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Hello everyone. Thank you for reading this edited translation of mine.

To be honest, I only planned on translating one arc because I know I'm not someone who can put that much focus on something for a long time.

I already translated the entire chapters of this arc, I only haven't posted it because I didn't have the time to edit it yet.

I'm sorry to disappoint you all for saying that I will be dropping this translation 🤧.

I decided this because I also checked on novelupdates that there's a translator updating this story.

Here's the direct link to their site:
Turn on the Love System Archives - PANDA KOKOA: https://pandakokoa.com/category/turn-on-the-love-system/

Please support them, too.

I'll upload the rest of unedited chapters in this arc.

Also, although this might seem unreasonable 😅 but only for those who are willing, please give me a tip if you liked my translations :'(


Like I said, this is for only those who are willing. You can choose to ignore it.

Once again, thank you for reading my edited translations and enjoy reading the novel on another site. ^^ I truly love you all ^3^

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