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Jungkook walked through the cold night pulling his ratty jacket closer. This never happened when he was flying. He hated when his supply ran out before his next meeting. It meant he had to do the meetup while coming down. It led to the meetups he would rather not think about. The ones that left him bruised and bloody for weeks.

Worse, he had lost his job. He had no way to physically pay his dealer. He knew what Namjoon would ask for. Namjoon was a man with very particular tastes and Jungkook still hadn't recovered from the last time. Didn't matter, Namjoon held his life in his hands. Jungkook needed it. He would do whatever he had to do to get more.

He shivered again and made his way through the doors into the dimly lit building. The house itself was nice, Namjoon obviously liked his comfort but where he did his business was always in the ramshackle building out back. Concrete floors that Jungkook had cleaned the blood off of more than once. He wasn't an official member of the gang. Instead, he was their dog and in return, they fed him drugs and didn't kill him. He was whatever they wanted. He'd dealt drugs, disposed of the bodies, cleaned the blood, and even beat up the people they needed beat up.

Occasionally, he had to pay for his habit with his body either to Namjoon or to randoms on the street. He'd only had to prostitute himself in public once, he'd hated it. It was worse prostituting himself for Namjoon which was happening more and more often.

He stepped past the men standing by the doors with another shiver and into the large room. "Ah, my favorite little drug slut. What do you want?" Namjoon asked, his voice cold. Jungkook had gotten over being called a drug slut a while ago. He was, why argue with the truth?

"I need more," Jungkook said pathetically. Namjoon exchanged looks with the brunette at his side.

"See, that would be fine if Hoseok here hadn't told me about you losing your job. All you had to do was dispense the drugs people asked for and keep your nose clean. Why did you get fired Jungkook?" Namjoon stood up and came over to where Jungkook was standing. Jungkook forced himself to keep to his feet. He had known he was going to be in trouble for that. The drive-thru was how he reached the higher-brow customers; single moms with their oxy habit or college kids needing Adderall to study all night. Without that check-out point, they were losing money. Namjoon loved money.

"My manager caught me selling 'happy meals,'" Jungkook said. That had been the code word, they were a Burger King. Namjoon considered this for a moment. Jungkook had a fist in his gut in the next second. He doubled over holding the aching place. It could have been worse, Namjoon had hit him in the face with his gun before.

"You are a constant disappointment. First, you were a cute college kid getting high cause mommy and daddy were all up in your shit. Then you weren't able to pay so I gave you a good opportunity to sell my product, occasionally whore yourself out and I would give you all you needed. All you had to do was bend over and shut up. Even that's lost its appeal no one likes a bitch that just lays there and takes it," Namjoon said and took the gun from Hoseok. He nodded to two other men and they came over and forced Jungkook's face down on the dusty floor, another blood stain to be cleaned off. He spun the silencer onto the gun.

"Sir, your brother is asking for you. Says his date stood him up," yet another man said as Namjoon pointed the gun at Jungkook's head. Namjoon cursed.

"Keep him there. Don't shoot him. I want the pleasure myself," he said and handed the gun back. Jungkook didn't fight against being held down. They were going to kill him that was fine, dying had to be easier. He heard Namjoon walk out, of course, it was going to take a while. Even death couldn't be quick.

Namjoon made his way up to the main house pausing briefly to wash his hands and slick back his hair. Jimin had never seen him as anything less than put together. He walked into Jimin's room to find him on the bed eating ice cream and yelling at some stupid rom-com on TV. "What's up Chim? They told me you got stood up."

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