It's not that easy

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*Your POV*

"Like I said, Y/N. All because he gave you a few measly blue eggs he shouldn't be forgiven. I'm glad you chose to come to mine instead of Shanes tonight."

I stared straight at the floor as Sebastian ranted. Shane had apologized to me about three days ago but I hadn't been able to face him. I've ignored all his texts asking when I'd be available or if I was okay.

"Y-yeah, you're right. It's just not that easy." I muttered, forcing a smile onto my face as Sebastian grabbed my hand.

"Hey, it's for the best right? I mean, he's only caused drama and has never really been nice to anyone but Sam. He's a dick." His face distorted from his gentle smile to a pained frown. My eyes scanned over his still bruised face, his black eye, and swollen lip.

He turned and peeked at his phone still frowning, tossing it onto his bed.

*sigh* "At least I have you, Y/N. I don't need anyone else as long as I have you."

'Oh yoba, I know it's meant to sound sweet but it just sounds creepy. Shane is smooth and natural with his words. Never overbearing, but sometimes cruel.'

His wispy purple hair, his piercing brown eyes, and his buff chubby build...

I tensed up, imagining his body back at Marnies when I picked up those heaters. 'The things I would do to that man would be illegal-'

"Y/N!?" Sebastian yelled. I jumped in shock, my face hot. "S-sorry, yes?"

He looked at me with a confused look and continued, "I was asking if you wanted to go to the spa place up above my place on Thursday? In like three days?"

I nodded my head fast and forced another smile. "Uh of course! Just send me a text or call me to remind me I should be free every evening. I'm just around the farm foraging and getting wood."

'I could use a spa day, I barely take any breaks.' I peered over at Sebastian again. He was angrily smashing away on his phone.

Despite his injuries he was still hot as fuck. His black hair, kissable soft lips, thin but muscular body type. Nobody can deny his looks, so why was I being so distant?

Well he must have noticed my staring, cause he got closer.

"Y/N, can I kiss you? He asked smirking, grabbing onto the back of my head. Slightly pulling me closer.

I closed my eyes, hoping that was enough of an answer.

I felt his plump slightly swollen lips touch mine. His tongue licking my lips gently as I opened my mouth. Letting him French kiss me.

I couldn't lie, the kiss was hot. But I couldn't stop pretending it was Shane. Shane's tongue in my mouth.

'Wait, Shane.'

I pulled away from the kiss, Sebastian's face red and flushed. His eyes gazing at me lust and desperation.

"I have to go now, but that was... great!" I stammered out awkwardly.

I stood up quickly and began to collect my things.

"It was more than great, I felt fireworks." Sebastian giggled and rubbed my head from behind. Sitting at his desk and logging on to his computer. "I'll see you soon, definitely Thursday." He said, throwing his headphones on.

How romantic.

"Yeah, see you Thursday! Bye Seb."

I walked out of the house, jumping onto Stefan. "Sorry to make you wait, buddy. You've been out here for three hours. I'll make sure to give you extra carrots at the farm."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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