Taylor: Approve? My children are there. I don't really care if you approve or not.

Uhtred: If you feel the need of your children. Taylor, we can't hold you here

Eric: Fix this.

Taylor: Uhtred, let me explain.

Uhtred: Your children come first.

Taylor: I.

Uhtred: You are a mother and if your bones are speaking to you then. Thank you for even coming out here. We will figure out the rest. It was great to see my friend and to make a new one. Taylor...Jax...*She shakes his hand*...Be careful.

Taylor: I will.

Uhtred: Then you should be on your way.

Taylor: Not yet. I...I'll help you. I see those kids and I think of my own.

Uhtred: You owe us nothing...*She looked at Eric and walked over to him*

Taylor: Eric?...I will sleep in the other bed. Give you space...*She sighed feeling the wind wipe her tears away. Taylor didn't know what to feel or to think. Her wolf bones have been screaming at her for days. Telling and warning her body that something was coming, that something was wrong. He sighed and turned around to look at her*

Eric: You have been watching and stalking the woods. You feel something?

Taylor: I don't know. Yeah, it's bad. Just a bad feeling.

Eric: Taylor.

Taylor: Don't.

Eric: If this is your decision then know you won't ever lose me...*She smiled and he rubbed her hand. He raised an eyebrow as she slowly looked away*...Taylor?...*She heard whispers*...Taylor?...*She grabbed her throat as she started to cough up blood. Taylor grabbed a hold of his hand as she couldn't breathe due to the choking. He saw her eyes slowly flicker and she passed out*...Taylor!

Savannah: Sorry, I wish I could have made that prettier.

Taylor: What is it? It has to be pretty important for you to drag me to the other side.

Savannah: Why are you ignoring the feeling?...*Taylor raised an eyebrow in confusion*

Taylor: What are you?

Savannah: That bad feeling. Taylor, those witches lied. There is no prophecy for you and Uhtred. They lied to you, him, and Eric. Tara is in it with them...*Taylor made her eyes glow*

Taylor: That...That means my kids, Jax, are in trouble.

Savannah: They got you apart. Wanting you to fall in love with Uhtred and to never return home...*Taylor slowly covered her mouth*...That spark of hope for Jax...Nothing like a little push and pull to lift the spell. That love for Jax is real. The love for Eric is real. You and Uhtred...He is a great guy but he is married.

Taylor: Are you messing with me Savannah?...*Savannah rolled her eyes*

Savannah: Seriously? I thought we were passed this part? I'm dead and you still think I am out to get you. Taylor, I am telling you the truth. They are out to get those boys...*Savannah snapped her fingers and Taylor held her chest as she gasped*

Uhtred: There you are!

Eric: Love?

Taylor: I'm okay. I'm okay...

Jax: I'll be back in a day or two. I have to head to Mystic falls. Thank you for watching them.

Jess: Yeah, sure thing. Hey, Jax? Everything been okay with you?

Jax: I...I have something to work out there. I need answers. I got some other info about a guy in the UK.

Jess: For the boys?

Jax: Guess word really does travel fast. Do not tell anyone where I am going and what I found out.

Jess: Taylor?

Jax: She will know soon. Oh, do not let Tara near the boys. Thank you...*He sighed as he walked off to his bike*

Damon: I should kick your teeth in for traveling all the way here. You have some nerve after what you did to her.

Jax: I mean no trouble. Is Bonnie here?

Bonnie: Jax?

Jax: I need your help.

Elena: With?

Jax: I had this dream. I can't tell if it was real or like someone was in my head but...Tara is basically witching me.

Stefan: Witching you?

Jax: She's working with Clay.

Caroline: But? That means you didn't cheat and Taylor...

Jax: Is in trouble. Bonnie, can you do something with any of the magic that's in my head?

Bonnie: It's going to hurt...A lot.

Jax: It's worth it for Taylor...*Jax sat down and Bonnie held his head. He yelled in pain as she went deep into his mind. Seeing the magic become undone and seeing the memories*

Bonnie: Jax.

Jax: Tara was behind everything. She sent Taylor away. The next time you'll see her...Is back home with our boys.

Caroline: Be careful. If she is strong enough to make Taylor think otherwise, even Eric. What else can she do?

Jax: Thank you and I will...*Jax walked out to his bike and called Taylor*

Taylor: I was actually just thinking about you.

Jax: I need you...*She heard the concern in his voice*

Taylor: Jax?

Jax: It's the boys...*Taylor felt her heart drop to her stomach*...I need you to come alone. I will send you the address and that's all I can say...*Taylor looked at Eric as he sighed*...I'm sorry Eric but this is for our boys.

Taylor: I'll start making my way back. Just give me two days tops.

Jax: Got it...*He hung up*

Eric: Do you have any idea what you are walking back into?

Taylor: Those are my boys and if they are in danger then as their mother I would lay down my life to keep them safe...*She held his hands*...Do you trust me?

Eric: I trust you. Not the club.

Taylor: Then you have no reason to worry. Eric, this is for our boys...*She rubbed his chest*...Our boys. Me and you...*He nodded*...I will return...*She hugged him tightly and they kissed. Eric sighed as she walked off*

Uhtred: Take care of her.

Eric: You need anything. You know how to reach me...*They shook hands and hugged. Eric then ran off to catch up with Taylor*

Taylor: I'm fine on my own.

Eric: I know but as your maker...I wish to see you safe.

Taylor: Really?

Eric: You said for me to trust you. I do...*She smile and held his hand*...Anything for our boys.

A Vampire Life | Book 4Where stories live. Discover now