I never wanted to be a half blood

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Italics are Na'vi - Bold is Greek - Normal is English

The next day Percy walks over to the Sully hut and sees Kiri all by herself and sits down and says, "Kiri may I talk with you?"

Kiri looks up and nods and says, "Percy, I mean sister, I would like to thank you for saving my life."

Percy smiles as she grabs Kiri's hand, "I know that this may seem terrible knowing that your whole life may seem like it is now turned upside down but I want to let you know that mother Eywa want me to teach you like I was taught both how to be a demigod and how to be a Metkayina warrior. Just like your big sister..." there is a moment of awkward silence before Percy teases, "that's me." That comment makes Percy chuckle.

Suddenly a conch horn is blown and someone exclaims, "The Tulkuns have returned! Our brothers and sisters are back!"

The two sisters smile and run out of the hut as Percy calls for Tyson. They ride in search for Percy's spirit sister.

Percy immediately finds for Tulkun Nat'l, her spirit sister she talks her tells, 'sister, I see you. I am glad you made it back I found a boy and my sister. my mate and I are going to mate in a few months.'

'that is great can I meet him.'

Percy excitedly swims up to Neteyam and Star and pulls him off of his Ilu down to Nat'l Percy and says to him, "Ma Neteyam. This is my spirit sister Nat'l."

Neteyam nods and pets Nat'l. Percy and Nat'l then start to do back flips in the water and joke around like old friends. Neteyam and Percy watch the babies and toddlers learn how to swim underwater. The smile and hug as Percy says, "That will be us one day."

Meanwhile Lo'ak leaves and finds Payakan and bonds with the outcast Tulkun. When he gets back Ronal and Tonowari find out and drag Lo'ak the rest of both families. Percy who knows how crazy and terrible this situation is scolds Tsireya, "You allowed him to bond with the outcast."

Tsireya is on the verge of tears as Tonowari turns around and says, "Tsireya, you disappoint me, daughter."

He then turns to Lo'ak and scolds him, "And you are the son of a great warrior. You are better raised than that."

Lo'ak pleads, "Payakan saved my life. They don't know him."

Tonowari sits and tells the other, "Sit. Sit. Sit down!" he expels air of frustration, "Hear my words, boy. In the time of the first songs, the tulkuns fought among themselves to gain territory and to get revenge. But they realized that killing, justified or not, just leads to more killing. Therefore, it was forbidden to kill. It is the way of life of the tulkuns."

Percy looks at him interrupting her father, "Payakan is a killer and therefore he is an outcast."

Lo'ak just stands up and states, "Sorry, but you are wrong." Neytiri and Jake run in as Neytiri yells at Lo'ak, "Lo'ak, you are speaking to the Olo'eyktan." Lo'ak rushes out of the hut.

The following day is a rainy day Percy's favorite, but today Percy wakes up a from a nightmare. This dream really shook her she has not had a nightmare in six years, back before she lived on Pandora

. She decides to tell her parents. "Mom, dad!"

Percy calls as she rocks herself back and forth like five year old. Tonowari and Ronal both run in to see Percy on the floor hugging herself and rocking back and forth. They have never seen her like this before, so scared, vulnerable.

"Percy, child, what is wrong." Tonowari says kneeling in front of Percy as she looks up at them and breathes saying, "I had a nightmare. This avatar named Quaritch and a boat full of humans are searching for the Sully's and killing Tulkun to just extract something from the inside. I don't think this is real but it might happen in the future. But it felt so real." Ronal hugs Percy and calms her down.

The trio leave to to their duties. Later Percy's parents, Neteyam and herself all begin their training to become the next Tsahik and Olo'eyktan. Percy and Ronal collapse in pain both of their mates rush to them, "What is wrong?"

Percy answers in pain, "Our spirit sisters, they are both in trouble."

Jake, Neytiri, Ronal, Tonowari, Percy, and Neteyam all ride on their Ilu's. When they reach the sight of the attack Percy and Ronal rush to their Tulkun they both have buoys along their fins to keep the dead Tulkun afloat. Percy and Ronal's cries of anguish fill the air. Tonowari states, "Their names were Nat'l and Ro'a."

Ronal cries out, "She was my soul sister. She composed songs. She was highly regarded. We sang together. She waited many breeding cycles to have a calf. The clan cheered for her."

Percy looks into the lifeless eyes of Nat'l and howls, "What's going on, Papa? What is going on?" The other Na'vi just sit in silence and watch the matriarch and the warrior grief.

Ronal, Percy, and Tonowari stand on the suspended floor in front of the clan, Tonowari gives a speech, "Our spirit sisters and her child have been murder by the sky people. The war has come to us. We knew that our tulkun family was being hunted, but it happened far from here. Percy..." Percy steps forward, "you will lead the hunting party along with Akande."

They both raise their weapons and sport their tattoos and hold their tongues out. Jake tries to speak out, "You have to understand how the sky people think. They don't care about the balance of life. They can run us!"

Neteyam pleads for the other Na'vi to listen, "No listen to him."

Jake continues, "This is just the beginning. Tell the Tulkuns to flee. Say they must flee far away."

Ronal steps up and yells, "Escape? You have lived among us, but you have learned nothing."

Akande hypes up the crowd yelling, "We will fight for our brothers and sisters!"

Jake again plead saying, "No no no. If you attack them, they will wipe you out. They will wipe out everything you hold dear."

Ronal rubs her bulging stomach with her unborn child, Jake continues, "Hear my words! Hear my words! Keep calm!"

Lo'ak and Neteyam tell the Na'vi, "Now listen to my father. He speaks the truth."

Jake grabs the harpoon that Lo'ak is holding and jumps onto the raised mat and hold the object in the air saying, "Tell the tulkuns, that if they are hit by this harpoon, they are designated to die. Summon me and I'll silence it. Saving their lives is the only thing that matters, right? To save your family."

Tonowari sighs nodding tells Percy, "Tell the Tulkun all of them at once. Off, off. We must take up the fight." Percy nods and begins to tell the Tulkun telepathically.

Neteyam, Tsireya, Aonung, Roxto, Kiri, and Tuk all leave to follow Lo'ak, who left to warn Payakan. But while the warn him they get attack and captured by Quaritch. The Metkayina clan all ride into the scene on their Tsurak as they land they hear Quaritch call for two names, "Give me Jake Sully and Persephone Jackson or your kids die!"

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