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Three and a half hours later, Nico was about 120 pages into Robinson Crusoe. It was an interesting book, but Nico couldn't help wondering if it would have been better if they could shadow travel off the island back home. But he understood and could appreciate wanting to be alone. Supposedly Calypso had built a beautiful life alone on Ogygia, according to Percy. Only she was stranded there as well, cursed by the gods who sent her partners who she always fell in love with but who ultimately always left, unable to take her with them.

He had been a bit jealous of Calypso, who had for a time had a hold on Percy's heart. But Percy was connected on the deepest level to Annabeth. Nico could see that now, and think about it without any jealousy. Love was funny that way. His crush on Percy had owned him for years. Every decision he had made was based on his unreturned affection.

The battle he had fallen into with Cupid was the first time he had to face his true feelings. That was the hardest day of his life. The pain, shame, and dread of being discovered. But after it was out in the open, Jason, who had been there and witnessed the whole event and learned who Nico really was, seemed to care more for him.

Nico had felt such amazing relief. It was that day that the crush that had consumed him for years started to loosen its grip. So much so that this past morning Nico had been able to confront Percy about it with no embarrassment. The crush was gone and he was left with only feelings of deep friendship for he with whom he had been through so much. It was freeing.

The curtain rustled.

"Back so soon?" Nico asked his new, slightly annoying, and slightly pushy, yet exceptionally attractive friend.

"I'm beat," Will mumbled, pushing through the curtain then closing it behind him with his right hand while using his left to wipe some strands of his blond mop of hair out of his eyes. "If Gaia decides to wake up again, I don't think I can be alert to handle the aftermath."

Nico realized that he had a monopoly on the only on call place to rest. "Oh Will, I'll head back to my cabin. I'm awake and feel fine, here, you take the bed," he said as he started to pull back the blankets.

"Not so fast son of darkness," Will groggily held up his right palm. "I can't release you until you're back to 100%. Or at least until you're fully here physically."

Nico looked down at his arms. Will was right. They were still semi-transparent.

He moved over and motioned for Will to join him. "We've been through battle together. The least I can do is return the favor and offer you a place to rest."

Will didn't hesitate. He hopped in and pulled up the blankets, careful to only use his side of the pillow. With his close proximity to Nico, Nico's heart started to race. Will instinctively turned toward him and put his right hand over Nico's heart. "It's okay, Nico. You're safe. You're home now, you can relax." And with that, he instantly fell asleep, his hand still on Nico's chest.

With his left hand, Nico slowly placed Robinson Crusoe back on the nightstand shelf and turned out the lamp. He lay there in the dark, listening to the sound of Will breathing and feeling the breath like a whisper against his neck. His heart eventually slowed and started to mirror Will's. From the peaceful quiet of the night, the warmth of Will beside him (which was even better than a warm blanket he decided), and the heady smell of his friend enveloping him, Nico started to doze off again. Without realizing what he was doing, he placed his left hand over Will's on his chest, then drifted off into another deep and restorative slumber.

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