16: A Centurial Friend With Benefits.

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   Charlotte rounded on me as soon as I walked into my provided quarters in the East wing of the school dormitories.

"Where the bloody hell have you been?!" Her grey eyes flashed silver with anger, and I rolled my eyes as I walked away from the sitting room—if it could even be called that—towards the bedroom.

Charlotte followed behind me, seething.

"Class," I answered as I unbuttoned the ridiculous, crass-quality, middling, white uniform shirt I was forced to wear if I was to remain in the school.

"You know, those things where you sit at a ridiculously tiny desk, and listen to the asinine ramblings of a person who thinks they're superior to you in knowledge, when they're to all intents and purposes, illiterate?"

I undid my belt in one swift move, then pulled off the horrendous crimson pants I, again, had to wear for the cruel purpose of keeping up appearances.

"Except, well, the teacher only showed up for like two minutes,"

I looked up to find Charlotte's eyes raking shamelessly over my half-naked frame as I undressed—she clearly was no longer listening to a word I was saying—and I watched her anger steadily begin to dissipate, shoving itself back behind the walls of her grisly mind as her gaze stopped predictably below my navel.

A smirk found residence on my lips as I watched her grey eyes darken, and she leaned off the doorframe and slowly began walking over.

I sat on the bed, in nothing but black briefs, and waited for her to come to me as I knew she would.

"Char darling, did you need something from me?" I purred, eyes dancing with amusement as her murderous gaze met mine.

"Shut up." Her words always had the sharpness of a bite to them, and I loved how they dug into my skin so pleasantly.

She was standing in front of me now, our gazes both dancing with familiar anticipation as the heat in the room thickened.

I watched her begin to undress.

Her movements were so familiar, I couldn't help but reach forward at the same time she reached behind her back to unhook her bra.

My fingers grazed over hers as I reached for the fabric, and she cocked her head to the side, a dark smile on her lips.

In an instant, the bra fell to the ground and she was left in nothing but her very conveniently short, crimson uniform skirt, and white knee-high socks. Then she was suddenly straddling me, pushing me back into the bed and kissing me ferociously.

I smirked through the kiss, my fingers finding her exposed breasts as I fondled my favorite one.

"Char darling, you must tell me why you are here," I murmured against her bruising mouth, groaning as she sucked and bit until I tasted blood. "I'm sure you had a reason for waiting in my quarters. A reason that was different from...this."

I grinned as she growled and kissed me even harder.

"We'll address that later, Roman. Right now, I just want...you." She moaned against my mouth, without breaking the kiss. "So shut the bloody hell up and kiss me!"

Her hands roamed along the length of my neck, her sharp, talon-like fingers digging into my skin until she drew blood, then she removed her mouth from mine and sucked on the spots of blood quickly before they healed.

She returned to my mouth, her hips grinding deliciously against mine. I pushed her crimson skirt aside and let my fingers travel up her thighs and in-between her legs.

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