I jump off my chair and run over the beautiful blonde girl, her eyes already on mine.

She jumps up and meets me in the middle of the cafeteria.

And we share the most amazing, heartwarming, sloppy kiss.

"Never, Chip." I smiled politely at him, "I will be at your house tomorrow evening for your father's party."

His smirk faltered, "It's a pool party. Wear a bathing suit."

"Everyone knows we won't actually swim at the party, Chip." I turned back to my table, "I'll see you later."

He huffed and walked to a semi-empty table, scaring away the poor little freshmen already seated there.

"Proof that guy's a total jackass." Mobius shook his head and ate a fry. Then he looked at me, "Do you need a ride after the game tonight?"

I looked at Sydney. She nodded her head slightly. I turned back to Mobius, "Probably."

Not a yes or a no.


Physics went by quickly. So did Gov. I\We were mostly just taking notes. Then I played on my phone for a while.

SP has become my favorite class.

Not because I love working out (which I do) but because Scarlett Santoro will not stop looking at me.

Mobius pointed it out. Then Sydney did. And now I've noticed it by myself.

Looks in the mirror, watching me bench, when I go out to the track to run the mile, she just happens to go out with her cheer buddies to go over a few routines.

Maybe, just maybe, I'm delusional. Maybe I am just seeing things.

Or maybe Scarlett really is watching me.

But why?

"You're in your own head today." Sydney just finished her last sit-up on the ground next to me.

I went through a whole mini workout, shortening my sets and reps. Like right now, I am lifting 30 pound dumbbells in each hand while I do my dumbbell bench press.

A basic workout for me takes about 2 hours in my gym by my house.

Here, we only have 45 minutes. 15 minutes to shower because the girls were complaining. They didn't have enough.

Today is an arm day.

Started with stretches with Syd. 30 pushups. Then I did 3 sets of 5 of each workout. Bar curls, one arm dumbbell roll, bicep curl, bench dips, now dumbbell bench pressing.

"Kinda." I did my last rep for this set, deciding to do one more. "I have a lot on my mind."

"Is it about the football game or about what Chip said at lunch?"

"Neither." I sighed and stared at the ceiling, "I'll tell you later?"

"Fine with me." She looked at her watch, "6 minutes left."

"I can get one more set." Just as I started again, the outside doors opened and the girls cheer team stumbled through the doors.

I love Fridays. A) It's the last day of the week B) the cheer team wears their uniform to school because there's a football game this evening.

"You're staring." Sydney was standing over me, looking down. "Finish your set, I drove you today."

I rolled my eyes at her, deciding to be done.

I put the weights on the floor and sat up, using the bottom of my shirt to wipe the sweat off my forehead.

Was I showing off because I knew someone was watching me? Yes. Was it worth it? Also yes.

I know I have abs. I know I'm tan as hell. I know I look good. And she knows it too.

She sees it.

Coach blew his whistle and everyone was off to the locker rooms.

I decided to go for a quick rinse in the shower stall right next to Sydney. She ran out of conditioner and needed to desperately borrow mine.

I finished first, quickly getting dressed.

As soon as I had my shoes on, Scarlett Santoro strolled into my small area with a few lockers.

Her area/the whole cheer teams area is right next to the door to the hallway. My area is tucked away in the back corner.

So she obviously meant to come to me.

"How's your nose?" She looked down at me, arms crossed of the red and white uniform, the bright white 'Warriors' across the front being covered.

I smiled at her, "It's so sore, Scarlett. I think I won't be able to play in the first hockey game."

Her smile faded away quickly, "Are you serious?"

I snorted, "No." I stood up, quickly realizing I was just slightly taller than her. "The first game is in September."

She pushed my shoulder, "That's not funny."

My smile grew.

"You coming to the game?"

I shrugged, "Not sure." I turned around and grabbed my backpack out of the locker, "You going?"

She huffed.

I turned back around, "Oh come on," I frowned, "that was funny."

"It was not."

"Why do you care if I go?"

"Because cheerleaders take breaks. And I want to sit next to you on the bleachers." She shrugged, staring at her feet.

Right at the best moment, Sydney decided she was ready to retrieve me so we could leave. "I need to get my other shoes from my house." She looked between us and I could tell she was fighting the smile on her face.

"I need to get going too." Scarlett smiled at me, "I'll see you, Nat."

I couldn't fight the smile as she walked away.

And Sydney had her evil smirk on her face.

Oh, I am in for it.

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