The Sacrifice/ Eywa

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Shout out to my writer friend that gave me the idea to right this book fantasydreamreader check out their book


"Percy! What are you doing!" Leo holds Percy's hand as she held the physician's cure.

"There is no way I am letting you die Leo... the prophecy clearly states that either storm or fire, the world must fall. My father is the god storms, I will... I need to make the sacrifice."

Percy says as she hands the cure to Leo, her brother in everything but blood. Leo begs, "But Perce, you can't..."

He is stopped short by Percy yelling, "Leo!..." Percy grabs Leo's shoulder looking at him, like an older sister would do to their younger sibling, before continuing, "I overheard the plan you made with Hazel and Frank. You need to let me go, I have lost everything. My mom and Paul and Andrew."

Perce remembers when her father, Poseidon, told her the news of her mother and step father at Camp Half-Blood. She broke down and wept in his arms. She wanted to have a proper burial but was taken by Hera to Camp Jupiter, fell in Tartarus and now she was willing to fight Geae and die.

She found out a couple days ago that Andrew cheated on her, to be honest she didn't care, after the fact that she kick his ass. Will wasn't even willing (see what I did there) to heal him. After that she told Will, Nico, Hazel, Jason, Thalia, and Jason her plan. Neither approved but saw her point.

Percy continues again, "I am very tired, I have cheated death so many times I have lost count. I want to go to finally go to Elysium and rest."

She hands Leo a seashell key and the cure, and finishes, "In my cabin, in the top drawer there's a box with letters to everyone, even Chase. Fatal flaws is not to holding grudges but loyalty... I still owe him for all the time he saved my life."

Percy sighs, "Give the letters to those at the funeral. Oh and Leo find Calypso and don't you dare use the cure for me."

Persephone Amphitrite Jackson leaps into battle and kills her Primordial Grandma.

(I know that it is 15 yrs later, but I am going to make is 17. The Sully's are going to seek uturu with the Metkayina tribe)

Percy opens her eyes and sees that she is floating in a white space with her head in the lap on a strange creature.

The women's braids reach past her waist decorated with beads and charms.

her face looked human but her nose was flat and she had blue skin and cat like ears. She also had four fingers and a tail. Percy freaked out immediately moves backwards, "What the...who the h..."

The strange women looks up at Percy and speaks softly, "Peace child, do not be afraid."

Percy looks at her self and sees that she taller like two and a half to three feet taller, "Who, what are you? Am I dead? I am pretty sure I died."

The woman look calmly at her and spoke, "Calm little were dead but Chaos brought your soul here before Zeus could take you and make you a goddess. He brought you here and begged me to take you in. You are now 150 years in the future. I need your help though, humanity has come to take a metal called unobtanium and have been killing the inhabitants the Navi."

Percy looks at her with curiosity and confusion, "Pandora, unobtanium?"

The woman nods. "So the Na'vi that is what you are called."

Percy began to cry thinking about the seven and her cousin. The Na'vi woman holds Percy and wipes her tears saying, "Your friends are now all in Elysium and your sacrifice gave them and the future demigods more peaceful life."

Percy asks, "So what will happen to me now?"

The Na'vi woman answers, "Well there was an invasion from Earth people as they steal from my Pandora but a man, ex-marine, named Jake who was in the Avatar program help the inhabitants and even became one fully. He has given peace to my planet so far. But the humans, sky people, came back a couple years ago. In five years time, Jake and his family will want to seek refuge with the Metkayina tribe, one of the tribes of the water clan.

They will know that you are a child blessed of the ocean and are a human Na'vi hybrid. you are as tall as a 16 years old Na'vi child and you also have a queue. That helps you connect with the creatures of Pandora."

The woman then kissed Percy's forehead and finishes, "Now you can speak and understand our language and culture. I have removed your nightmares. Your powers remain along with your sword Riptide. It is time for you to go my child."

Percy starts to feel herself fly into the air as she held on the Na'vi's hand, she quickly asks the Na'vi woman's name, "Wait what is your name? Will I get to see you again?"

"Yes, you will see me again. at the spirit tree. And my name is... Eywa."

The now goddess named Eywa gently lets go of Percy as she slowly fades to black.

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