Chapter 13: Amygdala

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                                                          My amygdala

                                                   Come on save me come on save me
                                                      Come on, take me out, come on, take me out

                                                           Save me from here, hurry up and get me out           

                                                                             Amygdala by August D           

   3 years ago...

On a starry night i  still remember till now how the cold air felt on my skin, i always felt like something inside me was dead inside . I always wanted to feel something other than pain and betrayal. 

Will i ever be able to heal? Will i ever get to be happy just like everyone else? I know everyone has their own pain and sorrows . They are just lucky to have a mask to cover it up i mean i i had  too;  i always felt strong and independent . 

Not until that night October 14 it was a Friday night i was out as usual with her  on our usual spot swinging in the playground she sat there giving me a small smile almost seeming like she was mine.

Well in my mind she is, she always has been the one for me , her beautiful doe eyes were glistening even thought it was in the night. I always loved how her long brown hair was always braided and messy , her cute glasses, her square smile. She was just Perfection what can i say i was head over heels for her .

Dear Y/N , 

It has taken a lot of courage to gather my thoughts and put them into words, but I believe it is time to be honest with you about something that has been on my heart for quite some time now.

I want you to know that you mean the world to me. We have shared countless laughs, adventures, and endless memories together. Through thick and thin, you have always been there, standing by my side, and for that, I am eternally grateful. You have become an irreplaceable part of my life, a pillar of strength and support.

As I reflect upon our friendship, I have realized that my feelings for you have grown beyond mere friendship. It may come as a surprise, but I can no longer keep this secret buried inside. It is with a vulnerable heart that I confess, and hope you understand, that you are more than just my best friend— you are the one who captured my heart.

From the moment we met, there was an undeniable connection. Your infectious laughter, mesmerizing eyes, and genuine kindness drew me in . 

I had my hands inside my pockets reassuring that the letter didn't fell somewhere , i felt my palms getting sweaty  . I wanted to give her letter one way or another today , of course i wouldn't let her read it in front of me i reached out my pocket to take it out and hand it to her until her loud squeaky voice interuputed my thoughts with a question .

"So Yoongi, what you wanna learn in college" she said taking a lick from her ice-cream , "I'm gonna go to a music school Y/N !  How many times do i have to tell it to you?" i replied rolling my eyes.

"I just love when you talk about your music the songs you're gonna produce" she replied looking right at my eyes "Imagine when you gonna produce songs to me" she replied and started singing ; i chuckled "With that voice Y/N! My ears are gonna bleed" i said holding my ears as a mockery .She hit my shoulder and we both started laughing .

Everything went to downfall when her phone started ringing  "Dad" was written on her screen , i could see her sudden mood changing . She looked disturbed "Y/N?" i said reaching my hand hers "I need to take this " she replied and answered the phone.

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