Ending credits

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5 months later...

"I could not have asked for a better cast or crew! You guys are the hardest working people in the show business. The long days...the endless nights...and the willingness to adapt, no matter what disaster happened. I can't thank you enough!"

"Thank us? We are forever in your gratitude, Barb. You are the genius that made this movie possible." Donald chimed in, his voice filled with genuine gratitude.

"Donald is right..." I added, my eyes shining with admiration "you're the most creative person I've ever had the pleasure of working with. This movie is going to be amazing because of you. And the whole world will love it, just like I do."

Barb blushed, genuinely touched by my words "Awh thank you Anna. You've been a dream to work with. Now, with that said...let's all drink and feast on the amazing food that was just brought in. We all deserve it!"

"Barb aren't you forgetting something?" Suddenly, a voice interrupted the jubilant atmosphere.

Barb's eyes widened, a hint of mischief dancing in her gaze. "Oh! Silly me.. how could I forget...THATS A WRAP!!!"

"Those words are like music to my ears. Congratulations,you two." Jamie praised, a content smile playing on his lips.

"Thank you! Back at you both." I replied, my eyes shimmering with elation. The weight of our accomplishments was palpable in the air.

"Thanks, you two. It's been a pleasure working together." Henry chimed in.

I agreed, my gaze sweeping across the now empty set."It sure has. I just can't believe it's finally over! I'm really going to miss being on set. And I'm going to miss the A&D family."

A pang of melancholy tugged at Jamie's heart as he nodded in agreement. "So am I. You don't always get a cast and crew like this. It was one of the good ones trust me."

A soft chuckle escaped Henry's lips as he reminisced, "We sure had some fun, didn't we? But, lils...the best part was when you almost peed your pants."

"That WAS a the best part! I've never seen someone wiggle like that." Jamie added as he giggled.

A blush crept up my cheeks as I rolled my eyes playfully. "Ugh, I'm never going to live that down, am I? Six months of gruelling days and even harder nights...it's going to be surreal seeing the movie."

Jamie nodded in agreement, the anticipation evident on his face. "Definitely. But remember we won't get to see it for another year."

"I can wait. I've had enough angel and devil in my life that's for sure." Henry remarked.

"Well, that food is calling my name. Shall we hit the buffet?" Jamie proposed, his eyes shining with hunger and joy.

"You guys go on ahead. I promised I would text Maria once we wrapped." I stated, pulling out my phone, clicking on Maria's contact.

"That girl calls you at all hours of the night." Jamie chuckled.

"She does. So, I'll meet you guys over there." I giggled.

"Sounds good."



Maria 🤭
Does that mean what I think it means?!
Oh my god! Congratulations to you all.
I can't wait to see it.

Me too.
And man, I'm really looking forward to the time off.
I miss hanna and my dad so much.

Are they picking you up at the airport?

Tomorrow morning, bright and early.
And after I spend time with them...
I'm going to sleep for four days.

And then?
Have you decided if you want Jamie or Henry?
The time has come, lils.
It's time to put your big girl pants on and make a damn decision, girl.

Ugh, I hate it when you're rude and right at the same time.

You have the wrap party tomorrow night, right?


Sounds like the perfect time to choose the life you want...and who fits into it best.


Are you at the party?

Yes, just got here.

What did you decide.

I've chosen...
I've chosen to stay here in Hollywood with Jamie.
He may be super glitzy and annoying glamorous....
But I love him.

I had a feeling babe.
And if it's what you want...
I fully support you.

Wish me luck.
I'm going to find Jamie now.

Good luck!


"Some party, huh?" I exclaimed, nudging Jamie with a playful grin. Realistically, I was very nervous to tell him but I had to get it out somehow. Especially since I was going back home soon.

"It sure is." He replied, snapping me back into the moment.

"Anyways...I have something to tell you." I nervously smiled, biting my lower lip with worry.

Jamie towered over me, resulting in me having to lift my head up slightly. "Good news or bad news?" He questioned after noticing my expression.

"Hopefully good." The couldn't even hear myself over the loud thumping of my heart increasing by every passing second.

"Thank god. What is it?" He asked, taking my hands in his as they intertwined. It made me relax again.

I exhaled before explaining "I've decided that after going home tomorrow for a week or so...I'm going to move back here to Hollywood. I love you, Jamie...and I want to be with you."

"Are you serious?!"

Oh no, did I do something wrong?

"I am. The movie is done, so no more acting." I added.

"Lils, I...I was so worried that you were going to break things off. I was dreading it. I'm so happy you chose this...chose me. And I love you too, baby. So much.

A huge smile was painted across my face. In that moment I felt as if my heart had melted at his words. I had never felt so happy and vulnerable in my life.

He came closer to me, his blue eyes sinking into mine with what seemed to me was love. The hunger in his gaze grew as he pressed his lip's against mine. I wrapped my fingers in his hair, pulling him closer as his mouth entangled mine. He wrapped his arms around my neck, sending shivers down my spine as I gasped in surprise. He chuckled lightly, smirking into the kiss as he pulled me tighter. I didn't want to let him go as I pulled away and wrapped his arms around me as i buried my face into his chest.

I love you, Jamie.

Guys there is one more chapter to go!! 😭

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