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"Who are you?" Jin Guangyao asked Ren Guang.

"I am that owl that attacked you when you forced yourself on my person," Ren Guang said.

I looked at Ren Guang then at my brother. Xiongzhang smiled at me and whispered to me, "I will explain to you later about Ren Guang and me. Just know that you can trust him. I do."

I nodded and looked at Ren Guang, "thank you for helping my brother when I could not," I said.

Ren Guang smiled at me, "it is alright. We all have our misunderstandings. We will get to know each other more soon...let us deal with these two bastards first."

Ren Guang's hand then started to spark, as if he was holding electricity in his hand. He turned to Jin Guangyao and Su She, "I understand you also framed Wei Wuxian. This curse on your body looks awful. Why would you fuck someone with that on your body? Better yet, how are you still alive with how bad the curse has gotten on you?"

"That is none of your business," Su She said.

"Why did you do it?" A'Ying said, "why did you frame me? Why did you kill the two Jin heirs?"

"Anyone who is arrogant like Jin Zixun will end up dead...even Hanguang Jun will," Su She threatened.

A'Ying started laughing. Everyone looked at him, "why are you laughing?" Baoshan asked.

"I find it hilarious that he thinks he can kill Hanguang Jun," A'Ying said, "but he is so stupid. If I am immortal, and Hanguang Jun being my husband, he must know that Hanguang Jun is also immortal and cannot easily be killed."

I smiled fondly at A'Ying, "You still find something to mock him with," I said.

"Who am I?" He asked.

"Wei Ying," I answered.

"I would not be Wei Ying if I did not mock someone for their stupidity," he said.

"A'Ying," Baoshan said, "You should really be careful when you mock someone. That could come back to haunt you."

"I will protect him," I said and turned back to Jin Guangyao. Ren Guang was trying to get the two to talk. They would not budge, so using the electricity he cultivated, he shoked the two whenever they refused to obey.

"I could do this all day, who do you think you are?!" Ren Guang questioned, "You should be ashamed for doing such acts. You think its funny being a rapist? Do you think you are the best person ever because you took advantage of someone who is more prominent and refined and respected than you?! No you are not. Unless if anyone objects, I will make sure you two do not leave this cave until your souls are ripped a part."

"Like you have the power!" Jin Guangyao yelled.

"He might not, but A'Zhan and I do. As immortals we have special abilities. That includes creating or taking life. We can destroy a living being. He can manipulate life and death, and I am known as the angel of death. Necromancy and death are still apart of my life. Using these abilities on people like you, it will make the world a better place," A'Ying said.

Su She started trembling, almost as if he was afraid. Suddenly it smelled like urine. Nie Mingjue scoffed and said, "You are so scared of A'Xian that you even pissed yourself?"

Baoshan looked like she was trying her hardest not to laugh at the situation. I had to admit, if someone is dumb enough to cross A'Ying or me, it will be suicide on their part, "A'Ying, A'Zhan, if you want, we can handle these two. You two can go home now if you want. I think you two should go talk," she said.

It wasn't a bad idea, "are you sure we are not needed?" I asked.

"With Chifeng Zun, Xichen, Ren Guang and me, these two are useless. I'm sure you two would like to go work out some other issues you have had recently," Baoshan said.

"A'Yuan?" A'Ying asked.

"He is with a couple of my disciples," Baoshan said, "you can go see him if you want to. You know where to find him."

With that, A'Ying and I decided to let them handle Jin Guangyao and Su She. When we got back to our house, we sat down at the table to talk, "A'Ying, I am sorry that I didn't just go to you when I was struggling before."

He shook his head, "honestly, I cannot be upset with you. The amount of times I have done the same to you, I think it's justified," he said.

"You have gotten so much better at communicating with me and I feel like I just broke that barrier a little bit because I don't do the same with you," I said, "I am still trying. I have always been a person to keep everything closed up inside. I never really spoke to my brother about anything either. It was you who started to break that wall and got me to open up more...but I feel like I haven't done that enough."

"A'Zhan, I am okay to give you your space and let you come to me. I do not like to push others to talk if they do not want to. I think what bothered me was there was a moment where I thought that you missed living in Cloud Recesses and because of me, you are not living there anymore. I may not like the idea of living there but I am willing to if you miss it," he said.

I shook my head, "I have lived outside of Cloud Recesses long enough to know that I like living freely then confined by their walls and rules. It was never that at all. Yes I miss it a little, but I love how I live now, especially because I have you. We are still in Gusu which is good enough for me. We could have lived at Baoshan's mountain and I would still be happy. It is all because you are my home, A'Ying. It does not matter the location, just as long as I am with you, I am satisfied."

He smiled and let out a soft laugh, "you are such a sap," he said and moved to sit in my lap, "but I love you so much. Just promise me that you'll try to come to me from now on. I want to be there for you like you have been there for me."

"I promise you," I said.

"I promise you," I said

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