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    This book might contain themes and tropes that are similar to movies and books you might have watched or read before, like the TV series, 'The Originals' 'The Vampire Diaries' and 'Interview with the vampire.' And that is because it is greatly inspired by those iconic shows that I've come to love so deeply.

My love for vampires and vampirism in general began with Dracula, (I would spend hours holed up in my school library reading the only copy of Dracula they had, before I moved on to the movies) then got intensified when Twilight was released. More vampire shows and movies have since been made and I've fallen deeper in love with the supernatural genre over the years.

Naturally, it has made me want to write a vampire story for the longest time now, but I kept feeling apprehensive because I didn't want to accidentally indulge in plagiarism simply because of how much I've loved vampire shows and books over the years. I wanted to write something fresh and new. Something that spoke of my own personal views on the supernatural genre and was true to me. Hence, this book was created.

Though inspired by many great shows and my deep love for the supernatural world, it is my own fresh spin on Vampirism. My sole creative effort and a result of several months of plotting (which I'm still in the middle of btw).

So, please discard all previous knowledge and expectations you might have regarding Vampirism as you delve into this dangerous world of dark-academia, urban fantasy with me!

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