*Henry and Jamie*

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Welcome to boot camp for movie stars!! ⭐️🎥

See that girl singing her heart out on stage? That's not the famous pop star Anna Sophia. That's me. For two weeks I was paid to live like the rich and famous. Paid to take Anna's place because she and I happen to look pretty much identical. And yes it was as glamorous as you're imagining it to be. Ridiculously expensive outfits... sparkly jewellery and adorable handbags... that was the fun part. But there was a lot to living Anna's life that was not so much fun. Learning all her songs and dance moves... performing in front of 75,000 screaming fans...dealing with her crazy schedule of interviews, photoshoots and appearances... and last but certainly not least, working with her manager, Donald. But it was worth it. And no, not because I was paid a quarter of a million pounds to do it.... But because it saved my sister's life. I was going to use the money I earned to buy my sister a new heart. But Jamie flatters, the famous actor and Anna's "pretend boyfriend", beat me to it. I have to say, the most surprising thing about this experience was definitely hanging out with Jamie. At first I hated him...he was arrogant, rude and sarcastic. But he had another side to him. A side that was funny and sweet...and he saved my sister's life. But...I don't want to talk about him right now. Because that part of my life is over. It's been a week and I'm normal and boring old me again. Instead of lights, camera, action....I'm back to "would you like fries with that?" I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life. Because it's hard to be normal and boring again....when you've had a little taste of something different.

I grab my apron from my hanger and began to wipe down the tables in the restaurant with a damp cloth, swiftly moving from table to table, cleaning away any leftover crumbs or spills. As I clean, I arrange the chairs neatly and adjust the table settings and I would occasionally check my work, making sure each table was spotless and ready for new customers to sit and enjoy their meals. From the corner of my eye, I notice (my boss) Sully approaching me. He's always finds something to complain about. I wonder what's the problem this time.
" you've just had 2 weeks off doing who knows what... And now you're back and messing up orders left and right! Where is your head these days, Lilly? " he lectures me loud enough I'm sure the whole city can hear him.
'It's not my fault! The customers have been totally unreasonable about wait times with the new promotion out—' unable to finish my explanation, Sully hollers over the top of my voice.
"I don't want to hear your excuses! It's not like Henry or Maria are making these mistakes! "
'But—' I campaign.
"Enough! Just do your job, Lilly! And do it RIGHT!" He yells as he walks away.
"Sully yelling at you again, huh?" Said a soft voice, coming from behind. I turn around to face the person speaking to me, only to find my best friend Maria standing before me. Well "ex- best friend" according to her. Ever since I told her where I had been for the previous 2 weeks, she seemed, jealous, confused and upset with me. I've tried talking to her, but she would just simply ignore me as if I was invisible or never existed. I'm surprised she's even talking to me now, if I'm honest.
'Yup.' I sighed with frustration. ' I don't know what's wrong with me. I just can't seem to—'
"Why are you still working here anyway?" She interrupts. "Aren't you like super rich now?"
'I guess so. But I'm saving that money until I figure out what I want to do with it. What I want to do with my life. You know that.' I answer with my arms crossed and furrowed eyebrows.
"Well, I think that's stupid." She yawns, her hand covering her mouth and a stern look in her eyes.
That it is, she is getting on my nerves now. I swear she acts like a 7 year old most of the time, she's so fucking childish. I've had enough of her insults.
'Maria, are you seriously STILL upset with me?' I ask.
"Upset? Why would I be upset?! It's not like my best friend became a pop star for 2 weeks, didn't tell me....and then had a whirlwind affair with my celebrity crush!" She yells.
'SHHH!! Can you not say that so loud?!'
"I'll talk as loud as I want to!" She yells even louder than before. If that was even possible.
'You're acting like a petulant child! I tell you everything that happened to me and this is how you react? Some friend you are.' I snap back, pointing a finger at her chest, full of anger.
"How dare you accuse ME of being a bad friend! You are like... the definition of a bad friend! "
'Wow. So that's how it's going to be, huh?' I question. But before anyone could say anything else, Henry steps into the conversation.
"If you two don't stop fighting, you're going to scare away our customers."
"It's your girlfriend's fault. Or wait, is she Jamie's girlfriend? I just can't keep up these days!" She groans before walking off to serve some more people.
'Ugh! She's being so unfair. She knows I couldn't tell anyone about where I was and what I was doing... and she knows the reason why I became Anna in the first place. I hate that she's treating me this way.' I explain as I wipe the table more aggressively this time, keeping my stern eyes on her every move.
"She's just hurt. And frankly, a little jealous." He said, whispering the last part quietly so Maria couldn't hear us.
'Jealous?! I humiliated myself in front of tens of thousands of people. I had to deal with cruel reporters and—' Henry interrupts me. "You got to make out with Jamie flatters."
'She knows that was just for show!' I add with a groan.
"Was it? Just for show, I mean." Henry asked with concern.
'Well, I had to do it, but... I'll be honest and say it wasn't exactly a hardship. I care about Jamie, he saved my sister's life.'
"I know. I'm still figuring out how the hell i'm going to compete with a movie star that saved your sister's life." He added.
'Henry...you know I like you.' I stated.
"We just never had a chance to get started, you know? We never—"
Suddenly my phone explodes with thousands of calls from.....
'Oh no... it's Donald!' I exclaimed.
"Donald? What do you think he wants?" Henry asked.
'I have no idea. But I can't pick up during work, Sully would kill me. Speaking of, I can see him glaring at me now.' I said, powering my phone off, placing it in the pocket of my serving apron.
"Well, I'll stop bothering you. But are we still on for dinner tonight?" Henry asked.
'You bet.'
"Great. I'll pick you up at 7." He notified.

It was now 5:30pm which meant my shift had finished for the day, leaving me with a few hours to prepare for tonights dinner with Henry. As I walked home from work, I shuffled my feet along the pavement, eager to get back to the comfort of my own apartment. My eyes wandered over the familiar buildings and streets, the hustle and bustle of the city slowly fading away. With a sigh of relief, I finally arrived at my front door. Fumbling with my keys, I unlocked the door and stepped inside. I was met with the scent of lavender that I left burning earlier filling the air, a welcoming reassurance of home. As I slid my leathered jacket off and hung it up, I took a moment to appreciate the silence and calm of the space around me. Unfortunately, it didn't last as long as I expected, when the sound of a familiar knock was continuously tapping at my door. I placed my handbag down, quickly making my way to the door with a confused face. I wasn't expecting anyone, at least I thought. As I approached the door, I took a quick glance through the peephole to see who it was. Upon recognising the face on the other side, I felt relieved. With a huge grin on my face, I opened the door to reveal my sister. I embraced her with a big hug and invited her in for a chat and some tea.
'Hannah, I thought the doctor said you needed to rest?' I asked, handing her the hot mug perching on the soft couch opposite from her.
"I was bored. And I wanted to help you pick an outfit for your date tonight." She said in between a few sips.
'Fine. But once we're done you're going to bed. The spare room is the first room down the hallway. You had heart surgery—' suddenly I was interrupted by Hannah's sarcasm.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, what are you going to wear?! Do you still have any of Anna's outfits?" She questioned.
'I do! You can help me choose.' I replied with giggle.
After changing, I revealed the gorgeous outfit.
"Cute! You're going to stick out in that stylish dress for sure." Hannah complimented.
'Good. I've learned I like making an impression with fashion.' I responded.
"Well, you definitely will be tonight! And before you go...I want to have a little talk."
'About what?' I asked.
"Jamie and Henry......"

A/N: here Is the first chapter to my new book sudden celebrity2. Hope you guys enjoy. Let me know what you think by commenting and voting for my story. All will be appreciated. Much love x
Goodbye for now <3

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