Hi Sam, i'm very well thank you. And yourself?"

"I'm very good thanks. Now tell me, how long have you been performing?"

"Honestly Sam, about two days. Bruno noticed me singing at my dad's gig and he wanted to sign me. Before then, i've never done anything to do with singing. Not even a talent show at school."

"Wow! It seems like you've been doing it for a lot longer. You're a real talent! Now I know that a lot of people want to know this. Are you single?"

"I'm afraid i'm not. I'm with my boyfriend of just over a year."

"Ahh that's very sweet."

The interview went on for a while longer and questions continued. When I was going to perform with Bruno etc... Then i'm asked something which really stops me in my tracks.

"Can you give us any idea of what your first single will be?"

What the hell. I never even contemplated writing music. But I had to give an answer.

"I'm afraid I can't say anything Sam. I've been told not to give anything away."

I had to think on my feet and that was the first thing I could think of. The interviewer thanked me and asked for a photo to conclude the interview. Then it was time for me to perform. I walked on stage and saw hundreds of people crowding round to come and see me. I thought about what I had already sung and decided to go for something a little different.

"If you don't mind Basingtoke, I'm going to go for something a little risky."

This, for some reason, made the crowd go wild. I imagined someone was waiting for me to slip up. Well that wasn't going to happen. The music starts to play and I take a huge breath.

"I feel weak, we've been here before. 'Cause I feel we, keep going back and forth-"

I knew I was taking a risk singing a Beyonce song, but that's why I was here. I wanted to show people that my voice wasn't limited to a certain range. I saw the looks on people's faces but they just looked shocked. I finish the song and I feel really good about it. The only problem is, I hadn't had much sleep lately from all the events i've been doing and I hadn't eaten properly either. I came off stage and sat down behind the set. My mum and dad came over as they saw me performing and I stood up to hug them, then I realise my vision going blurry... I fall, headfirst and hit the floor...

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