Chapter 5: The First Encounter (Alex's)

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Entering the grand ballroom with a stunning woman on his arm, Alexander Carrington effortlessly wore his façade of confidence. Her dazzling blue eyes and charming smile captured the attention of every man in the room. 

Their past encounters had been casual, convenience rather than a product of genuine affection.

As they waded through the sea of partygoers, her elegance served him well. It was not her wit or shared interests he needed tonight but her poised demeanour and sophistication. 

She was a fitting adornment to his image, and she was aware of it. On the outside, they were the picture of a perfect pair, but beneath his calm exterior, Alex felt a storm brewing.

"What a spectacular event, wouldn't you agree?" she purred, her arm snaking around his.

Alex nodded, forcing a polite smile. "Indeed," he said, his gaze drifting over the crowd. He was here, yet his thoughts were elsewhere.

As he was discussing a recent archaeological discovery with another guest, she interrupted, leaning in and wafting her perfume over them both. 

"Oh yes, I heard about that! They found some sort of relic... or was it a painting? Oh, I don't remember."

Alex blinked, taken aback by the sudden intrusion and her attempt to partake in a conversation she knew little about. 

"I believe you're referring to the 15th-century tapestry discovered in France, a rather significant find for the historical community, " Alex said, a hint of irritation creeping into his voice.

"Ah, tapestry, painting, all the same," she laughed off his clarification, revealing a lack of interest, or perhaps understanding, in the topic. 

Alex was annoyed by how casually she was dismissed. He responded with a polite, hollow laugh, a thin veneer over his growing frustration. 

"Well, the nuances in history can often be the most fascinating parts," he quipped, his tone sweetly masked with an underlying poison. 

She, however, was oblivious to it.

As a waitress came by, his date abruptly snapped her fingers, her tone imperious. 

"Champagne, please. And be quick about it."

Alex stiffened at her rudeness. Regret began to trickle in. 

Was it really necessary to bring her along tonight? He offered the waitress an apologetic look, a fleeting moment of interaction with someone outside his current situation.

Alex's attention was drawn back to the crowd when Richard, the high-powered CEO he'd encountered earlier, approached him. 

Richard's commanding presence contrasted with his warm handshake, a balance that had earned him respect in the business world.

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