The Last Staw (part 2)

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My mom came into my room and woke me up but didn't say anything about my purple cheek. I went downstairs and waited for everyone to come down to go to church. My mom and Horace came down and my mom flipped out. "Tim what happened to your face?! Who hit you? Who did you fight?!?!" I was scared at this point and just went with Mark's story. "We played a little football last night and I got hit when Mark went to get the ball. He swung around and hit me. I didn't fight no body I promise." She was crying and got a wash cloth. "Mom it's fine. Mark brought me home and helped with my face. Stop please." "Tim remember our deal. If you get into trouble ya'll are moving with me down to Mississippi." I knew the deal and didn't like it being thrown in my face. "I know the deal."
We got to church and I saw Brandy. I couldn't stop looking at her but she was still angry. I saw it in her face. After the service I went to go get her in the parking lot while our parents were talking inside. "Brandy can we talk?" "I guess. What happened to your face?" I got kinda nervous and ran my hands through my hair. "I got into a fight with John last night because of you and everything and him and his friends just made me mad." "What happened when you got home? What did your mom say?" "I lied. I told her Mark hit me when we were playing football last night on accident. But this might've pushed my luck a little too far." She looked scared and nervous. I didn't know what to do. I wanted her to like me still, but I don't think she wants me in her life now. "Tim, can we hang out tonight? Gina told me about this place that she goes to, to look at the sky at night. I want to go, with you. Okay?" I didn't know where this was gonna end up but I liked it. "Yeah, the oak tree a couple miles past the sand lot where we used to play baseball. She loves that place. I'll come by tonight around 7?" "Deal. Just try not to get into any trouble by then, okay?" She smiled and walked away.
We went home and started up the barbecue and then my mom called me inside. "Your dad called. He talked with Horace and said that we should move to Mississippi because it might shape you up." "Mom! We aren't moving. Everything is going good now! You can't just take that from me!" She started tearing up. "Mom, please, one last try." "We've given you multiple last times Tim. We need to start packing. We're leaving this weekend."

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