Not Worth Saving

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"Now doggy here's how this works. You look after Jimin, do your job during the day, deal during the week. You come home at night and take your beatings and I keep you happy and supplied. You try to escape or call the cops. I lock you in that room and carve into you until you can't remember your name and you choke on your own intestines." Namjoon said watching Jungkook's face. Jungkook was all out of fight. He nodded numbly and a new bag of ice was dropped in his lap.

He was left in the kitchen and was staring at the backdoor blankly when Jimin came down in his jogging gear. Jungkook stared at him blankly and then took in his appearance. Realizing he was still expected to run broke him. He was crying before he gave himself permission.

Jimin looked at Jungkook and raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong with you?" Jimin asked when he noticed there was no one around. No need to play nice, they both knew where they stood with each other. Jimin leaned against the counter after pulling a water bottle out and crossed his arms over his chest. He was so not in the mood to deal with Jungkook and his withdrawal today. Jimin had shit to do. He wanted to run and he needed his bag back.

"Nothing," Jungkook forced out and before he could kill himself over it he tossed the small bag onto the counter. The shards sounded like rain on the counter. Jungkook turned away from Jimin and wiped his face. He could feel his wounds already sore. He knew he had been hastily bandaged this morning, they were going to open up and possibly bleed right through the wrappings. He could also feel the bruises still forming. He was going to have a purple bruise under his right eye when his body was finished. At least one rib was cracked but he wasn't about to tell Jimin. Last night made him more determined than ever not to let Jimin near him. He wasn't going to see Jungkook hurting. Jungkook wasn't going to let him near his stomach today. He would see it and the other bandages and bully Jungkook into something else. "Can we just get the running done?" he demanded.

Jimin shook his head when he saw the wince as Jungkook moved. Jimin stepped forward and grabbed the bag off the table and shoved it in his pocket, thankful at least that Jungkook hadn't touched Jimin's paycheck for today. "Upstairs, now," Jimin instructed as he grabbed the first aid box from where he had stashed it above the fridge yesterday. "Don't even think about arguing Jungkook, I told you I was changing it today. Up, Now." he said as he pointed towards the stairs. He couldn't change the bandage downstairs today, not with Namjoon in the shed still and at risk of walking into the house.

Jungkook still fought. "No. You're not touching me today. It's fine. It won't heal with your constant poking at it. Now seriously we need to run or you will have to carry me," Jungkook fired back crossing his arms and regretting it. It jangled everything he couldn't hide the spasm of pain. Didn't matter. He wasn't explaining the mess of his life to Jimin.

"No Jungkook," Jimin shot back. He was not doing this again. All he wanted to do was try and help and all he got was resistance. "We are not running, If Namjoon asks I'll say I slept in. Upstairs now. It needs cleaning or it will get infected," Jimin said, his voice low as he spoke. Even at barely eighteen, he had spent enough time around Namjoon to learn how to use his tone of voice to get what he wanted. He may only be small compared to everyone else but he still knew how to make an impact. "Now!" he all but shouted.

Jungkook didn't have it in him to fight. He let Jimin lead him to one of the upstairs bathrooms. He stood hunched over as Jimin demanded he take his shirt off and sit down. "I'm not doing it. I can't," he finally whispered. It was all too much. He could still feel the hands and the bodies. He still felt used and dirty, the shower hadn't helped. The drugs hadn't helped. He was truly the crystal slut now.

Jimin sighed as he took in the hunched-over, defeated appearance of Jungkook as he finally sat on the closed toilet. "Please," Jimin whispered as he crouched down in front of the other male. "I just want to clean it, nothing else," Jimin said softly, he could see the pain in Jungkook's eyes. It was different than yesterday. Yesterday he looked like a different person, crazy almost. Today Jimin could just see pain mixed with fear. Jimin carefully reached out and hooked his fingers over the hem of his shirt. "I just want to help," Jimin said quietly as he slowly lifted the shirt.

Jungkook caught the fabric desperately and his forehead rested against Jimin's as tears streaked down his face. "Please don't," he begged. Jimin was so close their breaths mingled, arms brushing. "It doesn't matter, I'm not worth saving." He couldn't let Jimin see him, he was disgusting. He let himself be used for shelter and drugs. Only disgusting people did that. He was ugly, used, and disgusting. It would only be more obvious in the bright light of the bathroom.

Jimin didn't know why but he felt his heart break a little bit at the words that left Jungkook's mouth, he may be an asshole but Jimin still had a heart. "Everyone is worth saving Jungkook," Jimin whispered as he kept their foreheads pressed together. "I'll be gentle, I promise," Jimin said but he didn't move, he didn't want to upset Jungkook more. Instead, he lifted his hands and gently cupped Jungkook's face and lifted it so their eyes could meet and Jimin could now see the true pain in Jungkook's eyes. "I want to help," Jimin whispered as he used his thumbs to stroke away Jungkook's tears.

Jungkook closed his eyes against those dark pools and finally lifted his arms letting Jimin take off the green shirt someone had put on him this morning. He kept his eyes closed. He didn't want to see the disgust. He didn't want to see the judgment. He didn't want to look at Jimin when he was told he deserved it, that it was his fault.

Jimin gently tugged the shirt off Jungkook's arms and cast it to the ground and looked at Jungkook, his breath hitching in his throat as he saw the fresh cuts, the fresh bruises, and the badly wrapped bandage. Jimin felt his heart break a little more, no wonder Jungkook had acted the way he was. Instead of reaching for the first aid box, Jimin reached forward and wrapped his arms carefully around Jungkook's neck and buried his face against him, just holding him gently. He hated to see people so hurt, especially people who had so clearly given up.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jimin tightly and sobbed into his shoulder. He couldn't do this. He needed this pain, this sorrow to be over. Feeling Jimin holding him was almost worse than being told off. If he was told off he could give up. He meant nothing to no one. He was free. Jimin was there and he fucking cared. Jungkook hated him for it. He wanted to just be left in peace to overdose instead he had to keep living. He had never signed up for this shit. Just because two people decided to have unprotected sex didn't mean he should have to exist. He often questioned why his parents had him. Seemed stupid really. He was worthless, why have someone so worthless, so dirty?

Jimin held Jungkook tightly as he cried, he didn't care how long it would take, he sat there and held the other man gently. Once he finally felt the tears start to slow he pulled back a little. "Let me help," Jimin said quietly, his heart breaking all over again as he took in the tear tracks and the red face with glassy eyes. "Come to my room," Jimin said softly, as he reached out to take Jungkook's hand. He gently pulled him up and led him into the small bedroom. "Lay down on the bed," he said, pointing to the bed against the far corner covered in a navy blue blanket. Jimin set the first aid box on his nightstand and started getting out the supplies that he would need.

Jungkook's brain screamed that this was a bad idea but it didn't matter. He was moving toward the promise of comfort. He lay on the soft bed. His bones melted. He was still in more pain than he could ever remember being in but the bed was spectacular. It cushioned Jungkook's body easing some of the tension. He lay there staring up at the ceiling.

Jimin sat next to Jungkook on the bed and noticed how he practically melted into the mattress. He quickly started work on fixing Jungkook's stomach. It took a bit more this time around. He made sure Jungkook's entire stomach was cleaned with alcohol wipes and covered his stomach in the cool antiseptic cream before covering the whole thing with a bandage. When he was finished, he glanced up and noticed Jungkook had nodded off. Jimin sighed and shrugged but cleared the first aid box away. He didn't need to be anywhere until that afternoon so decided to let Jungkook sleep. It would at least give Jimin a chance to come up with a new plan. As Jungkook slept, Jimin curled up in the bean bag he had in his room, reading his book.

Jungkook woke feeling refreshed and panicked as he realized he fell asleep and not just anywhere but in Jimin's bed. He sat up feeling fear rise up and swallow him. He saw Jimin in his bean bag chair and felt his heart rate slow slightly. "I didn't mean to fall asleep, sorry," he said rubbing his face. He still ached all over but felt a little better having gotten some sleep. He could already feel the craving rising up. He would dose when he was more awake.

Jimin looked up from his book when he heard the man in his bed speak and shrugged. "I had my book, it's fine," Jimin said simply as he marked his page and closed it, placing it on his nearby desk. "We have to go soon," Jimin said as he got up from the bean bag and walked over to stand near the bed. "Are you less dead now?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at Jungkook. He was still concerned about the bruises and would keep an eye on Jungkook, but he wouldn't let him know that. He had an image to uphold after all.

Jungkook shrugged. "Doesn't matter," he said. It didn't. He was supposed to be at Jimin's disposal not holding him up. He got up wincing slightly. "I'll meet you downstairs," he said. He didn't let his pain show again as he rose and made his way downstairs. He went into the bathroom and let the drugs work their magic on his bruised and aching body.

Jimin rolled his eyes slightly and quickly got changed into his skinny pants, tee, and leather jacket, his usual style. He added some light brown eyeshadow and headed downstairs after making sure the small bag was tucked away in his pocket. He found Jungkook in the living room. "We have to go to the park," Jimin instructed. He had specific places he liked to meet people. He had a lot of stuff he wanted to do today. He wanted to make his sale, he wanted to finish his book and he wanted to get rid of Taeyang. So far he hadn't completed any of the tasks he wanted to do today.

Jungkook nodded. They didn't get in the town car they walked. Jimin seemed to slow his pace for Jungkook but they made it to the park quickly. Jungkook sat on a bench watching as Jimin tried to pawn off his product. He watched as Jimin was rather ineffectual. He closed his eyes in the bright sun and rested. He would occasionally glance over at Jimin.

Jimin grumbled as he walked through the park again. The person who was meant to be buying the little bag from him had blown him off and not turned up. However, Jimin knew he had to get rid of the bag today. He couldn't risk having it on him during the week. Namjoon would definitely find out otherwise. Jimin huffed to himself and spotted someone sitting on a bench looking rather shady and grinned to himself before heading over.

Jungkook glanced up and noticed Jimin had moved off. "Shit," he cursed, pulling himself up into a more vertical position. He glanced around and saw Jimin talking to someone. He recognized who Jimin was talking to. It was very clear he was about to get in trouble. Jungkook got up and stalked over. He grabbed Jimin who was about to pull out his product and hauled him away. "I don't care that you're dealing but you were about to sell to an undercover cop."

Jimin squeaked as he was pulled away before turning to look at Jungkook, not hearing the words at first. "I was about to... wait what?" Jimin asked, his eyes going wide as he glanced back at the man on the bench and then back to Jungkook. "How the fuck do you know he's an undercover cop?" Jimin asked, looking up at Jungkook and pulling his jacket around him tighter as if it would protect his merchandise. A newly legal adult dealing crystal meth in a park, the cop would have thought it was his lucky day.

"I've been dealing for Namjoon since before I was your age. I'm not stupid," Jungkook said as they walked out of the park. Being almost busted meant it was time to move on. "Give me the bag and the asking price and I'll show you how it's done." Jungkook took the bag and the amount Jimin was asking for. He had to stop himself from scoffing Jimin could get double that for half. "Sit," he ordered and sat Jimin down on a bench. He moved away and started his own push.

Jimin watched Jungkook like a hawk, never taking his eyes off the other man. He still didn't trust him, he still didn't even know if he liked him. But Jungkook could stay for now. Jimin watched and made mental notes on how Jungkook went around the park before stopping to speak to someone. He watched the trade being made and took notice of everything Jungkook did. Jimin would try again next weekend, Namjoon would have plenty more of the stuff, and he wouldn't notice it was missing. Jimin held out his hand as soon as Jungkook headed back toward him.

Jungkook handed over the money. "I just tripled your asking price and did it in ten minutes. Don't linger, it makes you an easy target. If they're not buying, move on," Jungkook said annoyed. He hated dealing for Namjoon, it was worse for Jimin. At least in this respect, he was keeping a teenager from dealing, he could get arrested again. Jimin wouldn't do well in prison. "Kept a finder's fee," Jungkook flashed the bill before tucking it in his pocket.

Jimin narrowed his eyes at Jungkook and shot him a glare as he got up, but tucked his money in his pocket. He would have been annoyed if he hadn't gotten way more than he usually did. "I'll let you off this time. I still have enough for the outfit I want to buy," Jimin said as he started heading off out of the park. "We can go home now, I have more things I need to do today. Do you know what time Namjoon's 'friends' are coming around?" Jimin asked, making sure to use air quotations. He still had two things on his list he needed to do today.

"Hopefully never," Jungkook muttered as he followed Jimin. He knew what would happen when Namjoon's friends came around. He knew what he was in for. He was owned and paid for by the gang. He had no choice but to submit. He hated it and he hated knowing it was going to happen again and there was nothing he could do about it.

Jimin shot Jungkook a look but continued walking. "I will let you keep your money if you make sure Taeyang comes into the house. I need to speak to him," Jimin said as he kicked a rock as he walked. "Or just keep Namjoon out of the way. I have to do something," Jimin said simply. He knew exactly what he needed to do. Taeyang would hopefully not be coming around again. Jimin didn't like him one bit so that meant he had to go.

"Jimin I don't have any pull in the gang. I am the bottom of the pile. I do nothing. Anything I try to do gets me in trouble. Please just let me look after you and keep my head down," Jungkook said wrapping his arms around himself in an attempt to ward off the chill. He wasn't going to get into it with Jimin. He had a feeling that no matter what he was going to end badly.

Jimin sighed and nodded. "Fine but I still gotta find him," Jimin said in defeat. He knew what he needed to do and he knew it wouldn't take long. Taeyang would be easy to get rid of, he had been slowly working on him for a couple of weeks now. "Do you like him? I don't like him," Jimin muttered as they turned onto their street. Jimin grinned when he spotted Namjoon's car in the driveway and Taeyang's car down the street. Game on.

"Don't know him well enough to know if I like him. Why don't you like him?" Jungkook asked, curious. He was also curious, if Jimin didn't like him why did he want to be alone with him? He winced as they walked up the stairs into the house. He was slightly nervous. Was he about to be used again? He gripped Jimin's wrist before he opened the door, "Can you go to bed later tonight like after Namjoon goes to bed?" he hated asking but he couldn't handle being used again tonight.

Jimin looked at the hand wrapped around his wrist and looked up at Jungkook's face. He could see something there but couldn't put a finger on it. "I have stuff to do so it'll be later anyway. I'll see, Namjoon sometimes checks on me to make sure I'm okay and in bed," Jimin said simply. Namjoon was stupidly protective of him and often checked on Jimin before he went to bed himself just to make sure nothing untoward had happened to his little brother and that he was still safe and sound.

Jungkook nodded and seemed to realize he was holding onto Jimin's wrist. He released him like he had been burned. They stepped into the house. Namjoon was entertaining. Jungkook saw half a dozen bags of crystal disappear in a flurry of activity. How did they think brilliantly beautiful Jimin wouldn't know what they were up to? He stuck close to Jimin's back as they walked through the room toward the one person he didn't want to be in front of. He kept his eyes on the carpet.

"Hi Joonie!" Jimin said as he hugged his brother tightly. "I'm going to go read my book so you can hang out with your friends. We went to the park today, there were some kids there who tried to pick on me because of my makeup, but he stopped them. Isn't that nice?" Jimin said as he smiled sweetly up at Namjoon. Jimin had already clocked Taeyang standing near the door and trained his eyes on him as he hugged his brother. He flicked his eyes up, signaling upstairs when Taeyang met his gaze. Jimin kept his arms around his brother, making sure Namjoon didn't see the exchange.

"Sounds brilliant. Have a good night. Stay upstairs, some of my guests have business that they would rather not discuss around kids," he said hugging Jimin. He was unafraid of showing affection. He knew he had these people's fear and respect. Being affectionate with Jimin didn't change that and made it very clear he was under protection. He sent Jimin upstairs but grabbed Jungkook's shirt when he made to follow. "Jimin, Jungkook will be up in about twenty minutes. I have a few people for him to meet."

Jimin nodded and gave his brother one last hug. He grabbed himself a soda and some leftovers from the fridge as well as some chips before heading up to his bedroom. He took enough food for him to snack on whilst he watched a movie and read his book. As he went to leave the kitchen, he met Taeyang's eyes and he grinned. "Come meet me upstairs whilst Namjoon is busy," he whispered as he walked past Taeyang and towards the stairs.

Jungkook watched Jimin go upstairs and Taeyang's eyes follow him. He knew that look he'd seen in Namjoon's eyes right before he found another way to use Jungkook's sexuality against him. He didn't have time to think or worry because Namjoon pulled him around the room with a hard grip on his arm, more bruises. "This is our newest doggy. He's watching Jimin but maybe if he can get his habits under control he will be a full member someday." Many of the guests laughed. Jungkook realized as soon as he was done with his duties to Jimin he was going to be entertaining all night. This scared him. There were more people in this room than he could handle, no matter how much crystal he had in his system.

Upstairs, Jimin was sat cross-legged on his bed reading his book. He looked up when he heard the door open and grinned as he saw Taeyang walk in. "Thought you weren't coming," Jimin whispered as he placed his book near his pillows as he climbed up off the bed. He was in front of Taeyang within seconds and had his arms around him. He had been flirting with Taeyang for weeks, with a few kisses here and there. Jimin reached up and kissed Taeyang heavily for several long moments. He parted his lips when he felt Taeyang's tongue run across his lips. He grinned into the kiss as he trailed his hands over his body, finally resting on his crotch and Jimin began palming him until he could feel the hard bulge under his hand. Perfect. Jimin pulled away and took a step back from Taeyang and smirked at him. "Namjoon!" Jimin yelled at the top of his lungs, never taking his eyes off of Taeyang, he rumpled his perfectly styled hair and pushed up his shirt a little. He wanted to look like Taeyang had been intent on touching him. "Namjoon!" he screamed again.

Taeyang looked startled and a moment later the door burst open. Namjoon looked like a winded bull, he had obviously pulled Jungkook up with him. Jungkook rubbed his arm where it had been nearly dislocated. Namjoon looked between his little brother who was rumbled, his hair messy and makeup smeared, his small shirt pushed up revealing the dark ink on his side. He looked over to Taeyang who looked horny and ready to take advantage of Jimin. "And just what is going on here?" His voice was silky and smooth but his eyes were dangerous.

Jungkook glanced between the two and noticed the malice in Jimin's eyes. He knew what was going on here. Jimin was getting rid of someone he didn't like. He wondered if Jimin knew the punishment awaiting Taeyang. Jungkook did. He'd cleaned up the mess enough. He would likely be scrubbing Taeyang's blood off the concrete floor.

Jimin looked at his big brother with his big brown eyes, his bottom lip quivering. "I was reading and he came in and tried to make me touch his...his thing," Jimin said quietly as he wiped his eyes as they started to well up. "He was hard and he tried to make me touch it," Jimin said as he looked down and wiped his other eye, and began fiddling with his bracelet, looking as small and upset as he could.

Taeyang gaped like a fish out of the water as Namjoon's eyes flashed. "Hoseok escort him out," Namjoon said and the brunette did as he was told. He came over to his brother and wrapped him up. "You're ok Jimin. You did the right thing calling me. Don't worry you won't see him again. Do you want to beat him up before I give him his walking papers? Hoseok will hold his hands behind his back," Namjoon offered. Hoseok had been with him forever and was the one who he trusted with Jimin the most. He was the only one who would never go after his brother. He had taught Jimin self-defense after cronie number three. It was after that session that Jimin had come out to Namjoon. Apparently, Hoseok had made him feel funny. Being aware of his brother's crush meant he kept Hoseok from ever being alone with Jimin, he would hate to have to kill him.

Jimin sniffed and shook his head. "No, I just want to finish my book," Jimin whispered as he kept his arms wrapped tightly around his brother. Namjoon would always look after him. "I don't ever want to see him again Joonie, I was really scared," Jimin muttered as he wiped his eyes again and squeezed his brother before pulling back a little. "I just want to finish my book and go to bed," Jimin repeated as he looked up at his big brother. That's two checked off his list, he just needed to finish his book now and then he had done everything he needed to do that day.

"Don't worry Chim he won't be around anymore," he kissed Jimin's head and eased him back. "Go wash off your warpaint. Shouldn't sleep in your makeup. That girl, the brunette you liked, said it's bad for your skin," Namjoon said referencing an old girlfriend he had boned for a while. She was a bitch, he'd only kept her around cause Jimin liked her and she was wild in the sack. Once Jimin was in the bathroom he turned to Jungkook. "You've been granted a reprieve. Stay with him tonight. Grab a quick nap on the couch if you need. Anyone who comes through that door that isn't me or Hoseok kick their ass. Jimin is more important than you." Jungkook nodded that he understood as relief flooded his system.

Jimin came out of the bathroom a few moments later, his face washed and completely clear of makeup. Jimin gave his brother another quick hug and smiled. Namjoon would always look after him. "Thank you Joonie, I love you," Jimin said as he let go of his brother and made his way over to the bed and climbed under the blankets, picking his book back up. "I'll read then go to sleep," Jimin said with a small smile.

Namjoon nodded and headed off. Jungkook settled on the couch and waited until he was sure Namjoon was downstairs. "Really Jimin, his thing was hard? How long were you touching it before it got that way?" Jungkook asked with an eyebrow raised. Jimin looked up at him and Jungkook saw the satisfaction in his eyes.

Jimin opened the bag of chips he had brought upstairs and shoved a couple in his mouth as he tried not to laugh. "Yep, his thing was hard," Jimin said with a nod as he chewed and swallowed the chips before looking at Jungkook and shrugged. "Not long, thought it would take longer. Turns out he wanted me after all," Jimin said simply as he shoved some more chips in his mouth and picked up his book. "He's always been weird, never liked him," Jimin said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You are aware you just got him killed right? I'll be scrubbing his blood off the concrete floor in the shed tomorrow night," Jungkook said and shifted uncomfortably on the couch. He decided to do one more stupid thing tonight. He got up and came over to the bed. He took the vacate part, Jimin was tiny and the bed was huge. There was six inches of space between them and the soft mattress was heaven on his back.

Jimin looked at Jungkook and nodded. "Yep, he was an asshole anyway," Jimin said as he curled up against the pillows, book in hand. He lay on his side looking at Jungkook. Jungkook didn't seem as bad now they had come to an agreement. "I wanted to get rid of you too. I didn't like you. But I changed my mind, you can stay," Jimin said as he closed the chips and leaned over Jungkook to place them on the nightstand. "How's your stomach? Don't lie 'cause I'll just check," Jimin asked, eyeing Jungkook suspiciously.

"Actually feels fine," Jungkook said honestly swallowing a little as Jimin was so close. He was aware it was his own fault. He'd climbed into Jimin's bed. "So when you want to get your brother's cronies killed, do you kiss them?" Jungkook asked curiously. He was right Jimin used his sexuality and his innocence together to deadly effect.

Jimin lay back down properly, still facing Jungkook as he shrugged again. "Not always, some are easier than others. If I have to I will or I have other ways of making them do what I want," Jimin said. He wasn't quite sure why he was telling one of his brother's employees all of his secrets and how he got rid of his colleagues, but there was something about Jungkook he trusted. He wasn't sure if it was the vulnerable moment in the bathroom or the fact Jungkook actively helped him deal without ratting him out, but there was something that made Jimin trust him.

"Have you ever just kissed someone to kiss, because you enjoyed it or them as a person?" Jungkook asked curious as he propped himself up on one elbow to look at Jimin. Jimin didn't sound or look barely eighteen but Jungkook could tell his actions were that of a rebellious teenager. He didn't care about consequences as long as he got what he wanted. Jungkook understood it, he was the same way. He was living with the consequences.

Jimin shook his head. "I went on a date but he stood me up," he admitted. He had been hoping to have his first proper kiss on that date, it was part of the reason Jimin had been so devastated about being stood up and why he had been in tears when he had gotten home. He hadn't seen Felix since, so he assumed his brother had sorted it out for him. Namjoon would never let Jimin hurt. "Namjoon says I'm not allowed to date or have personal connections," Jimin explained as he looked back at Jungkook, their eyes meeting.

"I had to take care of Felix. I was ordered to kill him if I wanted. I didn't just beat him until he looked like a raw hamburger. Besides I'm guessing the reason Namjoon doesn't want you dating is because he wants you to take his place when you're older. You make him vulnerable, he doesn't want you to be vulnerable because you have a boyfriend or a kid," Jungkook said easily. He understood why Namjoon didn't want his baby brother to date. Without his permission, his hand reached forward and smoothed a chip crumb off of Jimin's cheek.

Jimin nodded as he looked at Jungkook, he could feel the other man's hand on his cheek but he didn't move or ask him to stop. His hand felt warm against Jimin's skin. "He does want me to take over one day, he promised he would show me his business when I'm twenty-one," Jimin said as he tore his eyes away from Jungkook's. He had to stop admitting things, Jungkook was way too good at getting Jimin to admit to things.

Jungkook swallowed and removed his hand. "I know, which means in three short years my debt belongs to you," Jungkook said and shifted off the bed. He went over to the desk and pulled out the bag. It was already low but it didn't matter. Hopefully, Namjoon would pay him tomorrow. He crushed the crystals and inhaled a line. Being with Jimin was dangerous. The crystal took the edge off the craving for him. He inhaled another line, that was better.

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