Private celebration!

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"So what do you say?" I questioned, taking his hands in mine and looking up at him, waiting for an answer.
"What do I say to sleeping with you?! Is that even a serious question?" His eyes, shining with a lustful look as a huge smile spreads across his lips.
"Can I take that as a yes?" I said, squeezing his hands.
Suddenly I feel myself being lifted off the ground and over Jamie's shoulder. "Of course it's a yes! My god, girl. I've been wanting to sleep with you ever since you put me in my place the first time we met." He exclaimed, placing me down after spinning me round.
"Well then, I guess it's settled. Tonight, we can—" I began before I was interrupted.
"Tonight? Damn. Don't think I'm not happy about this, but your timing is terrible." He chuckled.
"What do you mean?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
He placed his hand on my cheek, slowly caressing my jawline as he spoke. "I'm leaving in an hour to go shoot my underground hideout scenes in California. And I won't be back for a few days."
"Oh yeah... shit, I totally forgot." I cursed.
"I was looking forward to shooting those scenes, but now it's going to be torture. I'll be thinking about you nonstop." Jamie explained, moving his hands up to my hair, twisting with a lock with his fingers.
"What are you going to be thinking about?" I asked with a playful smile in seductive tone, already knowing the answer to my question.
"A LOT of things..." he whispered, leaning down to my ear, sending chills down my spine. "you and me....tangled together—" he continued until someone behind us cleared his throat.
"So, Lilly— oh, sorry. Am I interrupting something?" Donald, questioned.
I looked at Jamie and returned my gaze to Donald, before responding. "Sort of."
"Can whatever it is wait? I'm leaving soon and I need to speak with lils." Jamie asked Donald, resulting with Donald slowing shaking his head.
"Unfortunately, it can't wait. Hollywood waits for no one!" He added.
"Oh ok." Jamie replied.
Donald sighed. "Jamie, I know that you're filming upstate for the next couple days. But, Lilly, I need you and Henry on an interview tonight. The world wants to know who Henry is and who is taking Luke's place! We're really going to need you to talk him up and show your support."
"Okay, cool! I can do that." He smiled.
"Good. And good luck to you, Jamie. Those scenes are going to be epic, I hear."
"Thanks." He said.
"See you in a few days. Lilly, see you in a few." He said as he walked away, leaving the two of us alone again.
"Looks like both our schedules are filling up." Jamie stated with a sigh.
"What else is new?" I agreed.
"I wish we could take a vacation."
"Same here, but Hollywood waits for no one!"
"Well, you gave me something to look forward to. I have no idea how I'm even going to remember my lines...or wait! I have an idea." Jamie stated, his eyes lighted up at his idea only making me more curious.
"What is it?" I asked.
"I do have an hour until I leave...we can always sneak back to our rooms..." he started.
"No way! We're not rushing this. Not the first time anyway. But nice try." I said, smiling at his eagerness and attempts.

Later that night....
Henry and I had been sat in our interview seats for about half an hour waiting for Donna to arrive. She was late, again! Meaning I would have to keep this uncomfortable corset on for even longer, the tightness of the material around me was killing me inside. I couldn't wait to take it off but all I could do was act like it didn't bother me after all I was an actress, right? Just smile and enjoy the experience.

"Where is this interviewer? She should have been here by now." Henry groaned with impatience, this was now the fifth complaint. At this point he was just being annoying.
"Henry, what's wrong now? I feel you're upset with me." I confessed.
"I'm not upset with you..." he stated.
"Okay. If you say so." I said, ending the conversation to check my phone for any new updates. Hopefully she cancelled on us.
"Sorry. I don't mean to be moody. Living in Hollywood must be getting to me." He spoke, taking over the silence.
"Ranch boy at heart, huh?" I said, looking over to him.
"You know it." He smiled, looking down at the ground.
"This is a great experience but...I'll be going home as soon as this is over."
I didn't have time to answer Henry as Donna had finally arrived. About time!
"Donna Morehouse!" I shake her hand.
"Ah, you remember me. I was hoping you would." She giggled, doing that fake laugh she always does.
"Our last interview was very memorable." I said, returning the fake laugh in her face.
"Indeed. I remember you got a bit sassy with me at the end there." She added, opening her notepad with was flooded with personal questions.
"I don't really remember that....but I must have had a reason to be." I said, trying not to laugh, knowing that I was begging to piss her off like last time. And she knew that too.
"Hmm. Now this hot piece of man candy must be Henry." She said, making her way towards him.
"Nice to meet you Donna." He smiled.
"Oh and he's polite too. I like you already. Now let's get started...we all have busy schedules." She said, beckoning us to sit down.
"Sounds good." I agreed.
"Works for me...." Henry added, sitting on the other side of Donna.
"So, the Angel and the devil is slated for a summer release and everyone's all abuzz. How did you come by this role, Henry? Pardon my language, but as a virtual unknown?" She questioned, clicking her pen and waiting for a response.
"Donald was looking for an unknown. And I just happened to pass Donald's path at the right time. I consider myself very fortunate." Henry answered, not bad Henry. I'll give you that.
"Uh huh. Very lucky. And Anna, have you found working with Henry to be a challenge? I mean, you two didn't know each other, right?" She said, turning in my direction, the cameras now zoomed in on me.
"We didn't, no. But Jamie and I took to him right away. Working with him is far from a challenge. Henry is a national and I know the audience is going to fall in love with him." He smiled at my reply.
"Interesting. Speaking of falling in and Jamie have recently become engaged. Any wedding plans?" I eagerly nodded my head.
"We have tons of plans. We're trying to narrow down exactly what we want....but we're going to have big celebration. Probably somewhere exotic, but we're not sure yet."
"I'm sure it will be an affair to remember! You're fans will accept nothing less."
"And we don't want to let them down."
"We're you a fan of Anna Sophia before the movie?" She said, asking Henry.
"Uh, yeah! Who isn't?" He stated.
"He has to say that." I giggled.
"No, really. Anna's great. And she's even better to work with." He explained.
"Thank you, Henry." I smiled.
"Wow, such kind words. Spoken from the heart it seems. You guys seem close for just having met each other." She laughed.
"Well, making a movie together can do that to you." Henry nodded in agreement.
"Interesting. All of this brings me to my next question....there is a photo exclusive to A! News that we're posting on the website right now. This seems to show you and Anna arguing outside of a diner called Sullivan's. Care to explain that?" She questioned with a more serious and firm tone.
Shit she's onto us.
"Ummm...what photo?" I chuckled nervously, buying me more time to think of an explanation.
"It was taken a little bit ago...before the movie even got off the ground. I thought you said you met Henry on set?" She asked, raising her eyebrows with concern.

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