Welcoming the Sully's

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Italics are Na'vi - Bold is Greek - Normal is English

3rd POV

The horn sounded as the Sully's lands their Ikran on the beach as the villagers gather around wondering about the arrivals. Neytiri placed the youngest 9-year-old Tuk down on the ground as she grabs her bow. Their sons Neteyam 21, and Lo'ak 16, and their adoptive daughter Kiri 14. "Leave it," Jake tells Neytiri who annoyingly left it on her Ikran "Follow me."

Neytiri calls for her youngest daughter, "Tuk." she goes to her mother's side and holds her hand. The villagers gather around holding spears. Jake raised his hands as a show of them coming in peace, and whispers to his family, "be nice." as Kiri wraps her cloth around her more protectively.

Aonung and Rotxo are the first to come to the beach and see the Sully's. Both Neteyam and Lo'ak greet them but they did not greet them back as they looked at them funny. "Easy just be cool" their dad whispered.

"What is it? Should it be a tail?" Aonung and Rotxo whispered to each other laughing seeing the forest Na'vi tail.

But at the same time, Lo'ak saw Tsireya getting off her Ilu and heading to them he looked away as Neteyam looked at him, "It is too small to swim with."

The boys laugh but Tsireya stopped them, "Do not Rotxo, Aonung or sister will have your heads." she scolds as she looks towards Neteyam "Hey," Lo'ak said which make Tsireya smile as she looked away blushing.

"Aie aie aie!" They heard a cheer and everyone looks to and some of the villagers cheers as well. The Sully's looked and their expressions show their shocked faces as Percy Jackson rides on a small wave she made while on top of her Tsurak, Aqua O'Leary as Tonowari and his men followed her jumping on the other side of the beach and landing in the water.

Neteyam looked at her and her beauty. The only humans he met were the older scientists and Spider. She looked his age and the thing that shocked him the most was that she was a hybrid. The clan is behaving she is one of them even saw the clan tattoos on her body while she had her sword in her sheath on her back. But as he looks at her as a whole she looks like a war hardened soldier.

Percy looked at the Sully's as she walks alongside Tonowari as she went to get him to meet the guests. She smiled at them and even little Tuk who looked at Percy rather curiously, she almost caught Neteyam staring at her who looked away quickly. Aonung clenched his fist as he went to stand immediately next to Percy and his sister followed as Percy greeted them all using the hand gesture. Jake snapped out of his shock as the Tonowari came to him.

He stole a quick glance at Percy as he greets " I see you, (Oel ngati kameie) and you" he said greeting them with a hand gesture which Tonowari responded with the same gesture.

"Jake Sully," Tonowari said as he also greets Neytiri. Ronal comes to her mate's side as she is a few months pregnant with their child. Percy smiled as that was one exciting day for her family to learn they going to have a younger sibling.

Ronal smiled at Percy gently before looking at the Sully's emotionlessly "I see you, Ronal, the Tshaik of the Metkayina." Jake said as Neytiri greets Ronal as well "I see you, Ronal." she says.

"Why do you come to us, Jake Sully?" Tonowari asked him.

"We are looking for a Uturu," Jake said.

"Uturu?" Ronal said before she walks around them.

"Sanctuary for my family," Jake said

"We are reef people. You are forest people. Your skills cannot be used here." Tonowari said to which Jake responded "We will learn your ways, alright?" he turns to his mate who says "yes"

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