Enough Games

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Jungkook stumbled home, his stomach ached. He could feel new bruises on top of old bruises. On his door was a pink slip. He was being evicted. He had a week to get his shit and get out. "Fucking fabulous," he muttered and stumbled into his apartment. He sat on the mattress and only dosed once. He slept a little that night but mostly just stared around his shitty apartment and wondered when life had gotten this hard. He trudged across town the next day to continue fighting with the brat. He had no idea how he was going to jog this morning. Every muscle and joint ached. He ran into Jimin stretching.

Jimin glanced at Jungkook and stopped stretching and shot Jungkook a bright smile. "Morning!" he grinned as he watched Jungkook walk into the kitchen. He was still mad at Jungkook, but Jungkook didn't have to know that. "I was thinking we could run this morning, but maybe on the flat part so you don't die like yesterday," Jimin said simply as he walked over to the fridge and pulled out two ice-cold bottles of water, and handed one to Jungkook. "Namjoon's out this morning, he had some business to do. So it's just you and me, all day," Jimin said, beaming at Jungkook and his eyes sparkling. Today was going to be fun.

Jungkook didn't respond, just took the bottle from Jimin. Being confronted with the cause of his pain and the loss of crystal, he was annoyed. He wasn't going to play Jimin's game today. He was going to do his job and look after him. He knew in Jimin's mind this was just a game but Jungkook's survival was now dependent on this kid's moods. Jimin could easily get him killed. He wasn't going to play into Jimin's hands again.

Jimin noticed the lack of response from Jungkook and shrugged it off. He headed out the back door knowing full well Jungkook would follow him. "Wait here," Jimin said as he suddenly stopped and held up his hand. "I need to get something," he said as he looked at Jungkook before turning around and heading straight toward the shed. "Stay there and don't follow," Jimin called out as he made his way over to the place his brother did his business.

Jungkook could easily stop him but didn't see the point. Every second Jimin was dicking around was longer that Jungkook wasn't running. He fidgeted with the water bottle and his own hair as he stood there. His stomach cramped occasionally. That might have to do with Jungkook coming out of his high and his body recognizing it had not been fed properly in living memory. He sighed as he stood in the middle of the pathway like a moron. Maybe letting Jimin go into the shed meant one of Namjoon's men would come and put a bullet between his eyes. He was no longer concerned. Dying was better than being cut off and homeless.

Jimin appeared and came out of the shed a few minutes later. He was shoving a little bag in his pocket and had a skateboard in the other hand. "I have to drop this off at my friend's house. He's borrowing it," Jimin said as he lifted the skateboard up to show Jungkook before dumping it at the back door and turning to look at Jungkook. "Just a quick run this morning. I need to go drop that off and then we are going shopping," Jimin instructed as he headed off back down the path before Jungkook could respond.

Jungkook followed not really interested. He was right, the aches and pains made running harder than yesterday but he kept going. He really couldn't afford to play into Jimin's hands anymore. If Jimin wanted to lie and get him in trouble that was fine. Jungkook wasn't going to pretend it was all hunky-dory the next day. If Jimin wanted a friend he was going to treat Jungkook like a friend. Until then Jungkook would be there, at least physically. So he kept his mouth shut as his legs screamed, his lungs screamed and his heart felt like it was going to beat right out of his chest. He developed a stitch in his side that made every breath in feel like fire.

Jimin jogged with ease, he kept a steady pace as he looped his way back home after twenty minutes. "Don't tell Namjoon I went in the shed to get the skateboard by the way," Jimin said as they were on the home stretch and they could see the back door with the skateboard propped up against it. Jungkook didn't need to know the skateboard was a ploy for him to be able to get something else. He just needed to make sure Jungkook didn't rat him out to his brother. "I just promised my friend he could borrow it for his vacation," Jimin said as he started to slow to a walk.

Jungkook wanted to inform Jimin that they weren't friends and if Namjoon asked, Jungkook wasn't going to lie. He stopped himself. He wasn't engaging verbally today. He just shot Jimin a withering look that said it for him as they stepped into the house. If Jimin wanted a confidant he should have thought of that last night. Jungkook was really done with all his games.

Jimin was slowly getting more irritated with Jungkook. It was one thing he hated more than things not going his way, was people ignoring him. "I'm getting changed. Two minutes then we are going," Jimin instructed as he stomped his way upstairs. He was hoping to have a better day today but apparently, Jungkook was playing awkward. That was okay, this time it wouldn't be Jimin's fault and maybe, just maybe, he could get rid of Jungkook without actually doing anything himself. Maybe this one would be easy. Jimin came back down ten minutes later, dressed in his usual skin-tight black pants, and his favorite red leather jacket. If Jungkook was ignoring Jimin, then Jimin would ignore Jungkook. He nodded towards the door and walked out.

Jungkook followed him out and climbed into the town car wincing slightly as he jostled his injuries in the car. His shirt felt damp. He carefully ran a hand over his abdomen. His hand came back slightly pink. He was bleeding slightly. Exercise with Jimin must have caused the skin to swell and split. He sighed, just another thing to add to his worry list. Death was beginning to look preferable to everything. He kept a hand over the sore spot ignoring the seatbelt as he tried to ease the pain.

Jimin stayed quiet in the car on the ride to his friend's house when he could have smacked himself. "I forgot the skateboard," he muttered as they pulled up outside the house. The skateboard had been a ploy but Jungkook didn't need to know that. "I'll erm, go tell him I forgot it and I'll bring it tomorrow," Jimin said quickly as he climbed out of the car. He didn't look back as he made his way up the path and knocked on the door. He waited for a minute before it opened and a guy appeared at the door. Jimin slid his hand into his pocket and pulled out the little bag and passed it to the guy, just as the guy slipped him some cash in his other hand. Jimin nodded and turned around before heading back to the car after shoving the cash in his pocket. "He wasn't in, I told his dad," Jimin quickly said as he climbed back in the car, hoping Jungkook didn't see anything and bought his story. "We can go shopping now."

Jungkook was too focused on not barfing to even care about the story bogus or otherwise. He was going to have to dose at the store, there was no help for it. If he was expected to remain upright he needed the assist. He didn't even bother making eye contact. He kept one hand on his stomach and the other was balled up into a fist holding tight to his pant leg. He bit the inside of his cheek hard to avoid groaning when they went over a series of bumps. Part of him wondered if Namjoon had ruptured his appendix. No, that had been removed when he was a kid.

Jimin glanced at Jungkook when they started to head into the city and frowned. As much as he hated Jungkook and had thought of several plans to get rid of him. This was not part of the plan. Jimin unbuckled his seat belt and shifted closer and without asking and without warning, yanked Jungkook's top up. "Asshole," Jimin muttered as he reached for his bag that he had dumped in the footwell and pulled out a small first aid box. He got the things he would need and pulled Jungkook's shirt up again, batting Jungkook's hand away from his stomach before getting to work. He always carried a first aid box on him since he had started his own little business. He had all the essentials - a fresh bandage, alcohol wipes, and butterfly strips to hold wounds together.

Jungkook struggled wordlessly with Jimin pulling down his shirt and pushing Jimin off. He did not need a nurse, he needed a fucking fix. He wasn't about to do drugs in front of Jimin. That would for sure end his life. "Stop it," he finally snapped when Jimin continued to try and tend to him. He wanted Jimin to stop touching and looking. He wanted Jimin to just stop. He didn't need someone to take care of him. He wasn't worth taking care of. Besides, no one should have to see the patchwork of bruises across Jungkook's stomach. He had earned all of them. Mouthing off to Namjoon never worked out well. He glared at Jimin as he held his shirt firmly in place hiding the purple skin.

Jimin huffed at Jungkook and glared at him for a moment. "Fine, bleed out, I don't care," Jimin mumbled as he continued to face Jungkook, the first aid box still in his lap. He hated when people were stubborn like this. Sure, Jimin was stubborn but he was allowed to be. He didn't like it when other people were. He knew how to crack people like Jungkook, he wasn't the first one of Namjoon's guys who had been tasked with looking after him. "Let me fix it and I'll let you have this," He said as he reached into his pocket on the inside of his leather jacket and pulled out a small bag and held it up. "Your choice."

Half of Jungkook was already reaching for the bag but the other half of his brain threw up massive red flags. He forced himself not to take the small bag of crystal as he basically shook trying to control himself. He hadn't said no to crystal, to people touching, or really anything in years. The sheer amount of willpower it took to keep his hand down was exhausting. "Why do you have clear rock candy in a bag?" Jungkook finally forced out. He had briefly considered something about not doing drugs but then how could he explain knowing what crystal meth looked like. He remembered the first time it had been handed to him. It looked like clear rock candy.

Jimin shoved the bag back into his inside pocket and sat back in his chair. "Reasons," Jimin said simply as he closed his first aid box. "So you would rather bleed, interesting," Jimin kept his eyes focused on packing away his supplies. If Jungkook wanted to play this game, so could Jimin. "I'll remind you when you're dying on a bench as we shop that I did offer you help and you turned it down," Jimin kept his tone neutral, a trick he had learned from his brother as he placed the first aid box back in his bag and sat back in his seat. Jimin wasn't hurting, Jimin wanted to shop. Jungkook was the one who had to follow and if he wanted to do that whilst bleeding and in pain, that was his problem. Jimin had offered.

Jungkook ignored him again. Jimin hadn't asked why Jungkook was injured, in fact, he seemed rather unaffected by the whole thing. He had crystal on his person and he had his brother wrapped around his fingers. He knew. That was the only explanation Jungkook could come up with. Jimin knew what his brother did for a living and used it to his own advantage. Already, barely eighteen, Jimin was nearly as dangerous as Namjoon. Jungkook made a mental note to watch what he said around the boy. They pulled into a spot and Jungkook followed Jimin out of the car into the large retail store.

Jimin immediately made a beeline for the makeup. He needed to stock up on brown eyeshadow and foundation. It was partly why he needed to stop that morning, he needed the cash for his shopping trip. Maybe if he could get rid of his other bag whilst he was here, he could grab some shoes too. Jimin made his way through the makeup, not caring if Jungkook was following. After buying his makeup, he made his way through the clothing section and decided to start his plan of getting rid of Jungkook. He walked past a stand and smirked. They had just walked past the women's section and Jimin immediately stopped. "Hey Jungkook, should I get these?" he asked as he held up a tiny pair of shorts, and grinned at Jungkook.

Jungkook glanced at the shorts and shrugged. He was craving a hit but was reluctant to leave Jimin alone so would wait for him to go to the bathroom. He had no real desire to spend the morning in a clothing store but his job was Jimin. Jimin wanted the clothing store. Jungkook was also regretting turning down that bag. If he could get Jimin dealing to him it would be a stream of crystal not controlled by Namjoon. He shut that thought down before it could get poisonous roots in his head. He was not about to go into debt to Jimin as well as Namjoon. That plan could so easily go sideways.

Jimin sighed as he looked at the man in front of him. He looked like death warmed up and looked like he was about to pass out any moment. Jimin rolled his eyes and dumped the shorts back on the rail. "Come on, we're going home," Jimin said as he grabbed Jungkook's hand and tugged him towards the exit. Today would be no fun if Jungkook was walking around like a zombie. Maybe if Jimin could convince Jungkook to let him be patched up, maybe the empty house could be a better plan after all.

Jungkook pulled his hand free but followed Jimin out of the store. He wasn't too keen on the car but knew it was the fastest way to get to a place where keeping an eye on Jimin was easier. He climbed in and winced as the slight bend caused his stomach to contract painfully. He was going to have to find a way to avoid gut shots. They didn't usually bleed but Jungkook didn't usually provoke Namjoon so frequently. He didn't usually exercise when they were all tight. Most of him blamed Jimin.

Jimin stayed quiet for the entire ride home. He wasn't going to try the same trick he had on the way to the shopping center, he would try something else at home. His plan could wait, he would need a healthier Jungkook for it to work anyway. As soon as they arrived back at the house, Jimin ordered Jungkook out of the car. "Lie on the sofa, I'm fixing your stomach, I don't care what you say," Jimin said matter-of-factly before heading into the kitchen to get the bigger first aid box that they kept above the fridge.

"No," Jungkook said, trying to sound defiant. It was hard with the room spinning. He was going to fix himself up just fine. He had some crystal in his pocket, he just needed a moment in the bathroom. A few lines of the crushed drug and he would be perfect. He gripped the edge of the couch as he headed for the bathroom. He blinked against the dizziness.

"No, sit," Jimin demanded as he walked back into the room and stood in front of Jungkook. One hand on his hip, the other hand clutching the first aid box. "Now," he instructed as he glared at Jungkook. There was no way he was letting Jungkook do anything without getting fixed up first. "Jungkook lay on the fucking couch and let me fix you," Jimin demanded when he saw that Jungkook was still not moving.

"Back the fuck off," Jungkook shot back. They glared at each other until Jungkook swayed alarmingly. He needed a fix. He was injured so he was slipping into shock and he'd been without a fix for several hours so he was also going into withdrawals. His body was not a happy place right now. He was soaked with sweat and he knew it wouldn't be long until the shirt was stained red. There was no help for him. He sat down feeling his legs go weak. He wasn't about to let Jimin tend to him. He wasn't worth it.

As soon as Jungkook sat down, Jimin walked over and pushed his shoulder so he fell backward on the couch, finally laying down. "Are you always this stubborn?" he asked as he sat on Jungkook's legs to keep him from moving. "Don't even think about complaining," Jimin muttered as he pushed Jungkook's shirt up again. It was even worse than before. If only Jungkook had let him fix it earlier, it would have been so much easier. Jimin placed the first aid box on the back of the couch and grabbed what he needed.

"Stop it," Jungkook tried to push the shirt down. This wasn't happening, not again. Why couldn't Namjoon just kill him? Why did he keep subjecting Jungkook to other people's hands on him? He didn't want to, the crystal wasn't worth it. The money wasn't worth it. He'd been torn apart all weekend by various guys he couldn't handle another. "No please," he muttered sweat causing some of his hair to stick to his face. Any moment now hands would be pulling off his pants positioning him how they wanted. "No..."

"Jungkook, let me help you," Jimin said a little softer as he gently moved Jungkook's hands away, he was a little concerned about how Jungkook was acting. But currently more concerned about the blood coming from his stomach. "I'm just going to put a fresh bandage on, that's all," Jimin explained as he reached for the current one that was stained red on Jungkook's stomach and carefully started removing it. He gasped when he saw the wound underneath. "Keep still," Jimin whispered as he picked up the alcohol wipes. This needed to be cleaned thoroughly before he redressed it, he kept his fingers gently and his touches light as he cleaned and redressed the wound.

Jungkook was beyond processing as the man sitting on his legs sliced him with a red hot knife. Maybe when he was done he would let Jungkook die. Maybe Jungkook would be too damaged to come back. It wouldn't bother him except for the hurting now. He could do without the pain. He knew what would help. He should have dosed before laying on the bed. The men who bought him were never particularly careful, it was easier to deal with if he was flying high. The pain was less. He could feel that blade sinking into this soft flesh again. How long could one have their guts carved out before they died?

Jimin finished cleaning the wound, it already looked better than it did ten minutes ago. He applied some antiseptic cream knowing that it would keep the wound clean and the coolness of the cream would help soothe the inflammation. He made sure to apply a clean bandage once he was finished and climbed off Jungkook. "That wasn't so bad was it?" Jimin said as he sat on the floor next to the couch and looked at Jungkook, still concerned about the other male.

Jungkook's body was recovering rapidly but he was still shaky. He didn't even bother to try and get up. He pulled out the bag from his pocket and sat up. He crushed a few of the shards and used the end of a straw he kept for this purpose to get the drug up his nose. "Oh don't look so shocked. You're not stupid or blond enough to pull it off," Jungkook shot at Jimin who was looking a little startled at Jungkook's blatant flaunting of his addiction. He was feeling better now. He couldn't believe his mind had taken him back to those horrible weekends. All the different people using him. He swallowed the bile as the tendrils crept through his brain. Simple sweet mercies, he thought leaning back.

Jimin crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow as he watched Jungkook relax on the couch. "Wow Jimin, Thanks Jimin. Oh, you're welcome Jungkook, not a fucking problem," Jimin scowled as he got up off the floor and snatched the first aid box, storming back into the kitchen. Just as he had started warming up to Jungkook, he had to be a jerk again. Jungkook definitely still had to go.

Jungkook stood up with a wince and tucked away his drugs. "I didn't ask for your help especially since it's your fault," Jungkook retorted angrily, adjusting the shirt over the white rectangle on his abdomen. He wasn't going to admit it felt better. He usually taped it up when he had a chance. Jimin cleaning it had helped. Maybe it would fucking heal now.

"How is your stomach bleeding even remotely my fault?" Jimin yelled as he spun on his heel to face Jungkook and stormed back into the living room. "I haven't even touched you, how could this possibly be anything to do with me? Did they hit your head too? Fucking idiot," Jimin glared. How dare Jungkook even think about blaming any of this on him? He had only known Jungkook for a couple of days.

"Present from Namjoon. Despite knowing you were lying your ass off, despite knowing the tears were fake I paid for them. He waited until you were upstairs and told me fake or not I would get worse the next time you were in tears. So please go tattle on me, maybe he'll finally put a bullet in my head and I can be done with this shit," Jungkook said as they stood on either side of the couch screaming at each other. This was not going to end well for Jungkook. He was so far over the line. The only reason he was still breathing was because his body hadn't caught on to the fact that he was dead.

Jimin's eyes went wide as he listened to Jungkook. "You would rather die than spend time with me? Am I really that bad?" Jimin asked quietly as his bottom lip started quivering. He looked at Jungkook with his big brown eyes and a sad expression on his face. "I know I'm a horrible person but I didn't think I was that bad," he continued, his voice staying quiet.

Jungkook was unimpressed. "You may be able to fool your big brother and his cronies with your innocent performance but I know better. You have a bag of crystal in your pocket. You're fucking dealing and you've been in that shed. You know what's going on so stop it, I'm not interested. You're not innocent and you know how to play innocent to your advantage. I know, I'm paying for it," Jungkook said completely annoyed. Jimin had everyone fooled, wrapped, or whipped, everyone except Jungkook. Jungkook had found him attractive but now he saw a spoiled brat who used his influence to hurt people. As of now, he may never raise a hand or hold a gun but he still had blood on his hands.

Jimin narrowed his eyes again, he had been busted. Time for trick number two. Jimin slowly walked closer to Jungkook and kept his eyes trained on him as he closed the distance. "In that case, maybe we can work out a deal," Jimin whispered as he reached out and stroked a hand down Jungkook's arm and traced a circle on the back of Jungkook's hand as he looked up at the older man. Surely, this had to work. It had on everyone else.

"No," Jungkook said clearly so Jimin could feel the word. He brushed his hands off. "I'm not going near any deal with you. I know a conniving asshole when I see one. You work out a deal with me now and go crying to Namjoon when you're done getting what you want. I'm not playing your games anymore Jimin. I am done, either you tell Namjoon what a horrible person I am or we continue to pretend that you don't know I'm a druggie and I don't know that you're dealing." Jungkook wasn't about to make a deal with Jimin. He knew what Jiminl had meant, what he had been hinting at. Saying no was difficult but messing around with Jimin had prison written all over it in big red and bloody letters. Namjoon had enough people on the inside to really make his life hell. He would take a bullet any day before that.

Jimin looked at Jungkook as he thought about his options before holding out his hand toward him. "Deal," He said simply. There was no way he was going to tell Namjoon about this. He couldn't let Namjoon find out he was stealing his stash and selling it to make his own money. He knew Namjoon suspected someone was stealing but he would never think it was sweet, innocent Jimin. The same innocent teenager who had no idea Jungkook was a drug addict and instead thought he did night security. "Today didn't happen. We stay as is," Jimin clarified as he continued to hold his hand out to Jungkook.

Jungkook just shot him a look and collapsed on the couch. He was too fucking tired for this crap. Jimin was worse than Namjoon. Namjoon was bad news up front. Jimin pretended he was sweet and innocent and was even more fucked than his brother. "Give me the crystal before he gets home and busts you," Jungkook said when Jimin sat next to him. He guessed Jimin never packed around his brother. One wrong move or hug and Namjoon would feel it. Jimin handed it over with a huff and Jungkook stuck it in his own pocket. It extended his life expectancy a bit. He hoped Namjoon would pay him tonight. He needed something to distract from the fact that he was getting evicted.

"Don't even think about using it. I need it back tomorrow," Jimin muttered as he sat back on the couch. He had another place he had to be tomorrow, his dealings were mainly at the weekend at the minute. He knew that's when Namjoon was out the most so he could get into the shed, he also didn't want to risk having anything on him whilst at school. Being busted for dealing crystal meth at school would be an absolute disaster. "I'll put a fresh bandage on in the morning," Jimin added quietly, sort of as a thank you for hiding the bag.

"I run dry and no promises. Your brother holds my fucking life in his hands and cuts me off because of your tantrum. You want your bit back you better be all goddamn smiles tonight," Jungkook warned. He was pretty sure he was going to use it tonight. It happened but if Jimin was willing to make deals with strung-out junkies he needed to get used to disappointment.

"I'll tell him you behaved, don't worry," Jimin said as he glared at the back of Jungkook's head. He hated making deals. He always liked to be the one in control. He had everyone doing what he wanted them to do without realizing it and he liked it that way. "You use it, I'll make sure he cuts you off for good," Jimin warned. He was not losing out on a sale if Jungkook used his stash. He couldn't risk stealing any more from his brother until next weekend. If he stole too much at once, Namjoon would get too suspicious and move it. Jimin would be fucked if Namjoon moved his stash.

Jungkook sighed and knew he wouldn't use it. A constant supply was too important and Jimin still had more power. They spent the rest of the afternoon not talking. Jimin turned on the TV but neither of them watched it. Namjoon finally returned and Jimin played his part perfectly and was sent off to bed. "Seems the crystal slut can do something right after all." Namjoon handed him the bag and Jungkook eagerly took it before remembering his delicate situation.

"I was wondering if I could cut the crystal payments in half and get actual cash. I wouldn't ask but rent is late and I'm getting evicted," Jungkook said. He couldn't afford shame. Shame was reserved for people who could afford their own homes. He swallowed when he saw the evil glint in Namjoon's eye.

"Oh doggy all you had to do was ask. We have some rooms here. Come along I'll show you to your new rent-free home," Namjoon said. Hoseok didn't give him the opportunity to protest. They dragged Jungkook out to the shed and shut him in one of the rooms. A bare stained mattress lay on the dusty ground. He heard the lock click.

"Shit," he cursed. He tried not to panic. It took five lines just to ease the edge off of panic. He soon realized being locked in was safe. It was when the door was unlocked that he knew pain. As he screamed and struggled Namjoon simply laughed.

"You belong to the gang now dog. We own you," he said darkly. Jungkook once again wished for death but he had to live through every agonizing moment. Every hit. Every cut and every last body tearing him apart. He was crippled by the time morning broke. "Get him cleaned up. Jimin can't see him like this and after that, he won't have the energy to go after my brother." Jungkook was harshly cleaned and forced into clean clothes. Hoseok dumped a few loads into his veins to pep him up and ease the pain. Probably to make sure he could walk.

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