Learning the Way of Water

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SPLASH!' Percy sees Aonung and his sister Tsireya and his friend Rotxo swimming in the water. She was going to learn to explore the ocean of Pandora. Not that she needed to learn to swim but she accepted the lesson cause she want to learn. "Come on sister...the water is great,"
Tsireya said to her as she smiled, "OK, I will!"

She jumps and does a perfect dive and bolts it towards the reef making Tsireya laugh and Aonung groan as they all go in the water and swim after her. Percy looked around in joy and amazement as she swims around the reef. Each of the animals is totally different yet familiar to her home and even some looked like dinosaurs she read from books.
She giggles and swims before stopping and turning as the Na'vi swims to her, 'looks like she loves the ocean here. Her eyes shine like a child taking her first step'
Tsireya moves her hands in the Na'vi sign language which Percy understood. Looks like Eywa helped with that as well 'well too bad she can't understand us when we sign....like a little baby'

Her brother said smugly as his friend laugh. Percy just smiles before speaking underwater, "Baby, aww am I really that adorable looking that I am called a baby Mr. Aonung?" Percy said easily speaking underwater surprising them, "I can understand your sign language easily," she said before swimming to them and looking at him straight in the face, "but it's really cool when you can talk underwater with ease. Come on Tsireya I want to see your favorite parts of the reef" 

Tsireya smiled and nods leaning Percy to her favorite spots and leaving the shocked boys behind. Rotxo breaks out of his shock and signs to his friend 'Bro, she got you there, that was cool.' he signs before getting smacked on the back of his head by an angry Aonung. "So is this how you all travel in the ocean?"

Percy said as she continuously pets the Ilus that kept coming to her and licking her face. Tsireya holds the Ilu down and says, "Today they were going to show her how to ride the Ilus across the water."

This one reminds Percy of the time she rode the hippocampi across the sea of monsters with Tyson and....him. She smiled as she remembers her sweet baby brother. He must be still working for their dad in the underwater forge. "yes, the younger kids like us to ride the Ilu but the adults after the age of 21 rides the Tsurak,"

Tsireya said pointing at the group of Na'vi on Tsuraks heading out of the reefs, "They look like flying fish back on my home...but bigger," she said "Whatever you say fishbrain...no that is disrespect," Percy said as Aonung smirked "....to the fish"

Rotxo snorted making his friend glare at him. Suddenly a blue Ilu bumps his snout on Percy's back as she turns to him, "Why hello there little fella." she smiles petting his snout. 

The Ilu purrs and nuzzle against Percy cheek, "He likes you" Tsireya said

"He is over-loving, reminds me of my brother, I think I will name you Tyson." Percy said. The Ilu chirps in joy with the name as Percy giggles, "Tyson it is." she said hopping on his back.

Tsireya then swims over to her, sister, Percy and instructs, "So you just need to hold on and attach. Feel Tyson breathe, feel his heart beat."

Percy nods attaching her queue, before cheering in joy as Tyson zooms off into the water and she explore the reef at speeds faster than any Ilu has ever gone, "Looks like she is a natural...look at her go!" another of their Na'vi friend said as they watch Percy and Tyson jumping into the air she cheers in joy. 

"Huh I can do way better than her," Aonung said arrogantly.

"Are you jealous of her brother?" Tsireya said joking.

"Percy," Ronal calls from the beach, "it's time for your lessons!!"

Percy yells and rides Tyson to Ronal, "Coming mother." 

5 Years later
"Last one home is a rotten egg," A now 20-year-old Aonung yells as they were sitting on their Ilus as he had just finished visiting the spirit tree, "I will beat you this time sister" he said to a now 21 year old Percy.

She looked at him as she pets her Tsurak, Aqua O'Leary (last name after Mrs. O'Leary). Percy looked at him smirking, "I will give you all a head start fish boy!!" she comments with her famous smile. She clicks her tongue

"Yet, she will beat us all." Tsireya now 18 years old smiled knowing no one can beat Percy when water-riding. Percy quickly become one of the clan. Being once a leader of two camps, she joins the clan meeting sitting as one of Tonowari's many advisers. Percy keeps the secret of being the daughter of the Metkayina leaders. Ronal has taught her the tradition of acupuncture medical techniques with Percy also helping her with her patients as she used the water to heal the villagers.
 She gets along well with Tsireya being her sister and all. She and Aonung have a good relationship because ever since Percy beat him in a five to one he has her respect; and ever since Percy was adopted by Ronal and Tonowari he happily let her take the place as the older child, that meant that he could have more free time.

Percy now is the next in line to be the Tshaik. She is still looking for a future mate, they all ask to be hers but they are all skxawngs just trying to get her attention, with no heart. 

Wherever she went to the spirit tree, she speaks with Eywa just chatting about her day and sometimes with Chaos and Hades' help, she was able to communicate with her demigod family, her mom, and Paul. The first time she saw them again, they all broke down crying and hug each other. Andrew had already gone through rebirth after Percy forgave him.

Percy enjoys it when she speaks to them as they bring back special memories in her heart, she even got to see her dad Poseidon again who never let go of the hug in the spirit world. He was forever grateful to chaos and Eywa to give Percy a chance at a peaceful life.

Percy was informed that the Sully's will be coming today but the battle will not be revealed on how it goes as telling too much of the future could cause changes that could be even worse. As much as she hates it, she understands. "It's alright sister," Percy said "I give you all a 30 seconds head start." Aonung rolled his eyes and smirked at his sister, he and his friends then took off. Percy sighed and put her spear and sword away in her pouch as she held on to Aqua O'Leary's handle. "You ready Aqua?" She asks, 'Born ready boss' he answers getting ready as soon as thirty seconds were up they speed off catching up with the rest of the group.

Percy smiles and waved as she goes past them and smiles and she does a few tricks and reached the reefs first laughing. "I win again for the 300th time in a row, fish head," she taunts mid-laugh.

"You cheated," Aonung complains pissed that he lost.

"Dude that excuse is getting old," Rotxo said as he high fives Percy.

"When you know and feel how well the current of the water moves you know which way to move to go to a place faster," Percy says laughing.
"Maybe next time we should make you not use our powers." Aonung says trying to sway the fight towards him.
"I didn't use fish head I felt the current of the ocean" Percy finishes as Roxto smacks his forehead and "here we go again," 
Then suddenly they all see five Ikran flying to the village, this made the group curious as to what is happening "Looks like we have guests...from the looks of it forest Na'vi. Come on...father will want us to be there. I will go and catch up with father." Percy and the rest of the group dive down to head back to their hom

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