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I am going to leave it on Wangji's POV from now on, unless I want to give some insight on Wuxian's POV or even just be in 3rd POV. But for now, enjoy Wangji's POV.

"Wai Po, A'Ying, I know this is a long shot, but there might be one person who we might be able to sway," I said.

"Who?" A'Ying asked.

"Sect Leader Nie, Chifeng Zun. He has been having trouble with Jin Guangyao lately and maybe if we share with him A'Ying's story he will help us," I suggested, "he is a more reasonable person and he does not tolerate injustice."

"I will be with you if you decide to go through with this," Baoshan said.

"I think we should," A'Ying said, "I remember Jin Guangyao got expelled from the Nie Sect when he was under Chifeng Zun. I'm not sure what happened entirely but I think it has something to do with Jin Guangyao killing a Nie clan member."

"If that's the case, he would have a reason to already be suspicious of Jin Guangyao," Baoshan said, "I say we should try."

"I am okay with it...he can't kill me anymore anyway, so I am not necessarily against at least trying," A'Ying said.

"Then let us go," Baoshan said after giving us a token she would give to her disciples. We then teleported to Qinghe.

"What brings you three here?" The guard asked.

"We wish to speak with Chifeng Zun if he is available," Baoshan replied showing him her token. The guard nodded and went to retrieve him. It did not take long for him to arrive.

"Hanguang Jun, what brings you here?" Chifeng Zun asked.

"Chifeng Zun, we wish to sit with you and talk if you allow us. This is Baoshan Sanren and she helped me bring Wei Ying back. We hope you give us a chance to explain why we are here?" I requested.

"Wei Wuxian?" He asked, "no one really knew where he went," he then looked at Baoshan, "why don't you three come inside."

We followed him to the main hall and sat down to talk. We let A'Ying explain what really happened with the Wens and what he went through. That he did not have a golden core at the time he was using his flute. He then listened to Baoshan on how we believe A'Ying was framed.

"I believe you, but Hanguang Jun, you are not in your Gusu robes," he pointed out.

"My brother is the reason I seceded the sect, but I am now Baoshan's disciple. I found out that my brother has been lying to me and does not believe in me. He isn't there for me like he used to be. It turns out that he has some intimate relationship with Jin Guangyao, and I think Jin Guangyao is the reason everything is happening. I just do not have proof. We heard you had issues with Jin Guangyao and wanted your opinion on him," I explained.

Chifeng Zun sighed and then slammed his fist to the table, "that is why he defends that weasel all the time. Jin Guangyao was expelled from my sect for killing my general. He claimed it was Xue Yang but I saw with my own eyes. During the Sunshot Campaign, he was the spy for us. I was alone inside with him and Wen Ruohan. Jin Guangyao killed Nie disciples without batting an eye. He was even going to kill me until Wen Ruohan stormed out. Then Lan Xichen defended him and did not even consider listening to my words. Since then I have been avoiding Jin Guangyao as much as possible."

"Has Brother been here?" I asked.

"He came once, and he even brought that bastard with him. Lan Xichen is teaching him Song of Clarity as my Qi has been a mess lately. Apparently Lan Xichen has been teaching him lots of things," he explained.

"He is teaching someone outside of the sect their music techniques?" I asked, "even as a sect leader he should know that he is bending a rule. Unless he is Lan Xichen's spouse, outside cultivators cannot learn them."

"Well it seems your brother is being manipulated by that man very badly," Baoshan said, "and if he ever gets out of his clutches, Lan Xichen will be filled with a lot of rage and guilt."

"Chifeng Zun, may I check your Qi?" A'Ying asked.

"Be my guest," he replied.

Wei Ying went over and checked him over, "whatever it is, it seems to be poisoning your Qi. If you are provoked the right way, you could Qi Deviate," he explained.

Baoshan went over to him and used some of her energy to cleanse him. His Qi went back to normal, "your spiritual passage ways were getting cluttered with resentment. It was almost as if someone was slowly trying to kill you so they can make you into a conscious corpse for them to control," she explained.

"Jin Guangyao has come alone once or twice and the music sounded a bit different then when he is here with Lan Xichen," Nie Mingjue said.

Baoshan looked through his memories just to find out what he played, "Collection of Turmoil? How did he learn that?"

"That is a book of forbidden music that is kept in the forbidden library at Gusu. I do not think Lan Xichen would just give him that," I said, "the right song, even with just three notes, can do a huge amount of damage."

"What is going on with your brother Wangji?" Chifeng Zun asked.

"A'Zhan, I know this is a long shot, but what would Lan Qiren say to all of this if he knew the truth. Would he listen?" A'Ying asked.

"Maybe not to you two, but to me," Baoshan said with a grin, "he and I have a little bit of a past history. As he tortured my daughter a couple times, he is a bit afraid of me these days."

"I say we try to talk to Shufu. If he knew all this, he won't just stand by. I do not think I can confront him though. I haven't seen him since before I left the sect," I explained.

"Leave it to me," Baoshan said, "why don't you both had back home and train for a bit."

"Thank you for helping me with my Qi. I will be cautious around Lan Xichen and Jin Guangyao for the time being. If I see Lan Xichen, I will try to reason with him," Chifeng Zun said.

"Thank you for listening," I said before A'Ying and I left for Baoshan's mountain. Baoshan was going to speak with Shufu...I wish I was brave enough to see that happen.

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