Day 96: Story time

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I've basically been ill since like Sunday and I feel like crap and every time I cough it sounds like a dying elephant crossed with a goose so hi

Day 96: Story time ~ (11.6.15)

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Sam: *whistles*

Nat: *polishes gun*

Drax: *sharpens weapons*

*Arya is frustratedly power walking in and out of the room*

Razer: *is asleep on sofa*

Raven: *is lying on top of Razer*

Gamora: *tapping table in a bored manor*

*arya power walks bck in2 the room 4 about the 50th time*

Joker: okay, wut r u doing

Arya: *whilst pacing* I'm bringing food and other supplies 4 the 2 nerds down in the lab while they work on Blade

Rocket: while we sit here bored out of our minds

Bucky: some1 think of something 4 us 2 do

Razer: *slowly wakes up* *groans* yes I'm so boorrreeeddd

Steve: I have an idea

Drax: as usual

Steve: y don't we all tell stories about each other that no 1 else knows?

Clint: like...

Steve: like 4 example, I remember when Bucky and I would run around Brooklyn rly early in the morning bashing trash can lids 2gether 2 wake up all our neighbours

Raven: I never had u down 4 a chaos causing kind of guy, Steve

Steve: we were teenagers

Raven: ah, explains that then

Bucky: yeah, I remember. That was great

Thor: WELL

Loki: oh dear

Thor: I remember when Loki and I were children and we'd fight pretend battles among ourselves


*young Thor and Loki r playing with fake swords in the palace courtyard*


Loki: shut up, it's not my fault that I'm less skilled with a sword than I am with a brain


Loki: *duplicates self around Thor* ehehe

Thor: why must you always do this

~*~end of flashback~*~

Sam: or the first time I had 2 watch ur cell


*loki is sitting bored in his prison cell*

*sam is sitting bored on a chair with feet on desk outside cell*

Loki: *silently starts beatboxing*

Sam: *raises eyebrow @ Loki* rly?

Loki: *beatboxing gets louder*

Sam: *stares @ Loki*

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