Stalker (P2) II Carlos Sainz

Start from the beginning

"No, I was up already, I got up a few minutes ago. Are you okay?" He asked me, concern flooding his eyes, a look that was becoming familiar to me now. 

You hesitated, it was pretty obvious that something had woken you up but he didn't need to know more than that did he? He didn't need to know I was waiting for him to rescue me in my dreams too. "I'm fine, just a nightmare." I settled for the answer. 

I could see he expected me to expand but he didn't get the chance to pry further when his phone started ringing. He looked down checking who it was. 

"It's Rupert, he's probably waiting for me at the gym." He picked up.

I took the opportunity of his distraction to get up from the bed and headed into the bathroom. I rinsed my face trying to get this warmth that filled my entire body to go away. Why did Carlos' presence feel so calming all of a sudden after months of feeling nothing but anger and frustration when he was around? Why did it kind of sting to think about the fact that he was about to leave soon? 

I was snapped out of my thoughts when there were 3 knocks on the bathroom door. I opened them to see Carlos with his duffle bag in his hand. "I have to go to the gym, and I have a flight to Maranello after this so..." 

"Yeah...uhm that's fine." I wasn't sure what to say. You're dismissed? Thank you for spending the night with me? I wasn't very good at showing appreciation either. 

"Okay, are you gonna be okay?" He awkwardly stood there. 

"Yes...I'm sure I'll manage without you." My tone was a little more sarcastic than I intended. 

"Oh okay..." Carlos turned to leave. 

I rolled my eyes at myself for making this harder than it had to be. "Thank you, Carlos." I settled for it, he could take it as he pleased. 

He seemed surprised at my gratitude but a soft smile appeared on his lips that tugged at my heartstrings. "Call me if you need anything." He replied sounding so genuine I was left speechless one more. 

I simply nodded. And that was it, he left.  


The day was weird, I wasn't exactly sure why but I had ended up canceling my flight back to the UK and decided on staying back in Spain for...I don't know how long. 

I tried going out for a run but after running for 30 minutes all I did was stare over my shoulder repeatedly and jolt to the left and right Every time I heard someone running behind me I decided it was best I headed back to the hotel. 

The rest of the day was equally boring, ordering room service, going over race data, speaking on the phone with multiple people from the team, watching shitty tv shows, and whatnot. All secretly in attempts to get that stupid Spaniard out of my mind. 

I'd tried hard enough to convince myself it was all in my head, I was just craving him again because he had been there when I was in trouble but really that wouldn't explain why my body and mind were screaming to be near him again and it seemed all these thoughts had consumed me enough that I didn't even realize it was night again. 

I lay in bed, tossing and turning until eventually, I gave up. My phone was right beside me, almost taunting me, I could swear it was almost laughing at me which only reinforced the idea that I was certainly going crazy. 

"For fucks sake." I cursed grabbing my phone and clicking on the green icon with the phone across it. 

*Dopey 🖕*

Read his contact on my screen, My finger moved before my mind could accept it and I was dialing him. The phone only rang twice before a knock at my door had me hanging up and regretting everything. 

I thanked whoever was on the other side for saving me from whatever it was I was planning to do as I got up and walked to the door. 

The world had to be playing a cruel joke with me as I saw who was standing on the other side. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked him trying to adopt an annoyed tone although I wondered if he was able to detect the wave of relief that washed over my body at seeing Carlos standing in front of me. 

"I couldn't sleep."  That was all he said. 

I could punch his stupidly gorgeous face. What the fuck was he expecting me to do about it? "So?" I tried sounding serious. "Go away." I hoped I sounded more sure than I felt. 

"You sure you want that?" He showed me his phone screen. 

*Missed call from Grumpy 🖕*

That was enough to shut me up as well as his sly smirk that made me want the earth to swallow me whole just then. I wasn't exactly sure what was happening and I knew he didn't either but one thing was sure and we were both in the same predicament. 

So I decided to leave the ball in his court walking away from the door and into the room, leaving the door wide open for him to do as he pleased as I tucked myself back into bed secretly hoping he would take the message. 

Time seemed to slow down as I lay in bed waiting for any sign of his next move, Hearing the door closed my heart sank as I expected him to have walked away except the footsteps I heard approaching only made my heart race that much more. 

A few seconds later the lights had been turned off and I could see Carlos's figure appear on the other side of the bed as he lifted the sheets and lay beside me. He shimmied closer but did not cross the imaginary half line across the bed. 

He'd now left the ball in my court. 

"I hate you." was all the dignity I had left to save for myself as I scooted my body towards him, tucking myself into his side as I laid my arm across his waist. His scent immediately invaded every cell in my body and this alone was enough to ease me to rest. 

"Yeah, I hate you too." He whispered as he wrapped his arm around me pushing me closer to him. The small kiss to my temple didn't go dismissed. 

Carlos POV II 

No more words were exchanged but hearing her breath steady, seeing her body rise and fall, and feeling her grip tighten around...everything made sense. 

The world around us disappeared...because everything I needed...everything I wanted... I was staring right at her. 



Part 3 will come out on Wednesday at 8pm CST. 

I already had half of this written before my mind blanked so thank you to those who commented with ideas, There will be more of that in Part 3 which will be the final part for this story <3 

Happy Race Week Everyone xx 

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