What did Gray-sama just say?


Juvia tries to lean in a bit, hoping to find out what he's trying to say.


The bluenette blinks a few times, sapphire orbs stare at his now craving face. She mentally slaps herself, feeling guilty for even thinking that her beloved Gray-sama has feelings for someone he sees on the TV. She should have known better.

The young man still stares at the screen, dark blue eyes almost pop out of the sockets. Is he that craving for cheesecake? If she could finish her practice early, then maybe Juvia can get some ingredients to make for her beloved the tastiest treat that he's dying to eat.

Yosh, Gray-sama just leave it to Juvia! She will make the best cheesecake in the world for you!


Despite saying that, Juvia's schedule begins to spiral out of control, along with that is the heavy amount of tests and exams from all of her classes, which requires the bluenette to write essay after essay.

When Juvia said she enjoys writing, she didn't mean doing it every single day.

She cries in her heart after submitting another essay online, sighing in defeat as her fingers ache from all the typing. After gluing herself onto the chair and staring at the computer screen for 2 hours straight, Juvia wants nothing more than a cup of hot tea and a hot bath to cleanse her mind.

Because of the midterm exam week, she's unable to keep her secret promise of making the world's best cheesecake for her beloved Gray. It's been 2 weeks since the day she found out about his craving for cheesecake and yet, she still doesn't have any free time to do it.

"Juvia has to do it fast before the other love rivals know about this and compete with her to win Gray-sama's heart!"

But she can only make it next week because Mavis-sama has decided to put a whole lot of workload on Juvia's shoulders to prevent her from achieving her goal of pleasing her beloved Gray-sama. Talking about workload, Juvia has another test tomorrow and then, she will have to attend the charity event that Lucy invited.

If it wasn't for Gray's reminder, she would have forgotten about the whole fundraising event for the Twinkle Star foster house. The bluenette already knows what song to play at the event, something lively like Joplin's The Entertainer or Gossec's Gavotte, maybe something sweet and gentle like Elgar's Salute D'Amore, that will be enjoyable.

And then, what should she wear for the event? Something formal? Or something casual? Should she buy a new one or just go with what she has in her dresser? Should she borrow dresses from Meredy? Juvia knows that her friends won't mind lending her something to wear.

She wants to stand out a little bit because Gray will be there and she wants him to only look at her and no one else. If that can happen, dear Mavis-sama has made her the happiest girl on Earth.

"But first, Juvia must study for her math test tomorrow. She needs to get a better score, she needs to make Gray-sama proud!"


"Juvia! You're here!"

The bluenette turns her attention to the high-pitched voice that just called her name, Lucy is standing at the front door, waving her hand for her to see. Juvia smiles and waves back at the blonde before motioning Melody and Lyon to come with her.

To the boy she loves, to the girl he adoresWhere stories live. Discover now