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"No, no morning. No sunshine. Darkness. Sleep. Sleep is good."

"DiAngelo, no whining. Out of bed. Now."

Nico opened one eye and saw Will fully dressed in clean scrubs leaning over him.

"What happened to my nice doctor? I want him back."

"You my dear are better. Which means it's time to rise and shine. And eat. I talked to Chiron and gave him a note. He has agreed to allow you to sit at other tables with people at mealtimes."


"So up Nico. Breakfast is almost over. Jason's still there, see if you can catch him. I'm on duty here or I'd come with you. I'm done at noon and we're going canoeing, so make sure you're done with laundry by then. I've got to get back to rounds." Will leaned in and kissed Nico, then had to pull himself away before it turned into something more. He squeezed Nico's hand and went back to rounds.

Nico made it to breakfast as the food was being put away. He made a plate, scraped some into the fire for an offering to Hades, then sat beside Jason, who was just finishing.

"Neeks! You're back!"

"Yeah, mind if I sit with you?"

"Um," Jason looked around nervously.

"It's okay, I have a note from my doctor. I can sit anywhere now. Mental health."

"Oh, awesome." Jason looked relieved.

Nico took a bite of his banana.

"So how are you feeling?" Jason asked.

"Good. How was trivia?"

"Ah, well, we could have used you. Percy and Annabeth squashed us. Next time." Jason looked at Nico's wrist and noticed the sun bracelet. "Hey, so Nico, you and Will? This is awesome news. How did you guys get together?"

"What? Where did you hear that?" Nico's face went red.

"It's a small camp Nico."

"Ah, right. Well, so, I guess Will has had a thing for me for like forever. I had no idea."

"I heard you normally don't often stay here long."

"True. It was always hard being around Annabeth....and Percy. When I arrived the morning of the battle, I happened across Will and Lou Ellen and Cecil out scouting. Then Will and I kind of fought most of the battle together."

"I see. I remember Will coming to get you for something important when we were fighting together. What was that about?"

"Oh. Yeah." Nico scrunched up his face. "That was Octavian doing something stupid."

"Whatever happened to him? He was my nemesis." Will's eyes squinted.

"He decided to release the catapult with tons of ammo at Gaia so he would be remembered as the hero who killed her. Only Will and I were concerned he would also hit you and Piper and Leo. But his bodyguard Michael stood between us, even after realizing Octavaian's robes were caught in the catapult. And none of us pointed it out." Nico shrugged. "The second he released the ammo, he went with it."

"Oh," a look of bewilderment, surprise, and realization crossed Jason's face. "Well, it all worked out for the best in the end. Speaking of Leo, Piper and I are putting together a plan. We're going to be leaving soon to see if we can find him. You wouldn't have any interest in joining us would you?"

"As fun as that sounds, I think I'm going to stay here for a while."

"I get it, no worries. Hey, this afternoon we're meeting up with with Percy and Annabeth to go for a nature hike. Any interest?"

"Will and I are going canoeing. Thanks though."

A big smile crossed Jason's face. "Nico, I am so happy for you," he hit him on the back. "If Will ever gives you any problems though, you can come right to me."

Nico half-smiled. It was nice to have overprotective friends. Especially when you were a demigod. "Thanks Jason, I'll remember that."

"Well, I'm off to find Piper. Nice having breakfast with you. Let's do it again sometime!"

Nico finished, then cleared his plate and started walking back to his cabin. He inwardly smiled. Camp Half Blood finally felt like a home. His home. He had friends. He had a supportive community. And most of all, he had Will. His heart started to flutter. He had never been so willing to get his laundry done so he would be ready for their afternoon adventures and beyond.

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