Chapter 26: The Secrets

Start from the beginning

***Confronting the Devil***

James was in the car with Amy, his eyes also on the building's entrance, concern etched into his features. 

"We're taking a big risk sending him in alone."

"I know," Amy said, her voice barely above a whisper. She knew the stakes, knew what could go wrong, but Vincent's demand had been clear: only Alex. Any deviation could jeopardise everything.

Each moment dragged on, seemingly without end, as they listened to the silence on the other end of the earpiece.

Finally, Alex's voice came through, tense but controlled. 

"I'm in. It's dark, but I can make out several figures. Vincent's here, and he's got Isabella. She's tied to a chair."

A thumping in her chest accompanied her every breath. She exchanged a glance with James, the gravity of the situation settling over them.

"Stall him," James instructed, his voice held steady. "Buy us some time. The police are on their way."

"I'll do what I can," Alex replied, determination in his voice.

"What do you want, Vincent?" Alex's voice came through the earpiece, calm but firm.

"What do I want? You know exactly what I want, Carrington. The shares. Give them to me, and I'll let Isabella go," Vincent spat the words out like venom, the sound of something being moved in the background.

A muffled cry came through the earpiece. Isabella's mouth was covered, but her fear was unmistakable.

"You and I both know it's not that simple. If you kill her, you lose your leverage. If I give you the shares, there's no guarantee you'll let her go. We're at a standstill," Alex reasoned.

A malicious laugh echoed through the line. 

"You think you're in a position to negotiate with me? You're mistaken. You'll give me what I want, or I'll kill her right now."

Amy and James listened, breaths held, as the situation teetered on the edge of violence. 

"Think about what you're doing, Vincent," Alex said, his voice steady. 

"The police are closing in. The moment you pull that trigger, any chance you have of getting away is gone."

Silence, then Vincent spoke again, his voice dripping with contempt. 

"You think I care about the police? This isn't personal, Carrington. Olivia pointed me in your direction, and you have something I want. Don't try to make it more than that."

"Nothing will be gained by killing her," Alex argued, desperation creeping into his voice. 

"Let's find another way. A way where nobody has to die."

More silence, the tension in the room palpable even through the earpiece.

Then Vincent spoke again, his tone icy and resolute. 

"Enough games, Carrington. You know what I want. Give me the shares, or she dies."

The threat hung in the air, leaving no room for further negotiation. Isabella's muffled cries continued to haunt the room, a harsh indication of the importance of their actions.

Amy's breath caught in her throat, her hand tightening on her phone. They were running out of time.

"Alex, don't do anything rash," she urged her voice a plea. "Help is on the way."

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