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About an hour and a half later Nico awoke to Will nuzzling him and kissing his checks. Already warm under the blanket, his body seemed to melt with pleasure.

"Oh, I see you're awake," Will said breezily. "Which is a good thing, because it's dinner time and you haven't had a meal all day." He stopped kissing him and stood. "Austin has brought us all slightly cool lasagne with some slightly warm salad. C'mon, I'm allowing you to get up for the moment and join me in the kitchenette. It's a date."

"Can you help me up?" Nico held out his hand that was closest to Will while pulling back the blankets with the other.

"Sure," Will took his hand, then was surprised when Nico yanked as hard as he could and Will tumbled down landing chest to chest on top of Nico. Electricity sparked between the two of them. Nico pulled Will even closer and gave him a long and proper kiss.

Then as if nothing had happened, he breathed quietly, "Well in that case, I feel underdressed."

Completely flustered, Will whispered, "I prefer you that way," then Nico lifted his eyebrows and smirked and pushed Will back up while sitting up himself.

On the way to the kitchenette, their hands naturally found each other, like they were back where they belonged. Will opened the door and led Nico through. The table was set for two, with paper plates with lasagne and paper bowls with lettuce and some disposable wooden silverware.

"Can I get you some ginger ale?" Will asked as they broke hands and Nico sat down at the table. Without waiting for an answer, he grabbed a few tiny cans of the soda from the fridge and gave two to Nico and put two at his place. They were the size that you would get on an airplane.

"Great for upset stomachs," he remarked, "also hopefully great for enhancing takeout."

The sugar in the soda seemed to wake Nico up. "So how's it going in there?," he asked Will between bites of food.

"Not as bad as it has been, people are starting to come around. Look, even you are starting to look more with us than not."

Nico looked at his arms. Will was right. They looked more solid than they had for weeks.

"I've got a top doctor to thank," he slyly smiled.

Will leaned over and kissed him even though both their mouths were full of lasagne. Nico could get used to this regularly getting kissed.

Then Austin hurried through the door on his way to the fridge. "Oh, hey Nico, hey Will," he said as he grabbed an armful of tiny ginger ales.

"Thanks for dinner, Austin," Nico politely thanked him.

"No problem, we all take turns doing food runs. There's snacks in the cupboards if you get hungry later." Then he was back out the door with the ginger ales.

"Solace, you didn't tell me there were snacks!"

"I completely forgot! Besides, hot dogs and peanut butter and jelly are more filling than the snacks in the cupboard."

Nico got up and started opening cupboard doors. He found granola bars, popcorn, Reeses Pieces, Doritos, Kit Kats, and Twizzlers.

"But you've got Twizzlers Solace, I could live on Twizzlers!"

"Not on my watch," Will shook his head. "I wouldn't be a good doctor if I let you subside on Twizzlers. Now sit back down and finish your lasagne and salad."

Nico stuck up his nose at him but sulkily sat back down to his lasagne. He started to wonder if having people concerned about you was in fact not the sunshine and rainbows he had started to think.

Will reached over and grabbed the hand Nico wasn't using to eat. He flipped it palm up and kissed it gently right in the middle where it was softest. It sent shivers of thrill all through Nico's body. He quickly changed his mind about having someone to care about him and started eating his lasagne and salad with more vigor.

"I was thinking," Will said, returning Nico's hand. "If you're up for it, what do you think about a canoe adventure the day after tomorrow? We could pack a picnic."

"Can we bring Twizzlers?"


"Can we hang out at my place after?"

"Sure," Will grinned.

"I'm in."

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