Sebastian's Plan

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*Your POV*

Today is the day, the day I make Shane my friend.

I checked my picnic basket to make sure I had all the essentials.

Pizza? 'Check'. Pepper poppers? 'Check'. Beer? 'Check, but not a lot because Shane will definitely over indulge'.

I smiled to myself and put the basket into the fridge to keep them fresh. I still had to go to my friend Emily's and grab my new outfit. I got a custom dark blue dress made for the picnic. And that pale blue haired girl sure knew how to make some clothes. Her sister Haley always complains about having no good clothing here, yet her talented sister is in the same house.

"Mew" Monko greeted me as I headed out the door. "Bye girl, I've gotta get going!"

I ran over to the stable and prepped Stefan for a long day of riding, jumping on his back he started off towards Marnie's farm, the quickest way to get to Emily's.

The breeze flowed through my hair, the sun a beautiful orangeish hue.

'I know the sunset for tonight will be perfect! I hope Shane doesn't mind that our picnic will basically be near the front of his house.' I think to myself, unaware that Stefan has come to a complete stop in front of Emily's.

"Oh, we're here! Sorry Stefan!" I chime out as I kiss his face. I head to the door and ring the new doorbell Clint installed for Emily. I didn't even know that he could install doorbells.. A sweet bird song emits from inside the house along with a "ANSWER THE DAMN DOOR, EMILY!" From Haley.

I giggle and wait patiently. Soon enough a disarrayed Emily opens the door, her hair messy with a few yarn sticks stuck in them, her clothes and apron covered in dye, and her eye bags darker than ever.

"E-Emily!" I muster, "Are you okay?"

She nods with a tired smile "Yes babe! It's just that I have a shift tonight and you only gave me less than a day to make this dress.. but no biggie!" Emily is always the type to never complain about anything especially when it comes to friends asking her for a favor. I feel terrible though, I'll need to tip her heavy.

She ushers me with her one free finger to come inside and we head to her bedroom. I walk in to see my dress, it's a rich dark blue color with a gentle silver sparkle. My mouth gapes and I'm in awe.

"So what do you think? I used some of the pretty rainbow shell you brought me last month to bring that dark shade and a bit of sparkle. PLEASE tell me you like it, otherwise- MMph."

I cut her off with the tightest hug I have ever mustered up in my small body. "I LOVE IT!" She giggles as I jump around cheering, pulling out my wallet I give her the base 5,000G Along with a 2,000G tip.

Emily looks down at the cash in her hand and says guiltily "Oh nooo Y/N I can't accept this-"

I cut her off with a "Oh you will." and grab my dress from the stand. "I've gotta go Emily! Thank you soo much!"

I leave a flustered but too tired to argue Emily alone and run out.

With this dress, the food, and my mood, this picnic will be perfect.

*Shane's POV*

I see Y/N waiting under the tree, it's late, I missed the picnic. They looked back at me their eyes glowing red with pure anger.

"Shane!? Where the fuck have you been!? I have been sitting here for hours straight."

I stammer apologetically "Y/N.. I am so so sorry, let me make it up plea-"

"You know what Shane, You're not good enough for me. And everyone including you knows it!" they scream. Running off.

My heart drops and I fall to the ground. The phrase repeating in my head. Not only did Sebastian and everyone else think it, but so did they.

It's over. I ruined everything. It's over-

"Shane! Shane! Wake up!"

My eyes open to see the girl from the bar, Emily. Standing over me. It was just a nightmare.

Emily looks down at me with a look of guilt spread across her face, "I knew when I kept serving you yesterday this is how today would turn out... I shouldn't have. But... he paid me extra. I am so sorry, Shane. I needed it." She gets teary eyed. I ignore everything she's saying, noticing it's night and ask her "Where's Y/N!?"

She looks up at me with an actual tear slipping down her face now. She sighs deeply and whispers,

"With Sebastian."

My heart drops, again. This was all him. His plan. He knows how I run to beer for comfort. He purposely angered me last night knowing today was the day of the picnic. I run outside past a begging Emily. The picnic is all set up, and I look up to see Sebastian's grimy hand tangled in Y/N's hair, pulling them in for a kiss.

I run up and pull him by his collar, pinning him up against the big tree. 'WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?" I begin punching him in the face. Blind and enraged, nonstop hitting him. Until I hear a soft cry from Y/N. I drop him and he falls to the ground coughing weakly. I look over to Y/N, they're facing me, hands bawled up in fists next to their sides as they look down at the ground.

"W-why?" They let out softly, "Why Shane? First YOU blow me off, then you beat up Sebastian when he comes to comfort me!?" They finally look up at me. Their piercing eyes looking through my soul.

I start, "Y/N, please. This was all his plan, he wanted me to get so drunk that I couldn't spend this day with you. He-"

"AND HOW IS THAT HIS FAULT!?" Y/N screams, looking at me, fully bawling now. "How is it Seb's fault you can't fucking control yourself?" Y/N picks up Sebastian and pulls him on top of their horse. "I'm leaving Shane, don't ever talk to me again. Maybe that's how it was always supposed to be."

I watch as they start to leave, my mouth trying to speak, but my mind not letting me. Sebastian smirks at me, even with a beaten and fucked up face.

He won.

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