3 ⚠️

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⚠️Sensitive content in this chapter. Content includes topics such as nightmares, blood, death, and grief.⚠️

Baoshan stood up with Wangji still in her arms. Lan Wangji was now broken. Knowing that Wei Wuxian did something that no one else could ever do, it hurt him. Lan Wangji was sad, he was angry, and he was vengeful. He could also yell at his brother more if he wanted to, but he didn't have the energy to do so. He was tired and wanted to rest.

Baoshan noticed that Wangji's energy was running low, "you are getting tired after you lashed out," she said to him quietly.

Wangji nodded as she sat him down in the nearby seat. She then turned to Jiang Wanyin and Lan Xichen. With a snap of her fingers, neither of the two men before her could move. She then stood in front of Jiang Wanyin. She placed her hand on his *solar plexus (Dantian), and used her energy to summon the golden core from Jiang Wanyin's body. After taking it, she placed it in a pouch for safe keeping. She then snapped her fingers again and let the men move.

"You will know what it is like to not have a golden core, like you were supposed to," Baoshan told him, "my grandson was too kind to all of you and he will not help you again."

With that being said, Baoshan took Wangji's hand and teleported back to her mountain. She then took the golden core and placed it within a glass container. Inside it was some energy to cleanse it from any impurities.

"Before I ask you to help with the next step, why don't you get some sleep. You must be exhausted," Baoshan said to Wangji.

Wangji nodded, "where may I sleep?"

Baoshan smiled at him and led him to his room, "this is your room. When A'Ying is back you can share it with him. Hence the size of the room."

Wangji nodded and entered the room to look around, "thank you," he said, "what will happen with Jiang Wanyin?"

"Who knows, he will learn how to live without a core. That was supposed to be his fate until A'Ying gave up his core for him. Jiang Wanyin needs to learn a thing or two. Respect and compassion being a couple of them."

"I have been with you for some time now but what would you prefer I call you?" Wangji asked.

"You can call me Wai Po," she said, "I am sure A'Ying would be happy to have you."

Wangji smiled, "I will do what I can to make it up to him."

"That is good, now get some rest," she said, "I will bring you something to eat in the morning, unless you are hungry."

"I am not hungry, but thank you. I will see you in the morning," Wangji said.

Baoshan then left him alone. Wangji then explored the bedroom a bit. It was a fairly decent size. It was so open and filled with bright colors. Wangji freshened up before bed in his bathroom with a nice bath. He then laid down but couldn't sleep. As much as he was tired, he couldn't get all those words that Baoshan said out of his mind. He also has finally lost complete faith and trust in his brother. He tried to keep him away from Wei Wuxian and it only made everything worse for both of them.

Wangji did eventually fall asleep, but with tears in his eyes. He was hurting, he felt alone, and he wished he could do anything to fix all this. He dreamt of Wei Wuxian that night. Pictures flashing through his mind of how alone and depressed he must have been in his final hours. He can see Wei Wuxian covered in blood, tears falling down his face, and surrounded by corpses of his Wen family.

He could see Wei Wuxian holding little A'Yuan's corpse in his arms. His little radish, gone forever because he was a Wen. The others thought if the boy grew up, he would be vengeful and want revenge for his family. Lan Wangji's heart broke when he saw the scene before his eyes. The love of his life, snuffed out like a candle light after losing everything.

Lan Wangji woke up the next morning with tears streaming down his face, and he was not very well rested. Baoshan could see that Wangji was having a hard time so they needed to get Wei Wuxian back soon.

"I am going to have to ask something quite difficult of you," Baoshan said.

"What is it?" Wangji asked.

"What is needed is to link your subconscious to Wei Ying. He has his golden core, which means he is one step closer to waking again. The problem, his soul and mind are in shambles. I have to venture out to find his soul as it has shattered in several pieces. It happens when a person loses the will to live. Your job is to find a way to help him mentally. It's like walking through his memories to see where his subconscious really lies."

"So I am going to venture through his subconscious to find out how to wake him?" Wangji questioned.

"Yes, I know it will not be easy but I believe in you. You will know when you find his subconscious being. He will probably be very vulnerable and needs some sort of support," Baoshan said.

"I have a way to potentially get his attention but I think it's a long shot," Wangji said.

"Okay," she said, "I will have you lay down beside him and I will have you drink a serum. He will have the same serum and it will be the link between you both. The necklace I gave you infuse some spiritual energy to it to wake up if you are not feeling well. It will just continue where you left when you are ready to return. Maybe you will be okay through it all."

Lan Wangji nodded and took the serum. It made him feel drowsy, which might have been a good thing. He did not sleep well but he did not care. I wanted to make sure he was clear minded going forward as he was not sure what to expect when venturing through Wei Wuxian's subconscious.


*Solar Plexus:
The function of the solar plexus is to control the various organs within the abdominal cavity and keep them functioning correctly. It sends and receives signals from the brain. This is an example of the involuntary nervous system.

So what is actually to happen is that Wangji will be wandering through Wei Wuxian's mind to find his subconscious being. It is Wangji's job to try and find a way to convince Wei Wuxian to return to life.

Do you think Wangji will succeed?

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