Chapter 12: Diet Mountain Dew

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                                              You're no good for me 

                                               Baby, you're no good for me

                                                   But baby, I want you, I want you 

                                                          Diet Mountain Dew by Lana del rey 💓

"I Iike you Byun Y/N" he says and I feel heat spreading all over my face. The butterflies are back full force.

I was froze not knowing what to reply to what he just said to me "Have a good night Jungkook" i reply and walk out of his car.

I fasten my pace and open the door to my house only to be surprised by Baekhyun and Mom back from her work.

I look at them with pure shock , and surprise and I can't help but ask, "Why did you come here?"i reply looking at both Mom and Baekhyun.

"I took an early flight , your brother wanted to come for a while too" she replies "Where were you Y/N, we used the spare key to get in" she replied. 

Baekhyun cuts her off  "Didn't you miss your Brother Y/N" he replies walking to me and giving me a tight hug with a wide smile on his face . It's been over five months since we have last seen each other and I didn't expect it to take this long for us to be reunited again .

"You did grow up a little " he said patting my head , he's so tall compared to me " yes I have grown a foot since last month, thank you for noticing." I rolled my eyes, " I mean it's only been like five minutes, you can't really expect me to notice that fast  " He chuckled at my words, " yeah I guess you're right ."

"Aren't i buff now i work out" he says showing off his biceps "You did but eww" i say rolling my eyes .

 Mom placed her coat and went to the kitchen  i feel bad for her sometimes i understand how tired she might be cause of all the work she does for us , i understand why she's always so distant yet close to us ; it's always like she's there physically not mentally ever since that time...

"Cheer up Y/N" Baekhyun says placing his hands on my face , he takes  his bag and walks upstairs "What do you guys want for dinner ?"Mom screamed from the kitchen , "Pizza" i say to Baekhyun he nods.

"We'll order Pizza Mom" i say walking to the kitchen to see my mom looking through the fridge. "And don't worry I'm taking care of this" she says taking the cheese out of the fridge and other equipment's. 

We walk back out to the kitchen after i convince her to get pizza . The delivery man gets us the pizza in less than 10 minutes i pay him and take the pizza to the table "So how was school?" she asks me as we eat.

"It's good Mom" i reply taking a bite from the pizza , i hear loud steps "Baekhyun, come and eat" Mom says plastering a small smile on her face.

He nods and sits next to me "So Mom how's work treating you, i told you to take a break for a while" he replies giving her a concerned look .

"Baekhyun i'm completely okay, i need to work in order to place food on the table for you guys" she replies with a small smile.

"NO! You're not okay Mom" he replies hitting the table  , i gulp "you've been working nonstop since you's not healthy mom and you should rest. I say giving her a small smile .

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