Chapter Fifteen | Salanghaeyo

Start from the beginning

"Alright, son. Rest up and take the rest of the day off. Go home."

"I'm fine; I'll stay."

"Go. Home."

Gal Jii leaves and I rest my head between my knees and let out a huff.

My hip is sore and tender, the slightest movement making me want to hiss, but I keep quiet so that he doesn't force me to go and get a check-up.

That would cause me more pain than this injury if I'm being honest.

The sound of footsteps padding towards me alerts me to Gal Jii's return.

"Coach, I'm fine. I'll go home, stop nagging me."

"Sorry to disappoint."

I look up and see Kang Il's stern face staring down at me from my seat on the floor.

"Oh, sorry Kang Il, didn't realize it was you."

"Need some help up?"

"I'm fine."

"I never would have taken you for a liar, Ryan."

Kang Il's lips twitch into a smirk and I scowl at him.

How is it he's the laughing one and I'm the moody bastard this time around? Did we have a personality switch?

"What do you want?"

"I wanted to give you this."

Kang Il bends over and hands me a crisp, black business card. I accept it, staring at the name and title in confusion.

"Licensed therapist...?" I mumble. "Why exactly are you giving me this?"

Kang Il shuffles uncomfortably and clears his throat, "He helped me overcome a lot of trauma a few years back."

"That doesn't answer my question," I force myself to my feet, the pain in my hip twinging, but I push past it and hand him the card back.

He refuses me and puts his hands around his neck as he looks around.

"I saw your reaction on the field earlier. You were having a panic attack."

"I was not."

"You were and why you were is none of my business; but I know that it can be hard to move on from certain scenarios that cause them, so I thought I'd pass along my therapist's card."

"Your therapist," I repeat. "You have a therapist?"

"Like I said, I had some trauma a few years back. My agent made me go and much to my surprise it actually helped. He could help you too."

"I don't need any help."

"Maybe not, but offering it doesn't hurt me at all."

I scoff in disbelief, "You're offering me help?"

He shrugs.

"Seems a little out of character. Did you get a personality change?"

"Let's just say an old friend reminded me of who I used to be."


"Really," he confirms.

"Well, thanks I guess. Don't be surprised or upset if I don't accept or trust your help."

"I get that. I haven't been the best teammate since you joined the team."

"Definitely not."

"I'm sorry for that. And I want you to know I'm sorry for how I treated you and the little league players; I was out of line and I have personally apologized to the Jones family."

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