Chapter 37: Return of Something Evil

Start from the beginning

"It's so calm and green. It's like no one can ever find us here." Lavender said, snuggling closer to Tristen. "It is. No one can find their way out once they've entered this forest. But you're lucky that you have me." He said with a grin plastered on his face.

"You're so full of yourself." She smiled, to which he shrugged.

"So Tristen, say, are you going to leave me in this forest and run away like they show in the movies?" She smirked. "How do you even get these thoughts, hm? You're at quite some liberty because of our baby. After it's out, me and you need to have a serious alone session." He smirked back, squeezing her fingers in his palm.

"Oh, stop it." Lavender blushed, looking at her tummy as they walked deeper in the forest. "Do you think I'm showing, Tristen?" She asked, putting her hand over her stomach. "Let me look, I haven't seen quite a difference." He said, running his palm over her tummy. "A tad bit. I'll need to be careful now. Did it pain when I fucked you last night?" He asked, pulling her in his embrace. "Please, language Tristen." She scolded him with her cheeks flushed red. "Oh, you like it. I know it." He smirked.

"No, it did not pain when we did it last night." She rolled her eyes. "You're going to have a lot of back pain in the coming few months. I'll be at your service, always." He smiled, pecking her head. "I'm so scared, Tristen. Honestly thinking about it now, I realized that I was not ready to carry a child. Let alone the thought of delivering it." She hid her face in his chest, holding him tight.

"You didn't want the baby?" He asked. His tone indicated that he would support her every decision. "That's not it. But I didn't think it'd be all this soon. I mean, a week ago we'd been planning a trip to Rome. And look at now, we're taking cover from the cops, and probably Juggy's men." She sighed. "I'm so scared, Tristen. I'm not even ready to face the day I'd deliver our child. I can only imagine it tearing my skin apart to get out of me." She felt a small shiver down her spine. Her eyes started tearing up and she knew she'd cry if she spoke any further.

"Lavender, you are the girl who mocked death in it's face and returned alive. You helped 20 girls escape from somewhere they had no chance. And I know, this is going to be a no deal for you." He held her by the shoulders, making her look into his eyes. "The pain you've faced till now is much greater than what you'd feel when you'll give birth to my heir." He smirked.

"Tristen I swear to God..." She smiled through her tears, softly tapping his chest. "You're already doing great. I trust you, and you should too. But still, if you think it's happening all too quick, we can abort it. It's still not too late." He said, waiting patiently for her decision.

Lavender thought about it for a while, playing with the buttons of his black shirt. She sighed heavily and hugged him again, shutting her eyes. "It's alright. Don't take it to your heart, we'll figure it out. I understand it's not an easy decision to make." He held her tight. "Oh, Tristen..." She whimpered, thinking it over and over again.

Tristen looked around themselves and found the forest growing darker. No chirping birds, nor any butterflies. We'd better leave before the sunsets, he thought to himself.

"Baby, let's go ba-"

"Tristen. I've made up my mind." Lavender interrupted. Despite that, listened to her patiently. "I want to keep it. I want to keep our child." She smiled, courageously. "Are you sure? We can wait for the right time, if you want." He offered yet again.

"No, I'm sure." She smiled, as he caressed her cheek. "That's my girl." He kissed her head. As she ran her hands down his back, she felt a solid object tucked under his shirt and pants. "What's this?" She asked, touching it. "Ah, right. It's about time you learned it." He smiled, pulling out his newly customised designer gun.

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