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The beginnings of the martial arts civilization could be considered bleak and primitive. Many people were limited to the simple style of martial arts and buying in heaven and earth origin energy. This could be considered the preliminary stages of martial arts.

Cultivation is the process of increasing lifespan and improving oneself in order to reach immortality. This is accomplished by cultivating Qi and breaking through cultivation realms. There are ten cultivation realms starting from: Qi Refining, Foundation, Crystallization, Golden Core, Spirit Tempering, Nascent Soul, Soul Formation, Enlightenment, Ascension and Immortal.

Qi is imagined as flowing along certain paths in the body, called meridians. Qi techniques are usually divided into internal and external forms, with 'external' referring to uses where qi is projected out from the body, usually into an opponent. The source of Qi within the body is called dan tien, and is located in the lower abdomen. Through breathing and movements, a person can control their Qi and focus it in certain parts of the body, like the hands or feet.

Focusing on my Qi, it will help me with my changes. I could feel my golden core becoming too hot. The water Baoshan had me in was helping but not by much. I suddenly felt my core ignition like a flame and burn through my veins and Qi. My core dissolved within my veins, making them one hundred percent spiritual. The solar plexus was the main focus of the spiritual vein. That was where my new spiritual energy was stored, a spiritual vein. It was like the heart of my energy.

I felt there were newfound abilities within me as I meditated. I had element manipulation and nature manipulation. Elements are Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and the balances of Light and dark. Nature included plant life, weather manipulation, and animals.

Were they for every immortal's basic new abilities?

I woke from my meditation and went to my room. I put on fresh robes and went to find Baoshan. When I found her, she told me elements and nature manipulation was common for all immortals. I now had to find out my new personal abilities. She took me to a room that allowed me to explore my abilities.

The first ability we discovered was that I had enhanced speed and strength and my senses were enhanced. I could see things more clearly and in the dark. I could hear anything within a hundred feet (30 meters). Smell and taste were enhanced, even touch.

I also found I couldn't get tired as easily. Baoshan said it was called Absolute Life-force. The user possesses an infinite reservoir of life energy that will never run out, which grants them unlimited regenerative power, stamina, and eternal life. Users who can manipulate life force for external usage can utilize this limitless source for many practical applications, from launching large amounts of attacks to granting life force to others. So I could use this to bring back Wei Ying, I just needed to find his subconscious being first.

I also found out that I had Lucidity. The user can sense and manipulate the coherence or lucidity of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling lucidity, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level. Lucidity means the ability to see things clearly and rationality. Meaning I can see things others may not or cannot see. I can even detect the truth from a lie.

I, of course, still have my knowledge in music theory and swordsmanship. My skills in them have just improved immensely due to my new life as an immortal. With some of these new skills, I will no longer be manipulated by my so-called brother anymore. I will find out what really happened to Wei Ying and why no one else wanted to help him.

After a few months of training, I finally got the chance to sit down with Baoshan to discuss some things that I experienced during my time in Wei Ying's subconscious.

"You can interact with others in his subconscious, even as far as helping him. You said you tried to sense if it was his subconscious being but maybe you could not tell just yet. Maybe as you are now immortal you can tell better. Those memories may not play out as they did when he was alive but they are similar. Especially if they changed according to your time with him," Baoshan explained.

I nodded, "so I may have been with his subconscious being this whole time. It is just hard to break through the barrier of the memories to get through to him. I would have to find a way to push through that."

"You would, since you would be seeing him again soon, try doing something that might gain his attention. You will have to break the fourth wall, so to speak," she told me.

I nodded, "should I get back to it then?" I asked, "I have been away for some time."

"You can," she said and took me to Wei Ying. Baoshan did find his missing soul pieces and they are currently mending. It was now my job to find his subconscious being and wake him up. Baoshan said he will be immortal when he wakes up, just like me. It would be the only way to really help him wake.

After drinking the serum again, I was back in his subconscious. The room with all the doors. The next door was open so I went inside. I was back the Jingshi. That means this was probably the time where Wei Ying came for lectures. I left Jingshi and went to the front gate. Wei Ying was there with his sworn siblings arguing about their missing invitation.

"Let them inside," I said calmly, "I know them."

"Lan Er Gongzi," one of the guards greeted and turned to Wei Ying and his siblings, "Second Master Lan has allowed you to enter."

"Ji-Gege, you have been gone for so long," Wei Ying said to me.

I started walking with him towards the main courtyard, "I apologize, I had some personal matters to deal with. I hope you will forgive me," I said to him.

"I do, however you should make it up to me for disappearing for so long," he said.

"How so?" I asked.

"Can you buy me Emperor's Smile?" He asked.

"I will, but outside of Cloud Recesses. Alcohol is forbidden within the sect," I told him.

"Okay...how about a meal as well?" He asked.

"We can go to town after the ceremony tomorrow," I told him.

"Awesome," he said happily and hugged me, "I missed you so much Ji-Gege."

I smiled and hugged him too, "and I missed you, Wei Ying."

"Since you call me by my birth name, can I call you by yours?" He asked, "I do not mind Ji-Gege, I just feel we should be equals."

"My birth name is Lan Zhan," I told him.

"Lan Zhan," he said, "I like it."

"Let me walk you to your guest quarters," I told him.

"Okay," he agreed.

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