Chapter 7: The Unexpected Night

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After a long day of meetings and negotiations, Alex decided to head down to his local bar. This wasn't just any bar for him; it held a nostalgia that he found comforting. This was where he'd spend countless nights with Marcus and Liam during their college years, away from the stress and pressure of the world outside.

As he pushed open the heavy wooden door, the familiar scent of the bar filled his nostrils - the mix of stale beer, worn-out wooden furniture, and faint traces of cigarette smoke. It was almost as if time stood still in this place.

He scanned the room, his eyes landing on Marcus and Liam, huddled in their usual corner. They were engrossed in an animated conversation with a woman, her back to him. From the back, she looked oddly familiar, but he dismissed the thought. It was a typical bar; lots of people came and went.

But as he approached, he caught sight of her face. His heart stuttered, Emily. The woman from the party. She seemed engrossed in her conversation with Marcus and Liam, a genuine smile on her face. Despite the surprise, Alex found himself instinctively playing along with her act. He didn't want to disrupt the pleasant atmosphere, and if he was honest with himself, he was curious about why she was here.

"Hey Alex, over here!" Liam called out, oblivious to the tension. 

He gestured towards Amy, a broad grin on his face. "Alex, meet Emily. She's a journalist with 'The Chronicle'. We were just reminiscing about our college days."

As he slid into the booth next to Liam, he extended his hand toward Emily. 

"Emily, it's a pleasure," he said, keeping his voice neutral despite the whirl of questions spinning in his mind.

"Mr Carrington, good to see you again," Emily responded, accepting his handshake with a warm smile.  Alex couldn't help but notice the glimmer of curiosity in her eyes. 

Throughout the night, Alex found himself stealing glances at Emily, mesmerised by her genuine joy. She laughed easily at Marcus and Liam's anecdotes, her eyes sparkling each time. It was infectious, and Alex felt a pull towards her he hadn't experienced in a long time.

As the evening wore on, the bar was filled with laughter and chatter. Emily, Marcus, and Liam traded stories and jabs, their rapport easy and light. 

"Remember when you nearly set the kitchen on fire, trying to impress that girl with your 'culinary skills', Marcus?" Liam teased, inciting a round of laughter.

"Hey, that was one time," Marcus shot back, joining in on the laughter. "At least I didn't end up in the hospital trying to show off my non-existent skateboarding skills, Liam."

"And, Alex," Liam continued, grinning broadly. "Remember when you tried to argue with Professor Davis in the middle of the lecture? You were so convinced that you were right about the financial model. It took him a week to prove you wrong."

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