Dinner and a Coup

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Jimin had his arms back around Jungkook's neck and had handfuls of black hair as he pressed against Jungkook's chest. He hungrily kissed Jungkook, his tongue licking its way inside Jungkook's mouth and exploring that delicious heat. Jimin whimpered again, this was more than he had ever done with anyone but he didn't want to stop kissing Jungkook. Jimin breathed heavily through his nose as he clawed at Jungkook's shirt on his shoulders and he made another soft and needy noise.

Jungkook responded to that sound and his hormones. He tumbled Jimin out of his lap and onto his back on the couch. He shed his shirt and covered Jimin's body with his own as he reclaimed his plump lips. The electric touch of bare flesh had him shivering against Jimin. His bandages also brushed between them. There was a little twinge of pain but a quick shift fixed that. Normally he would be insecure but his head was flooded with hormones. Years and years of instant gratification had him ignoring the part of his brain that reminded him he was disgusting. He followed the part of his brain reminding him of pleasure. It had the same edge as the crystal craving.

Jimin was breathing heavily as he grabbed Jungkook's neck, pulled him down, and kissed him heavily. He didn't want to stop kissing Jungkook, it was quickly becoming one of Jimin's favorite things to do. The kisses were hot, heavy, and needy. Jimin's mind was completely fogged over and he was completely lost in Jungkook's kisses. Jimin pulled Jungkook down as close as he physically could and wrapped himself around him, wanting to be surrounded by the older boy.

Jungkook was about to press his luck and see if he could work Jimin's pants off when the doorbell rang. He pulled away from Jimin regrettably unwinding himself from the teen. "Pick a movie you like I'll go get dinner," Jungkook dumped the remote in Jimin's lap and picked up his shirt pulling it back on. He felt very exposed in the light of the living room now. Hormones were a good thing until reality had butted back in. For the first time, something was stronger than his craving for drugs. The pull of Jimin and that smooth pale skin was stronger. He wanted to go back and strip him down and move together until they were satisfied and spent. His mind shied away from that image. Sex was dirty and it hurt, he didn't want to hurt Jimin or make him dirty. Worthlessness and shame reached up and wrapped their smothering arms around his head as he retrieved the food.

Jimin missed the warmth of Jungkook as soon as he shifted off of him. He pouted a little as Jungkook left the room to go and get the food but Jimin grabbed his shirt anyway from where it had been thrown to the floor. He pulled it on and settled back on the couch, picking up the remote control and flicking through the movies whilst Jungkook grabbed the food. He settled on a comedy and selected it, pausing the movie just as it started so Jungkook could see the start as well. He curled up in the corner of the couch as he waited for Jungkook and let his mind wander.

Jungkook came back with the bags of food, a few plates he'd retrieved from the kitchen, and the bottles of soda. Sugar did help. He was sure it wasn't good for him on top of the crystal but he didn't care. He set the haul on the table and gave Jimin a small smile. "You didn't have to wait for me," he said, gesturing to the frozen movie. He handed Jimin a bowl.

"Yes I did," Jimin said simply as he shifted forward and started removing the lids from the various dishes before scooping some of the noodles out and dumping them in his bowl. "If you miss the beginning, you won't know what's going on and I don't know if you have seen this movie before, so I didn't want you to get confused," Jimin explained simply. He always hated it when he missed the start of movies, he always felt like he missed a vital part of the story and never enjoyed them as much. He piled some of the spicy chicken on top of his noodles before settling back in his spot.

Jungkook decided it was prudent not to argue. He watched as Jimin loaded his bowl, wondering briefly where Jimin was going to put it all. Well, he was a teenager, and Jungkook remembered being constantly hungry as a teen. He scooped a small pile of rice and an even smaller pile of chicken into his bowl. He doubted he would even finish this amount of food. His stomach had long ago stopped accepting full meals. More than a few bites and he was nauseous. He settled back so his arms rested against Jimin. Being in contact with Jimin even innocently helped.

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