52 | The Wrong Griffin

Start from the beginning

And she collapsed back onto the ground, a blubbering mess. What would she have said if I was?

"We has your extra food!" a house elf happily squeaked, holding up a cloth bag for me.


I left the kitchen with a piece of bread in my mouth, my eyes on one of the books from the Room of Requirement.

Other than under the Slytherin House, Crouch's son wasn't anywhere to be seen. There were other Death Eaters I had heard of: Evan Rosier, Rupert Wilkes, but they were killed by Aurors ages ago.

I sighed and shut the book, shoving it into my bag. Maybe I could ask my father.

Malfoy Manor had always been a rather unwelcoming place, coloured black and dark green at every corner except for the fireplace, where a fire burned constantly.

I hadn't been there in a long while - Draco and I hadn't spoken since Buckbeak had been sentenced to be executed.

There was one voice I hadn't heard before, arguing with another voice that I knew quite well.

My father's.

I moved wearily towards the only door before me, which had a dim green light peeking under the door.

The door burst open.

Screams were heard but they weren't words.

At least ten people's screams escaped the room and the Dark Mark came bursting out.

"You're mad, Barty!" my father's voice, lacking its age, screamed behind it. "Why not go back to your little Dark Magic? Go on! Leave!"

I gasped and sat up.

My dorm was empty and the clock on Mandy's nightstand said that it was nearly the end of breakfast.

I tried to stand but swayed on my feet. Swinging my bag over my shoulder didn't help either as I nearly fell, a headache pounding at the front of my head.

I made the decision to go to Madam Pomfrey and made my way to the hospital wing.

When I got there, however, I found Madam Pomfrey fussing over Hermione, whose hands had broke out in boils.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Some cruel joke by some brainless sods," she muttered in return, wincing as Madam Pomfrey continued putting a pain killing potion on her skin.

"Don't tell me it was the Slytherins."

"No. It was some people who saw what was on Witch Weekly."

I blinked. "And... what was on Witch Weekly?"

"Do you not read the news?"

"My dad only shows me what he thinks I'd find interesting or what's important. He says the news can really dumb down a brain."

She sighed, shaking her head. "Your father might be right. Rita Skeeter's saying that I broke Harry's heart and went to Krum."

"And people believe her? Why would they even try and get involved in a teenage love affair anyway?"

"I don't know. I don't even know how she knew half the stuff! Parkinson even said that I made a Love Potion for the two as well..."

With my headache suddenly gone, I made my way to Herbology, a piece of parchment in my hand.

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