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Being an actress isn't as easy as some people think.
After two weeks of shooting, you could really use a break!

Two weeks later...

"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself." Jamie argued, sipping his cup of coffee from across the oak table.
I sighed before answering. "I'm not. I'm just....exhausted. And my mind is crammed full of lines and directions."
"Welcome to making a movie." He chuckled. "Everyone thinks it's really easy. That actors and actresses are out here in la-la land making easy money. But there's more to it than just standing in front of a camera and looking beautiful."
"Hell yeah," I agreed, placing my cup down on the table."there is. My feet are sore, my brain is sore...and my butt is sore from being on that motorcycle."
"Well you looked really sexy on it so at least there's that." He smirked.
I nervously looked down at the table, shaking my head with laughter. "I'm looking forward to the next two days off, that's for sure. I NEED a break. Especially because we're starting stunts next week."
"Well, I'm really proud of you, you know." He smiled, resting his warm hands over mine and squeezed them slightly.
"You don't have to say that." I replied with a laugh.
"No, I mean it." He stated, staring into my eyes. "You've been working really hard and I'm honestly impressed. And so is Barb, even if she doesn't say it as often as she could. "
"Or ever. I appreciate you saying that. Working with you makes everything easier. You're an incredible actor, Jamie." I smiled, playing with his hands.
"Thank you. I know." He replied, playfully furrowing his eyebrows.
"Well, I don't have a problem admitting that I'd be lost without you. And without this coffee shop next to the hotel." I giggled, taking a big sip of my warm coffee.
"Expresso is great. But if your interested, I'd like to take you somewhere special tonight. There will be really good pastries." He explained with a soft voice.
"I'm listening..."
he chuckled in response. "Well, you see...with filming and everything we haven't had a second to ourselves. I'd like to spend some time alone with you. Even though I see you every day, I feel like I don't SEE you. Does that make sense?"
"Perfect sense. But where is this place of magical pastries?" I questioned.
"It's a surprise. You just have to trust me."
"A surprise, huh? Okay, I'm game."
"Good. Pack an overnight bag and meet me in the lobby at 3."
An overnight bag? Where the hell are we going?

What does Jamie have up his sleeve? Oh! A message from Maria! I haven't heard from her in ages.

Hey, you!

I miss you x

I miss you x
And Henry.
I'm so jealous of your lives.
I almost just dropped a hot pizza on a little old lady.

Oh man!
I miss your clumsiness.
I can't wait to see you.

I can't wait to see you and LA!
I can't believe I have to wait a whole month until I can come out there.

It will be worth it.
Jamie's already talked to Vaughn and our plans are set.

But speaking of Jamie...
How are things going with your hot movie star?

Well, there hasn't been a ton of romance.
But the truth is...
I really, really like him.
He's like a totally different person than the Jamie you see on screen.
He's patient, sweet...and so damn 🥵 .

Damn girl.
You've got it bad.

Don't remind me.
He's actually taking me somewhere tonight.
I have no idea where.
But he tells me they have good desserts.

Jamie flatters and desserts?
Dear god girl.
Dare I ask about Henry.

I've sort of been avoiding him here at the hotel.
I just think its for the best.
I don't wanna hurt him again.
He's been a lot with our stylist Erica a lot.

Ugh, sully is coming out.
I gotta go.
Text me later to tell me where Jamie is taking you!

Two hours later...

As the wind rushed past us, Jamie took the wheel and we began to cruise down the open road in his car with the roof down. The sun was shining down upon us, bathing us in its warm rays. As we drove, the world around us seemed to come alive, with the colorful scenery whizzing by, and the sweet scent of summer filling our nostrils.

Jamie had his favorite tunes playing on the radio, and we sang along to the lyrics as we felt the cool breeze on our faces. With the roof down, we were able to feel the full intensity of the sun's warmth, and it was an invigorating experience.

As we journeyed on, we chatted and laughed together, enjoying the beauty of our surroundings and the freedom of the open road. It was a perfect moment, filled with joy and carefree fun, a moment that we would remember and cherish for a long time to come.

"This town is beautiful, but where are we?" I asked whilst getting out the car and closing the door behind me, staring at the beautiful view in front of us.
"Solvang. It's where my mum currently lives." Jamie said, opening the boot and passing me my bags.
"No way! Are you serious?"
"Yeah. This is her house right here." He stated, pointing to the beautifully decorated house ahead of us.
I paused and turned to Jamie."..um are you taking me to meet your mother?"
"Yes. Are you okay with meeting my mum?" He asked, taking his sunglasses off.
"Sure, I love mums. And if that's what you want to do, then I'm game." I replied as we began to walk up the steep driveway.
"Right on. I try to visit her whenever I get the chance." Jamie added, opening the gate for me.
"That's so sweet. Does she know about me? I mean, does she know I'm not Anna?" I questioned, scratching the back of my neck nervously.
"Definitely. Just wait until you try her Aebleskiver." He said as he began to run ahead towards the front door.
Her what?! Ugh damn him. Always getting the last word.
"Jamie wait uppp." I whined, trying to catch up to him with my heavy bags.

As we entered Jamie's mums house she was really sweet and welcoming. She lead us to the kitchen where her famous Aebleskivers lay. "Omg. I can't believe I never knew what Aebleskiver were. I don't know how I ever lived without them!" I said as I took another bite of the delicious pastry. And oh my, jamie wasn't lying when he said they were amazing!
"I'm glad you like them dear. I respect a women who loves a good pastry." She smiled.
"These are just to die for. And so is this town. And oh my, You picked a wonderful place to live, Ms. Flatters." I admired.
"Thank you. And you picked a wonderful man when you decided to date my son." She chuckled.
"Oh um..thank you." I nervously giggled. Why did Jamie tell her we were dating?
"I mean honestly, what's not to like. He's perfect in every way." She continued.
"Thanks, ma." Jamie grinned.
Now I know where he gets his ego from.
"Anyway, I wanted to give lils a tour of the gardens." Jamie added, grabbing my wrist and leading me towards the huge garden full of nature.
"Of course. You two run along. I'll get dinner started and we can finish getting to know each other later." She explained, watching as we ran along.

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