*luke larabee*

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What is this movie about? And more
importantly, who will be your co-star?

"Oh come on... you don't really care about losing your job, do you?" Jamie asked.
"Well, not really. It's not like I expected Sully to let me keep my job..." I replied, turning my phone on airplane mode.
"Exactly. And you don't need that job." Jamie added.
"But I owe Sully a lot. I hate the thought of leaving him high and dry."
"You'll find a way to make it up to him." Jamie said, reassuringly placing his hand on mine.
"I guess so." I stated with a sigh.
"Now... let's talk about Henry." Jamie suggested.
"I don't want to talk about Henry." I replied looking out the window at the world from above.
"I do. And then I want to talk about you and I." He said with a grin.
"Jamie, seriously, there isn't anything to tell. Maybe Henry and I could have worked out in another life... but in the one I'm living now... it had to end. I feel bad that we both ended up a little hurt. But it's for the best." I explained, crossing my arms and not bothering to leave my gaze from the window.
"I think so, too. That guy wasn't for you." Jamie confidently told me.
"Oh yeah?" I questioned.
"Which brings me to my next subject...Us..." I rolled my eyes before turning to face him, in response.
"Jamie, I wish you'd stop toying with me. And us would be too complicated."
"Why? You don't think I could someone like you because I'm a famous actor?"
"Frankly, yes!" I agreed.
"Yeah, well... I was an ugly duckling...when I turned into a swan, yes, I had my fun. But I'm still the same thoughtful kid deep down... and being with you... someone gorgeous and brave like you...makes me feel like a kid again. Makes me feel lucky. And it's hard to feel lucky when you've been in this business a long time."
His words were so thoughtful. "Jamie... I don't know what to say... I mean... can we really work? We live such different lives—"
"I think we could. And the rest is just details. Give me a chance to prove it to you. Now, filming a movie isn't easy and our lives are about to get really complicated. I think we should just take it slow and... see where things go. Have a little fun. The world believes we are dating, anyway. Now, are you game or what?" He offered with a smile.
"If you're asking me if I'm game to have fun with an actor while I film a movie I have no business being in? The answer is yes. If you're asking me if I like you..."
"Which I am." He added.
"Then the answer to that is yes, too." I explained, discarding the sadness from my face and forming into a genuine smile.

"Filming starts bright and early on Monday. So we need to—" Donald began.
"Hold on... can someone please explain to me what The Angel and the Devil is about exactly? I'm kind of in the dark." I said, interrupting the conversation.
"Oh yes, sorry. That would probably be a good idea." Donald said, chuckling.
"The Angel and the Devil is a cross between an action film and a romance." Jamie explained.
"And yes, you'll be doing you're own stunts. You are playing a police officer... who falls in love with a bank robber." Donald added.
"A love triangle will develop between your fellow police officer and the bank robber." Jamie continued.
"What should I prepare for her? What do you see as being the hardest part?" I wondered.
"Probably learning all your lines. You're going to be the main character."
"We both are." Jamie butted in.
"I see. Who are you playing, Jamie?" I asked.
"The bank robber. The villain that you hate yourself for falling in love with."
"Figures!" I chuckled. "Who is playing the fellow police officer?" I questioned.
"Yeah, I'd like to know that, too." Jamie also wondered.
"Luke Larabee." Donald took a deep breath before saying his name.
"Awesome! I'm a fan of his. Can't wait to meet him." I said, not understanding the problem with this situation.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! YOU LIKE THAT JOKER?!" Jamie yelled with wide eyes.
"What do you mean joker? He's a great actor!" I yelled back, defending Luke.
"If you like unfunny halfwits." Jamie scoffed.
"Jamie, regardless of how you feel... you have to deal with him. The three of you are going to be spending a lot of time together." Donald said.
"This in an outrage. Luke is notoriously unprofessional. He's going to ruin this production, mark my words." Jamie yelled.
"I agree, he wasn't my first choice. I think we needed an unknown in this movie. There's too much star power with you three, if that's such a thing. But atlas, we have no choice."
"Donald's right. I guess we'll just have to make the best of it." I added
"You guys are going to have dinner with tonight. Talk about the script."
"DINNER WITH LUKE! I mean.... Cool. Sounds good. Looking forward to it."
"I like you're enthusiasm, lils. Jamie, take a page out of lil's book. Now, I have you both  set up in the luxury suites down the street. Go settle in and freshen up. You're due to meet him at 8. Don't be late!"

Dinner with Jamie flatters and Luke Larabee?! What the hell has happened to my life?! I better find something fantastic to wear. Darn! If I don't hurry, I'm gonna be late!

"Ugh... Luke's twenty minutes late. What a surprise." Jamie complained, checking his watch for the 20th time.
"Okay, so what's the story? Why don't you like him?" I asked.
"He's... extremely conceited."
"And you're not?" I giggled, lifting my eyebrows to tease him.
"I'm confident." He stated.
"Uh-huh." I said, sarcastically.
"Fine, I'm overly confident. But he's... unbearable. He thinks he can do no wrong... so he ends up saying extremely rude things. Especially to those he considers to be beneath him. Which is basically everyone."
"Wow. I would have never guessed that. He seems like such a nice guy on screen." I said.
"He's a good actor, don't get me wrong. But it's not worth it. I just have a really bad feeling about working with him." Jamie added.
"Well, it doesn't seem like we have much of a choice." I sighed.
"Nope. And here he comes now. Remember, he thinks you're the real Anna." He whispered.
"Got it." I said, putting my thumbs up.
"You guys didn't get a table yet? Figures. I'll take care of it. WAITRESS! Table! Now!"
"Umm... it's nice to meet you." I said politely.
"Hello, Luke. I guess you like to make an entrance. We've been waiting for 20 minutes." Jamie yelled.
"That's not my problem. And oh my god, what is that offensive odour? I hope it's not the food. Who chose this place anyway? It's completely pedestrian." Luke said, holding his nose.
"It didn't smell of anything until you showed up." Jamie mumbled.
"Jamie! SHH!" I said holding back my laugh. "So Luke... I'm really looking forward to doing this movie with you."
"I wish I could say the same. You're a pop star. And pop stars should stick to making music. How did you get this role anyway? I heard you didn't even try out." He yawned.
"Watch it, Luke." Jamie said with a threat full tone.
"I may be a pop star... but I'm also a damn good actress. I understand we ALL can't be multi- talented, though." I yawned, mimicking his actions.
"And the claws come out. That didn't take long. The rumours about you must be true. Looks like our table is ready. Let's sit down and get this over with." Luke explained, walking over to our table.
"Told you so." Jamie whispered, rolling his eyes.

A/N: I'm sorry for the long wait, this isn't my best writing but I've been busy with school, acting class and homework. I felt bad for not updating in a while so here you go. Thank you for you're support and the amazing comments you are all so kind. :) I promise the next chapter will be much better. Again thank you so much and I'll see you soon 👋👋

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