Chapter 25: The Showdown Begins

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The chandeliers gleamed soft golden as Alex entered Olivia's luxurious living room. He was met with a sight that stopped them in his track.

James, his face masked with frustration, stood over Olivia, who was tightly tied to an armchair. Her clothes were dishevelled, her mascara smudged, but her eyes sparkled with hate and arrogance.

"Ah, finally, the king arrives," Olivia sneered, her gaze fixed on Alex. 

"Took you long enough." Her voice was filled with mockery, clearly unfazed by Alex's presence, despite the seriousness of the situation.

Alex's eyes narrowed, and his voice was ice-cold as he responded, "We're here for answers, Olivia. Don't think your games will work on me."

Olivia's eyes widened in false innocence. 

"Games? Why, Alex, I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Don't play dumb," Alex shot back, his anger barely contained.

At that moment, Amy and Marcus entered the room, and Olivia's eyes flicked to Amy, her face contorted with rage. 

"How dare you bring this worthless wench into my house?" she spat, her voice dripping with venom.

The tension in the room escalated, the stakes clear, and the confrontation was only just beginning.

Amy's face hardened, but she didn't rise to the bait. Instead, she shot back, "How dare you play with people's lives as if they were nothing more than toys?"

"You don't know what you're talking about," Olivia snapped, her control slipping further.

"Oh, but I do," Amy said, her voice steady. "And unlike you, I actually care about the people involved."

Olivia's face twisted into a snarl, her eyes still fixed on Amy. 

"You'll regret bringing her here, Alex. You'll all regret crossing me."

"You're going to tell us what we need to know," Alex said, his voice firm. 

"We've already informed the police, and they're on their way. Cooperate, and this can go smoothly."

Olivia's face twisted into a snarl. "You think I'm afraid of the police? You have no idea who you're dealing with."

Alex leaned in close, his eyes locked on Olivia's. "Oh, I know exactly who I'm dealing with. Now tell us where they are."

Olivia's snarl turned into a smirk as she looked at Amy. 

"You think you have me cornered? You, a pitiful excuse for a woman, trying to play with the big boys?"

Amy's face flushed with anger, but Alex tightened his grip on her arm, his voice stern. 

"Watch your tongue, Olivia. You're in no position to insult anyone."

"Oh, I think I am," Olivia snapped back, her eyes gleaming with malice. 

"Especially when you bring such an insignificant creature into my home."

James's patience finally snapped. He slammed his fist into the wall next to Olivia's head, causing her to flinch. 

"Enough of this nonsense! Tell us what we need to know, or I swear, I'll make you."

Olivia's defiant eyes met James's. "You wouldn't dare."

"Don't test me," James growled, his face inches from Olivia's.

Marcus stepped forward, his voice calm but authoritative. 

"James, let her be. We'll get the information we need."

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