Chapter 16: The Ghost of What Was

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Alex sat alone in his dimly lit study, the folder filled with evidence about Isabella's disappearance lying open on the desk. The weight of the revelations from his conversation with Amy still hung heavily in the room, the sting of betrayal lingering in the air.

But now, something else was calling to him, something more powerful, more personal. The ghost of what was a haunting spectre of the past that refused to let go. 

He reached into the desk drawer and pulled out a worn photo album, the cover cracked and faded from years of handling. As he opened it, a flood of memories rushed over him, each page a glimpse into a time when life was simpler, happier.

His fingers lingered on a photograph of them at the birthday party the day they first met. He could still hear her laughter and feel the warmth of her hand in his as they wandered through the exhibits.

It was a chance encounter, one of those rare moments when fate seemed to step in and guide two people together. 

Alex was attending one of his classmates' birthday parties, feeling out of place because he didn't know anyone. He found himself standing by the bar, nursing a drink and contemplating an early exit...

That's when he noticed her. It was Isabella, and something about her drew him in.

Isabella was across the room, her laughter bubbling up like a melody, her eyes dancing with mischief and joy. She was engaged in a lively conversation with a small group of friends, and even from a distance, Alex could sense her vitality and warmth.

He was drawn to her, like a moth to a flame, unable to look away.

As if sensing his gaze, Isabella turned, and their eyes met. Time seemed to slow, and the world around them faded away.

"What are you doing over here all alone?" she asked, making her way over to him, her smile bright and inviting.

"I could ask you the same," he replied, his voice surprisingly steady despite the sudden pounding of his heart.

She tilted her head, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. 

"Oh, I'm never alone. I have the voices in my head to keep me company." Her grin was playful, a hint of mischief in her eyes.

Alex laughed, the sound genuine and unguarded. "And what are they telling you now?"

She pretended to listen, putting a finger to her ear. 

They're saying... take a chance on the handsome stranger by the bar."

His cheeks warmed, and he found himself smiling in return. 

"I suppose I should thank them, then."

"You should," she said, her eyes softening. "But enough about me. Tell me about you."

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