Delicious moment

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"Wow. You admitted it. You actually fucking admitted it." Erica exclaimed, her voice laced with disbelief and anger. He nodded, his face filled with a mixture of determination and resignation. "Yeah, I did. So this thing between us ends here and now. Stay the hell away from me. And stay the hell away from all of us. Or else-" he trailed off ominously.

"Alright, alright. I think set has seen enough threats for one day. Erica, my office. NOW!" Donald interjected sternly. "Okay..." Erica sighed, her voice filled with resignation.

"Im sorry, Donald." Henry muttered. Donald, clearly unimpressed, replied, "Listen I don't care who you're with, kid. But I heard you tell Erica you love Lilly."

"Uh- yeah." Henry's breath caught in his throat. "Hmmmm." Donald mused. "Well sorry to hear it." "You're sorry to hear it?" Henry questioned, baffled by the unexpected response.

"Of course. I mean, you're a talented guy, Henry. And I mean that. But Lilly has a taste for the life and she's the type that's not going to want to go back." Donald explained, a tinge of regret in his voice.

Big sis Han🫶
Are you fucking kidding me?!
What an evil girl!

That's the same reaction Maria had.
Except she called her something a lot worse than an evil girl.

Big sis Han🫶
I can just imagine!
So what's going to happen to Erica?

She's been in Donald's office for the past hour.
I don't have to film until this afternoon so I'm just chilling in my room.

Big sis Han🫶
Man, I'm sorry you have to deal with that.
You should be having fun out there.

Oh, I'm definitely having fun.
I um...had....with Jamie last night.

Big sis Han🫶

Lots of it.

Big sis Han🫶
Are you kidding me?!
Why did you not bring that up first?!
I want all the details.
What did he do?
What did he say?

Come on Han Han, you know I don't kiss and tell.

Big sis Han🫶
Please can you give me something?..

I loved every moment of it...
All of it.

Big sis Han🫶
Oh my
I will never look at him the same way again.

Your too funny Hannah xx

"Did you bring the t- shirt, Henry?" I asked anxiously, my eyes scanning our surroundings. "I did, I own about a dozen." Henry replied, pulling out a neatly folded t-shirt from his bag.

Looking relieved, I nodded. "Well, it's going to be handy for something else today."
"Okay. I'm not even going to ask. Today has been to weird." Henry remarked, a hint of frustration etched on his face.

"Are you sure your okay Henry? This situation must have been hard on you." I looked at him with concern. "Yeah. I'm fine. You don't have to keep asking." Henry assured me,trying to hide his inner turmoil. "I'm just worried about you." I confessed softly.

"You don't have to be." Henry whispered, attempting to push aside the heavy weight on his shoulders. Just then, Cal Murphy approached, capturing our attention. "Oh! Here comes Cal! Murphy. Welcome to the set. We're both huge fans."

"Huge fans! Massive fans."I chimed in, my eyes gleaming with admiration. Cal smiled warmly at us. "I appreciate it. Sorry, son, but I don't recognise you. Although that isn't saying much...I can barley recognise my own wife these days." He chuckled.

"This is actually my first movie, so don't feel bad." Henry chuckled, feeling a mix of amusement and awe. "Ah good. Welcome to Hollywood but between you and me. Get out while you still can." Cal let out a hearty laugh. My eyes widened with curiosity as he turned to me and said, "It's a little too late for you though. I know who you are. Anna Sophia." A blush crept up on my cheeks as I smiled, "Yep, that's me. Actually we have a favour we'd like to ask...


"Why are you asking me for my personal number?" Sully asked with confusion. "You'll see! I promise I'll never call you or anything. Lilly wants to send you something." Maria explained, giggling.

"Lilly, huh? I don't anyone by that name anymore." He crossed his arms avoiding eye contact with Maria. "Oh come on, don't be like that. She actually has a surprise for you." She smiled, emphasising the word surprise to her boss. "A surprise? Is she going to tell me where she's been after the past two months?" He questioned, frustratedly.

"Not really...but come on...what your number." She asked before typing in his number in the keypad. "What's this about?" He questioned. "Just wait for it. You should check that last message."

"Oh my god! That's...that's..." he stuttered, his eyes were deceiving. "Cal Murphy." Maria giggled at his reaction. "CAL MURPHY! He's my favourite actor of all time! And look! He's wearing a "sully's" shirt." The man said, jumping up and down with happiness.
"Yup. I think it's her way of apologising." She giggled.

"This is the best day of my life! I have to print this out! I have to hang it on that wall! Oh, thank you, Lilly! This gift is priceless!" He yelled.



"It's you."

"Sorry. I had to find my outfit for the scene today and you were....missing."

"Yeah, and I'm about to be permanently missing. I've just been fired."

"Oh. Well, I guess that is what happens when you go around threatening cast members. Can't say I'm surprised."

"Whatever. I know you think I deserve this. But I never would have said anything."

"Well, I guess they didn't want to take that chance."

"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. Donald has the power to end my career. And I refuse to let some looser and his fake girlfriend ruin me."

"Are you talking about me and Henry?!"

"Of course I am."

"What the fuck?"

"Lilly, get real. Hasn't anyone told you yet? You can't trust anyone in this business."

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