Friend request

807 14 13

*Your POV*

The ride to the saloon was perfect. The air was crisp and I could see summer shifting into fall. Yet the smell of beautiful blooming flowers still crept into the air.

I inhale deeply as I stop Stefan in front of the saloon, luckily for me, he doesn't need to be roped up because he never leaves his spot. Unless hours pass, then he'll make his way home.

I praise him, "Good boy, Stefan. Here's a carrot." I reach into my bag and pull out his crunchy orange treat. Petting him while he crunches away. I kiss the top of his snout and make my way towards the old wooden door.

'You've got this. Why are you so afraid to face him... what's the worst that can happen?'

You take one more deep breath and let it out, pushing the door open to see all of your friends eager to see you,

Gus grinned, "Hi Y/N! Can I get you something to eat?"

"Hiya, come sit with us!" Marnie and lewis insisted.

"Hey kid, you owe me another pale ale for that discounted bus ride!" Pam teases.

I chirp up and say hi to everyone. Having simple items on me like Mayo, a variety of gems from the cave, and flowers, gifting what I can to my friends. I hand Gus a diamond and he looks at me in shock.

"You're giving this... to me? I'm speechless." He exclaims, far too dramatically. I just shake my head, "I have a good amount of crystalariums, I have more diamonds coming your way!"

Gus admires his shiny diamond for a while then stuffs it in his pocket, picking up a glass dish to dry. I fiddle my thumbs and decide to stop avoiding what I came here to do.

"Hey Gus, have you seen Shane?" I question.

"Shane!?." Gus grumbled, "Yeah, that dick caused me a lot of issues tonight... He accused me of giving Pam free drinks if she does... ahem.. 'services' for me."

I looked at Gus wide-eyed, "Wow.. so I missed a lot."

He glances up at me worryingly, "Shane's in the pool room... Please be careful around him. He's bad news. I'd hate to see a good person like you end up like Shane."

I tense up but agree with him to shut him up. I know Shane may not be perfect, but he's a sound person if he has the chance to come out of his shell. Marnie told me.

I thank Gus quickly and gather my things. standing up from the stool, I make my way towards the pool room, I open my bag and pull the box of pizza out.

I glance up and see Shane walking straight towards me with his head held down, seemingly deep in thought.

'Wait... Can he see me!?"

I try to avoid the collision but it's too late. Shane bangs into me and I fall onto the hardwood floor, bruising my knee almost immediately. The pizza landing upside down.

"O-oh... fuck, Y/N. Are you okay!?" Shane stammered, reaching a hand down to grasp mine.

I look up and see Shane. His eyes shining, glazed over with alcohol and sadness. Genuine worry in his actions and words.

I feel my body heat up, seeing his blue Joja work shirt tighten around his biceps and chest from inside his baggy jacket as he leaned over was a bit too much for me to handle.

I grab ahold of his big hand and he pulls me up, we stare deeply into each other's eyes for a moment, before he draws back harshly, glaring hard enough to burn a hole into me.

I nervously break our eye contact and bend down to retrieve the pizza box.

I open the already dented half-open box to see that the cheese had slipped off of the pizza. Shane gives me an annoyed look.

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