The service was two hours long due the amount of individuals who turned up, those from the past, military, family, friends and those who had been impacted by both Jesse and Kix. No one cared that the two had died due to ‘suicide’ instead it was that the two deserved peace and were no longer in pain. Crosshair was asked to do a reading by his siblings, which he did, he managed to keep an impassive look as he read the words of the poem their parents always read them. 

“A butterfly lights beside us like a sunbeam and for a brief moment it’s glory and beauty belong to our world. But then it flies again. And though we wish it could have stayed. We feel lucky to have seen it. We are so happy that you chose to open your hearts to us even those who didn’t deserve it and yet you opened your arms only to pull us close into the warmth of your heart. You shared your love without expectations and cared for those who did you wrong and yet here you are finally at peace through a happiness created on kindness. We will miss both Aiden and Matthias but to us all you will always be known to us as Jesse and Kix, two souls bonded by one thing, the love for others. A soulmate is hard to find and yet the butterfly only landed once and there it found it’s connection, one between two hearts. It’s an honour to be part of your lives never mind as your children, but we will continue to live with our hearts open and share kindness no matter where we go. So I ask everyone to think about these words and share the love you have to everyone to show that you are kind hearted and open like a butterfly” 

Crosshair smirked winking at Dusty who held Duster, Thorn and Rose close to them, they knew the first few lines were of the poem from their childhood but Crosshair had adapted it a little, to show that Jesse and Kix would not be forgotten about. Together the children of the two watched as the one coffin holding their parents was lowered into the ground by four strong individuals. Rose had her arms wrapped around Thorn who held her close while Tech stood closer to Dusty while Crosshair had Duster tucked under his chin as they listened to the messages around them all. Looking down into the grave, Crosshair removed something he wouldn’t dare do anywhere else. He removed a badge, one that Kix had given him back when he was set up. It was a flower wrapped up in beads, he ignored everyone’s stares as he wrapped a few flowers around it and dropped it in the grave. Carefully he extracted himself from Duster and moved backwards, his head was spinning as he took a few steps backwards. Omega smiled at him, dropping some petals into the grave which many of the others copied. Pain continued to spread through Crosshairs chest but he ignored it as he followed Hunter and Fives back to the car but with Omega clinging to his hand, she was definitely antsy which he didn't mind as her presence kept him grounded.

“Tris, we are going back to Wolffe’s, are you getting in the car?” Fives asked, kissing his hairline. Crosshair looked back at the car where everyone was lingering. He felt claustrophobic and only one individual picked up on it. 

“Papa, we are going to go for a walk. We shall meet you there” Omega piped up, Crosshair could hardly smile which Fives took notice of, Crosshair was halfway into a panic attack. 

“No problem, flower. Call me if you need me. I will tell the others. Love you both” Fives spoke with nothing but happiness as he took a trembling hand of his husband, “I’m here Tris, just call” Fives whispered kissing his lips and pecking Omega’s cheek before gesturing they took the scenery root through the trees. Omega nodded in thanks, taking the offered money from Fives who grinned at her before he made his way back over to the cars where he had to explain to a worried Hunter where his eldest child and younger lover had vanished. That didn’t entirely go well but at least Fives bought them time. 

Walking through nature always put a smile on Omega’s face as she took in the beauty of mother nature including the trees, leaves and just the natural sounds which she admired. Although fifteen she continued to hold her mothers hand as he led the way through the graveyard, down the trail and all the way to the gardens of peace. Well that’s what Fives called them, Echo called it something worse that she wouldn’t be repeating not at this time. Immediately she found one of the trees that Crosshair took her on when he could, without hesitation Crosshair sat against the tree allowing Omega to sit in his lap leaving the two to watch the ducks in front of them in the pond swimming about. 

The Bad Batch: A Heart-breaking Secret - Modern AU(Hunter x Crosshair) Complete!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ