"Just say it." My voice croaked slightly, my throat dry. My body vibrated with anxiety praying and hoping that it was a miscommunication and Carter was fine and in his room. But I knew it wasn't.

"First answer me this, is he your mate?" He stood with his arms crossed and his eyebrows pulled together. I know Pops loved Carter and they had a weird father-son connection between the two of them. So even though he is protective of me, he is protective of me as well. Plus I always loved how Carter felt like he was already a part of my family. He got along with my siblings and my parents already loved him like their own. What more could I want?

"Yes, yes. Now what is it? Is he okay?" I answered almost too quickly, the words rolling off my tongue effortlessly. I had a feeling pops knew so the question didn't faze me. It wasn't like I was trying to hide it. But I wasn't airing out Carter and I's business. Especially since I didn't know if he was going to reject me or not. 

"I knew it. I fucking knew it. The moment he showed me his stomach." He sighed and ran his hands down his face.

"He showed you?" I asked as guilt flooded me again, I'd never forgive myself.

"You didn't know, kid." He told me reassuring me and I let out a deep breath. "Something happened with him. Sean had said something to Carter and they got into a fight. Sean is pretty banged up, and helping but Carter—" Oh fuck, oh fuck.

"He broke the rule, you know. And Dieter was giving him his punishment and things were said. And Carter ran away. Took his clothes, and left his phone. They can't find him. They've been looking for hours and nothing."

Loren let out a deep growl at the news and I had to hold back my own. I knew about the damn rule. A rule I fucking opposed to since the moment Carter told Ezra, and I happened to be eavesdropping. But hell, I'm happy I did. It was fucking stupid to expect Carter to cater to those around him. And the punishment was even worse. Two days in the cells because he used his full strength. Because he was a fucking lycan. Because the stupid pack wolves couldn't take a proper beating.

But I never thought Uncle Dieter would enforce it.

The shit makes me furious. Carter doesn't deserve that, and I'm sure Sean said something that required getting his ass kicked. If there was one thing I knew about Carter was that he wasn't inherently violent. Not in the slightest. Even though he tried to be seen that way, I saw through him. I saw the real him. 

"Well, what did they expect? That rule was fucking ridiculous!" I hissed out, and I balled my fists, I started pacing the floor again, needing to release this energy that was pent up inside me.

"It doesn't matter what we think, Dieter has his rules. Carter knows that—"

"Yeah blame Carter for his dad being a dick." I interrupted, hating that everyone found a way to make Carter the problem. When in reality he never ways. 

"Sloan." My pops said lowly, letting me know I was walking on thin ice, but I didn't care. I would defend my mate against my flesh and blood.

"What? You're going to tell me you agree with that shit? Carter has every right to use his strength just like the rest of those pure wolves." 

"Sloan, don't get disrespectful." My pops said, trying to be the devil's advocate and defend his best friend but I don't see how he could. Especially in this.

"Well someone has to. Do you not care? Cause it sure seems like you're picking Dieter's side when he is the one in the wrong." The question rolled out too easily to stop it, and for a minute I felt guilty. But then it dissipated.

"I do care. I care, Sloan. More than you, I love that kid--"

"Then why are you defending his parents?! They are in the wrong here!"

Carter's SaviorWhere stories live. Discover now