It's not that easy

Start from the beginning

As we made our way home there was only one thing on my mind, and it wasn't the kiss.

*Sebastians POV*

Fucking finally. I kissed Y/N. They're finally all mine.

All I could do was sit back with a shit eating grin on my face, happier than ever.

Except for the fact that Sam was pissed off at me over the whole Shane situation.

I looked down at my phone to see his latest text.


'You don't understand, Sebastian. You purposely sabotaged Shane. Someone who is like a brother to me. He's my family. I can't forgive you. No matter how much I love you.'

I rolled my eyes at Sams text. This is the 50th sappy text I've gotten from him about Shane.

I respond,

'Shane has a small crush on Y/N. I am in LOVE with them. Huge difference. I even kissed them tonight.'

I hesitate sending the message, but decide to.

I focus my attention back on my computer screen. Texting Abigail and Leah some stupid memes I saw on PelicanTownies.



'I'm done talking to you, leave me the fuck alone."

Shocked I reread the message a couple times. He's never cursed at me seriously, especially over text. I couldn't see him acting like that.

I shake it off and close our inbox.

'I'm going to bed, I won't let Sam ruin my mood tonight. I finally got to kiss Y/N. And touch them too.'

I log off my computer and jump into my bed full of little stuffed animals from Sam.

'Fuck, why do I feel so hurt?.. Oh well, you can't make everyone happy.'

Shane's POV

*Hiccup* "E-Emily, pass me another beer!"

I watch as Emily's face grimaces as she slides me another one. "H-here Shane."

Ever since I found out about her betrayal I told her to repay me with no more limits on how much alcohol I can have, and I want them free out of her pay check for a week. She agreed without hesitation.

I'm on my twenty something drink at this point. Since Y/N has been ignoring me I really have no point but to get as drunk as I want.

I open up my phone and stare hard at the most recent picture I took of Y/N walking into Sebastians house. Sebastians ugly ass smiling as he held the door open for them.

"Piece of shit." I grumbled aloud, gripping my phone tight.

"Emily! How many have you served him?" I look up to see Gus angrily pointing to the glasses piling up around me.

"I-I'm sorry, Gus. I must've lost track." Emily stammered nervously.


"Well since you can't keep track of customers drinks I think you need to go home early, Emily." Gus retorted angrily.

Emily gasped and looked at him with her big teary eyes, rushing for the door.

'I ruin everything, now I got Emily in trouble. I should probably go home.'

I get up and head towards the door before I'm stopped by Gus's hand on my shoulder.

"Shane, you need to start drinking less. It doesn't only affect you but everyone around you."

I stare at him, for a second almost agreeing. But my stubborn ass just can't accept criticism.

"Fuck you Gus, when have you ever cared?" I shrug his hand off my shoulder and shakily make my way out of the door.

Once I'm outside I notice it's raining hard, I feel the drops of freezing water fall into my face.

'Will I always been like this? Just a drunken depressed bastard?'

I drunkenly stumble my way home, almost tripping over Sams skateboard as I pass his house.

I'm so close to knocking on the door to breakdown to the only person I know. The only person who knows what a fuck up I am. But I can't. I can't bother another person.

Once I reach the fence to my house I see a light on inside. I hear Jas and my aunt Marnie giggling and talking. They can't see me like this. But where else could I go?

Before I know it I feel myself stumbling past my house and turning towards Y/N's farm. The smell of crops and animals overcoming me. I've been here so many times and they don't even know. To stalk them, to steal any piece of clothing or useless note they drop.

I end up on the porch knocking loudly. I feel like I have no control.

"S-Shane!? What are you doing here? Are you okay?"

Y/N looks so cute but concerned. Dressed in little bumble bee pjs, they must've just gotten out of the shower because they smell so clean and their hair is wet.

I step past and pin Y/N against the wall.

"Shane wait!-" they yell, their face red, their body shaking.

"Shhhh, it's okay. Just let me do this." I grip their chin gently and move just close enough to graze against their lips with mine.

"You're mine. I don't want to see you with Sebastian again, do you understand?"

Their eyes widen and they try pushing against my chest to no avail. "W-what!? Shane, stop. I..." they stop talking and make direct eye contact with me.

"You need to leave. Now!" They let out angrily, their eyes getting teary.

I don't break eye contact, I let their face go and stand straight. "Is that what you really want, Y/N? Tell me now. And I'll leave."

They stand for a minute. Seemingly contemplating what they want.

"I-I don't know. But you have to. You have to leave."

"Fine." I reply, turning around and storming away. They wouldn't tell Sebastian to leave. Why me? Am I that much of a monster?

I go to the last place I have where no one will be disappointed of me. The bridge.

'What if I let myself drown right now? I would solve my problems, my families problem, Sams problem, Y/N's problem.

I touch the water with my finger, listening to the rain splash against the pond. As my eyes begin to close I lay down on the wet wooden bridge.

"I'm sorry." I mumble, as I feel myself pass out.

NOTE: Sorry about the three POV changes during this chapter lol but I wanted to give everyone a chance to know what those three are thinking. I've been super busy but will try to update again soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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