Ren: Hmph....

Jaune: Sounds exciting. Where you going? 

Ruby: Just outside the kingdom. 

Nora: Hey, so are we!

Pyrrha: Ren and Nora wanted to shadow the sheriff of a nearby village. 

Ren: We set out tomorrow. 

Neptune: Then you can party with us tonight. 

Sun and Neptune both joined in the conversation. I noticed that Y/n wasn't with Team JNPR nor was he with Neptune and Sun. He and Neptune haven't talked as far as I know so I didn't think he would be with them anyway. I was getting a little worried. Y/n had a tendency to disappear but after last night and how short I was with him this morning, I couldn't help but worry that he was off doing something dangerous. 

Neptune: We're shadowing a crime specialist. All inner city detective stuff. We get junior badges. 

We could all see the stars in Jaunes eyes. Admittedly, that was a interesting  experience. I don't know much about crime specialists, but their the one's that you call to investigate some of the more complex cases. No offence to the two, but I didn't think that was something that they would find interesting or being capable of doing since it takes quite a lot of critical thinking and technical know-how. 

Sun: We would normally go to the city with you guys but things are always exploding when we're with you. We figured that this would be a better way to check out the kingdom when it's normal and not.... You know.... on fire....

Ruby: Well-

Oobleck: Four minutes, Ladies!

Yang: Of course....

We looked around and the pity filled looks we were getting from everyone was obvious. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. the rest of my team followed after. Before we left though, I did have one question for the others though.

Weiss: Hey, have any of you seen Y/n?

Jaune: No, I thought he would be with you.

Ren: I saw him sneaking away from the crowd during Professor Ozpins speech. After that, I didn't see him. 

Sun: I noticed him talking to Ozpin after his speech. 

Neptune: I saw that too. I wanted to talk to him, so I tried to follow him but he just disappeared... 

Weiss: I see. Thank you.

Ruby: Well... Uh... Wish us luck...

We all started to disperse. Now I knew he was off somewhere. If he was being put up to it by Ozpin, then I can only imagine what it is. We all knew that Y/n has been working closely with Ozpin the last few months. For what, none of us knew. We figured that it was related to the White Fang, but the only time he's picked a fight with them in the last few months was last week when we got involved. 

It's still too early for him to be out in the city, so if he's working on something, what could it be? We got onto the Bullhead, none of us really bothering to comment that Ruby still had a bag with her. Oobleck was in the front talking to the pilots. He was probably discussing exactly where we were dropping in. We all took a seat, ready to get started. The question we all had since I brought it up. Where did Y/n go?

Y/n Pov

12:30 PM

The Bullhead gently lowered to the ground, just low enough for me to safely jump. I stepped out, landing lightly on my feet. Looking up the Bullhead was already taking off. I was alone with only my shadow to keep me company. The clearing that I was in was deathly silent. That was probably due to the engines of the Bullhead scaring everything away. I moved to a tree at the edge of the clearing and got low. All I was doing was watching and listening. 

The Wilted Roseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें