Naruto yells as Kit and I look at him confused.

"One thousand years of what now?"

I hear Kakashi laugh as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Naruto, I won't be using that jutsu on her."

I look at the pair of them as I blink repeatedly, my expression confused as they bicker between themselves.

"If you two ladies are done, why don't you try using the fireball jutsu on me again. I'd love to show you what I would've done if I hadn't needed to save the kid."

I smirk, slowly standing as my eyes continue to glow an intense orange. The Jonin thinking for a second before shrugging.

"If that's what you want."

"It is! So Come on already! Or are you scared?"

I tease the man again as he sighs, my eyes looking at Kit as he bits Naruto's sleeve to drag him out of the firing line.

"Not at all."

He states calmly.

"You should be."

I yell at him from across the space between us, my eyes watching him do the hand signs before bringing his fingers closer to his lips.

"Fireball Jutsu!"

I grin, my right foot sliding backwards in the dirt as a giant fireball rushes toward me, the heat hitting my skin first as I raise a palm before moving my hand in a downward motion, splitting the fireball in half as it goes around me, my right leg sliding in front now as both my hands direct the fire to circle around me like a whirlwind. My hair blowing across my face and shoulders as my face lights up with excitement.

"How are you..."

I hear the Jonin talk but just barely over the sound of the flames, my hands moving above me as I shape the fire into the form of a large fox. At least twenty  feet high as I stand beneath it, my body and face visible to them again as I see Kakashi stare at me in shock. His eye wide as I hold the fire in its form, it's flaming tale moving side to side as if it were real.

"Holy sh..."

I hear Naruto mutter as I grin at the masked ninja, my arms lowering from over my head. My palms facing my opponent before I clench my hands into fists, motioning the large fiery fox to charge forward at a great speed before colliding and engulfing the Jonin in a huge burning explosion.


I hear Naruto scream as I dust of my hands, slowly walking to where his sensei was standing, my eyes watching the boy rush to his teachers aid before the smoke had even cleared.

"Do you surrender?"

I ask as I stop a few feet away, my hand moving to the side as I clear the smoke away, revealing the Jonin in the center of a crater, a sparkling orange glow around him which acted as a shield. Come on guys, you didn't really think I'd use that attack on him without putting some precautions in place? I told you I don't like to kill.

"Whoa... What is that?"

The boy slides down into the crater, his hand pressing against the energy field around his teacher as I slowly let it dissipate. Kakashi's gaze lifting to me as I crouch at the edge, looking down at him with a large grin as he looks at me with an expression I've never seen before.

"You really could have killed me the other day..."

I nod at him, Naruto still amazed at the destruction I caused and yet their wasn't a single mark on his teacher.

"The orange field you created, is that your chakra? I've never seen it used like that before."

Kakashi jumps out of the giant pit to land beside me, his hand extending to me to help me stand. I look at it for a moment before accepting his offer, my smaller hand fitting perfectly within his larger one as he pulls me softly into a stand.

"It is my chakra yes... Although I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not?"

I ask, amusement in my voice as his hand remains around mine, his gaze directly on my face as Naruto looks in between the two of us. My fox padding his way over to sit on the ground at my feet.

"It is. Your level of control is extraordinary. The way you used my jutsu against me and crafted it into something entirely unique..."

He lets go of my hand as he rubs the back of his neck.

"It was.. Uh..."

The Jonin struggles with his words as Naruto chimes in, yelling excitedly.

"It was amazing!"

I let out a laugh, smiling down at the boy as I wink at him.

"Well thank you, I'm glad you liked the show."

I press my hand into the boys hair, messing it up as I chuckle again, Kakashi laughing with me as I return my gaze to him.

"Well, if you guys don't mind... I think I need a nap after all of that."

I say as Kit and I both let out a yawn, the masked ninja in front of me placing his hands in his pockets as he nods.

"I think you've earned it."

He teases and I scoff, pushing him back into the crater as Naruto and I laugh at him as the Jonin stumbles into the burnt earth.

"Very funny. You're just as mature as Naruto it seems."

Kakashi yells up to me as I shrug, my hand extending to him this time as he takes it, the ground under my feet crumbling as I start to pull him up. My eyes widening as I lose my footing and fall forward, landing directly on top of him as I knock him back onto the ground, his hands instinctively wrapping around me as we both make 'oof' sounds.

"I guess Karma is a real thing."

The Jonin muses, his gaze on my face as I look up at him, my body laying directly on top of him now as my hands press against his chest.

"I guess so."

I mutter, my cheeks burning at the closeness of our bodies and the position of his hands. Both pressing against my lower back and waist as he holds onto me. I clear my throat before sitting up, moving off of the masked ninja as I avoid making eye contact out of embarrassment.

"Well... You know where to find me..."

I pause, jumping up out of the crater as I land next to Kit. An amused expression on my fox's face as I glare at him, my hand lifting to wave goodbye before I disappear from sight. My embarrassment of that last interaction forcing me to speed off.

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